A/N : First story…in english. There is two parts for this One Shot, on only one chapter.

Disclaimer : I don't own Fairy Tail...Hiro Mashima already did

Cause she needed him to keed her warm and alive.

I felt snowfalkes on my cold wind was hurting my skin

Why did I was on the ground ?

Why did I smell blood ?

My...blood ?

I was in pain. I tried to get up, but it was like if my body was too heavy to move. In fact, I was unable to move. My eyes were about to close. I was so tired... No! I had to stay awake! I had to...

Tears began to flow down my cheeks.

Why I am that weak ?

Why did I was so weak that I couldn't even beat that monster ?

I remember... I was about to surmmon Taurus, but before I could reach my keys, it hit me and I fell off the cliff. And there I was: On the snow, half conscious, cold and bleeding.

I knew that I was about to die frozen or something.

I wanted to die. To stop this pain. To no longer feel the cold. It was just too awful. But... I had to live...for my nakamas. For all of them. Erza, Gray, Mirajane, Cana, Levi, Happy...Natsu. My most beloved friend. At that moment, I would have given anything for the warmth the Dragon Slayer. Him holding me... Or at least a blanket or a hot chocolate. But especially Natsu...

I was about to die and I couldn't even say bye to my friend. All they will find is my dead and frozen body. My weak body.

Breathing had become a hard task to do.

My eyes were getting heavy. More and more heavy...

At that moment, I heard someone scream my name, then footsteps. This someone was probably running. Then, I felt warms arms holding me. Those arms I needed. The source of heat I needed. And everything went black.


He realised what he needed the most

I heard you sreaming

I looked for you.

You had fallen off the cliff.

At this moment, it was like if my world was falling apart. All around me didn't matter. Your scream resounded in my head. Just like someone who play the same music all over again. Unless it was you who played this music. You sang your suffering. It was the most painful song.

I couldn't accept the fact that you were probably dead. So, I thrown flames all around me. I burnt everything. You should've been there and yelled to me for destroying all the place. But you were not here. Some tears escaped my eyes.

I ran. I jumped off the cliff. I tried to find you. I saw you.

You were here, on the ground, covered of snow, bleeding, Your skin had turned pale due to the intense cold. You couldn't breathe well. I fell on my knees next to you. I held you in my arms to warm you up. I yelled for Happy to come help me.

I put my forehead on yours. I closed my eyes. I probable stayed in that position for five minutes. Then, I kissed your cheek and wispered to your ear...

I don't want to loose you. I need you in my life.

A/N : I know it's short, it's not perfect but... I DID IT ! :D Finally ! I wrote my first english One Shot ! I'm proud of me :3 I learned a thing: Write with Natsu P.O.V. is reaaaaaally hard. Natsu always end up too OCC . Anyway ! I did my best ! :D I hope you'll like it, and please don't be hesitant to review, so in that way, I will improve.

Oh ! Special thanks to TeenTitanzzLuva. You're such a kind person for encouraging me :3 So thanks !