So I'm officially making a commitment to update faster. Example. After I hit "update chapter", Ima go work on Cut Love! Aha. But anyways, this chapter holds one of the couple's meetings.

I made it specifically for some of my friends, *cough* Eve, Dani, Sophia *cough* better enjoy it. T.T

And a shout out for my amazing beta-reader, 'kissedbynight'.


I do not own Night World...but in my dreams I do. ;) Beat THAT, LJ SMITH!

Mary-Lynnette Carter stood in front of the long, oval shaped mirror, inspecting her reflection. Her thoughts weren't too animated as she admired herself; she decided she looked good enough. But being that this was The Titanic, she wanted to look her absolute best. To impress the royals, and their rich friends. And maybe even to attract a man or so.

The soft cotton masked with a light crème colour flowed nicely down to her feet, a black ribbon strewn against the material making patterns on the bottom and top. Underneath, her corset fit nicely, not too tightly unlike others. She rolled up her puffed up sleeves a bit, so her wrists were allowed to bear nothing. Her brown hair was tied in a neat bun; redone so that the only hair that was loose was lightly curled strands setting calmly against her dark skin. With blue eyes that seemed to tie the whole attire together, Mary-Lynnette gave one last little smile to herself before being dragged from the view of the mirror.

Startled, she recognized her friend Maggie doing the same. She rolled her eyes, but continued to grin as she walked over to where Gillian was sitting, and plopped down onto the somewhat soft bed.

"So…what are we going to do?" Mary asked, looking at each of her friends. After arriving, they finally found their bedrooms, which was luckily better than they had expected. Though it wasn't fancy; plain colours for the interior, a small radio placed on one nightstand, two small dressers, and one twin sized bed; it was good enough. They had quickly decided that two, (they each had a small figure) would sleep on the bed, the others on the floor with some sheets. Then they'd rotate their positions the next night.

Though it wasn't "lady like", they really didn't care. It was only for seven days anyway. Then they'd be released into the wonders of New York City.

They re-did their hair and refreshed themselves all after putting away their things, and got remotely settled. It was only the matter of finding what to do then. They were young, ages either sixteen or seventeen. With no children or spouses, the only responsibilities they carried were to look after themselves and each other.

"How about meeting the other passengers? We sometimes get boring." Maggie commented coolly, while adjusting her linen. "Maybe make a new friend, or even find someone to fancy."

"Hannah already has someone," Gillian smirked, and looked over to Hannah. She was putting the finishing touch to her wavy hair before looking at them with a glare.

"I don't "fancy" Thierry. Just because we talked for a short time; from bumping into each other; doesn't mean I have feelings for him." But as she ended her sentence with a rise, her cheeks turned to the same colour of her birthmark, but a bit more red. She gave them another exasperated look before giving up, and smiling.

"Okay…so he did manage to catch my interest. But guys, he's Thierry Descouedres. He's part of the most famous family; known for their wealth? I couldn't believe it took me a couple of minutes to realize who he was, but nonetheless, it's out of the question. I like him, but from a distance." With that said, she gave one final huff before grinning triumphuly. Because what she had said, was true.

Royals married other royals; the wealth married other wealth, and so on, down the chain. She being with Thierry, even in a dream, was not appropriate.

Mary-Lynnette clicked her tongue. "That ends that battle. Now, everybody's ready now, let's go!" She grabbed her bag, and along with the others, they preceded to the main dock.

Ash Redfern looked out into the ocean, letting the salty mist hit his face and the aroma perk his senses. His elbows rested comfortably as he leaned on the railing, his body on slight angle. He took a deep breath, allowing fresh air to enter his lungs.

He was bored. Back home, he would be anticipating many girls at the pub, their silly naïve minds willing to throw themselves at him, anytime, anywhere. He had fun; toying with their hearts was a bit cruel, but 'live life to the fullest' was what he always told himself. So he did, one of the reasons being; after he got married, he couldn't be as reckless as he was now.

Not in public, anyway.

So far here, he had spotted a couple good looking maidens, the type that looked gullible enough. But he had gotten bored with that. He wanted something new, something fresh that he hadn't had yet. Or, at least, someone who attracted him like no girl has before.

Besides, he needed something to amuse him for seven days.

He considered looking for his step brother, Quinn, but quickly lost motivation. He had no idea where he was, and he certainly wasn't going to look in a ship that was frankly the largest right now in record.

Girly laughter caught his attention. He turned around and sure enough, there were some girls that certainly captured his liking.

There were four of them; all different looking, yet all pretty. But there was one…one that he instantly liked specifically.

She was pretty. With tan skin covering a nice body and a cute face with blue eyes, he knew that was the thing…or person he wanted while here. A quick look told him that while appealing, she was below wealth. Another advantage he could take up on. No girl could resist a young baron, nonetheless Ash Redfern. He, along with his last name, had a reputation. Both well-known and something that was awed at.

He walked over with his usual confidence, his demeanour demanding attention. Which of course he would get in a minute or so. He didn't need a mirror to support his good looking presence; he knew he looked irresistible.

Smiling lazily as he saw the girls finally recognize his coming, they paused what they were doing and muted their conversation. His eyes settled on his soon to be capture, and when he was no more than three feet away he smiled dazzlingly.

"Hello there sweetheart. I saw you and couldn't resist. Want to tell me what a dazzling girl-young woman I should actually say-like you are doing in this particular hour? And how about a name, mm?" His speech was smooth, differencing coolness to a casual manner. He used every trick in his book, and was positive she'd surrender to him instantly. Her friends were muffling giggles behind her, but he paid no attention to them, but threw a somnolent smile at them.

She glared.

Well, that certainly took him aback.

"To begin off with, my name is not 'sweetheart'. I may be a young woman, but that doesn't mean I'll just stand here "politely" and act like those other ditzes. And I'm not one of your usual prostitutes, so you can try again somewhere else…mm? "

Ash frowned, but quickly composed himself, assuring himself he had only begun his trap, but had yet to set it. He has dealt with more of the...resistant females like her, but in the end he had won. Like wine, each woman had her own specific flavour. It only took a bit of time-a bit- before he could savour the new taste without the hesitation.

Raising his eyebrows, he replied, "Then, may I request the name again? Surely, it must be interesting to match that fiery personality of yours."

She smirked. "Why? Blondes forget the name as fast as they're money grows, which is pretty quick. What would be the point?" Two of her friends, the light haired ones of course, huffed loudly at this and drew a breath in to retort no doubt. But before they could, she made a "hush" gesture towards them that was also apologetic in a way. Obviously, she wasn't directing this towards them.

(A/N. Very important: Do NOT take any offence if you're a blonde. I have nothing against them; I really don't. But I'm trying to make it amususing...but if I still upset you, I apologize.)

Ash laughed. He was starting to really like this anonymous girl, one who was insulting him when they have met not more than five minutes ago. "Fortunately sweetheart, I'm Ash Redfern. I don't need any more money. And frankly, I don't think I'd forget your name even if I wanted to." He delivered a worthy smirk back, deliberately trying to annoy her and turn her on.

But what happened next was unexpected.

She kicked him; actually kicked him in his shin with her somewhat high heel. She tried to, resulting in a very painful shock.

He gasped as he instinctively reached down for his lower leg, which was now throbbing. From below, he could see where her dress shyly met her feet as she slightly shifted so she could read his expression. Before he could retort with some very colourful language, she smiled that sickly "innocent" smile at him again.

"My name's Mary-Lynnette…a name that now I'm sure you won't forget."

He saw the shuffle of her dress as she walked away, leaving him there in an awkward position, gaping.

"Jamie! Isn't this all so beautiful?" The small pixie like girl smiled happily as she walked in a steady rhythm, her green eyes darting in all possible directions as she tried to take in everything they were passing. The serene young man that walked beside her, her arm tucked in his, nodded in agreement.

"Poppy, where were we supposed to meet Eric and Thea again? With all the commotion; we've finally started moving, thank God, I haven't spotted them yet." His calm but intense gray eyes searched her face. Poppy nodded.

"We planned to meet at the dock, remember?" Poppy replied with her usual chirp. Their destination point was farther than what she thought, Poppy realized. But there was no spark of annoyance. Usually, with her small frame, it'd be difficult to travel long distances by foot, the reason being she tripped a lot with the dresses that were way too long for her. She never found the perfect size for her. So her mother; she was a seamstress; played with the material until it matched her short height exactly. She smiled and looked down on her white and green satin, a small pang in her chest forming as she began to miss her dear mother. She made a mental note to write her a letter as soon as she could.

She'd worry for her, actually, if it weren't for her big brother Phillip helping her around since their father wasn't.

With confusion, Poppy shook her head. Why she was particularly recollecting all those details, she didn't know. But…she had this ominous feeling that made her stomach churn with uneasiness. Something that was going to happen that was making her reassure herself with these facts.

She decided to shrug it off.

So instead, she decided to pay attention to what her mate James was saying now.

"I'm a bit famished, how about you? It's close to noon now; we should eat when we meet up with the other two." James gave a gentle smile towards Poppy, who nodded animatedly. He held her tighter and laughed at her peppiness. But it was abruptly shut off as he caught sight of a group of people.

They were Redferns.

James absolutely hated them. They were the ultimate definition of indifferent bastards who didn't give a damn about anybody or anything; unless it pertained to their money or looks. They gave no charity out, for they were heartless about the starving children and families. There were those who struggled for more money, yet they helped the more deprived ones…like his family.

But when they did interfere with the public, it was to take over lands or destroy it so they could build their precious cargos and trades.

He glared at them, silent fury in his eyes. He was sure the calm gray was now a hazardous storm as pleasant thoughts of them falling overboard flashed through his mind. But he shook his head, not allowing himself to be carried away.

Besides. He always believed in karma; the proper justice system that wasn't good nor evil, that served the appropriate punishment for each individual. He would let that do its job.

Fixing the charcoal, gray fedora hat on his head, (Haha, that's for you Laura. xD) he adjusted it to his liking, and continued on with Poppy.

I KNOW it's short. I promise it will be longer in chapter six. And I KNOW it's boring, but the Titanic sank on the third day (I think) so it will soon be action time! If you want to see it ASAP, review please.

Oooh...I just got a thought..I wonder who actually reads my author notes...if you do, say...something. Kay? xD

Revieeeew! I'll help. It's riiiight...