Heres the next chapter. I know the timing feelsfast, but I changed the written style, and a few other things. Hope yall are ready for the surpise. :)

Oh, but I feel a little bad for probably not making this a little more clearly known. If you read back through the last few chapters, you'll notice that the 'new player' is Russia's "boss" Nikolai. And that he is the one who's pushing Russia to get Alfred preggo.

Don't worry, it'll be explained in the next chapter, that and Alfie's baby problems and everything else. :)

I love yall for reading! *hugs everyone*

America woke to an empty bed, and for whatever reason, it wasn't lonely or even surprising. He'd woken up cold and contemplating before, so this was almost like any other day back in the country.

And like all those years ago, Alfred could hear the cows lowing off in the barn a little walk down the lane. Zelda was barking at the chickens again, who were clucking back in distress and he knew the rooster's call would come any time again. Yep, there it was.

He smiled sleepily as his eyes gently opened, surrounded by the warm glow of dawn trying hard to crack from out behind the thick curtains. Alfred stretched, long and willing, rolling the cricks from his neck, and shivered as the covers fell from him, grabbing wildly at them and tangling in their thick, quilted creases as he fell hard to the ground

A chuckle started deep in his chest and rang through his throat as he sat up, glasses askew, the shirt falling a little too big over one shoulder, smile spreading on his face.

For a moment, he half expected Arthur to come in and scold him for making such a mess and for shirking his chores, but he was aware that he wasn't a child anymore. These weren't the same halls as back then. He was deep in adult affairs and Matthew was almost finished with his second pregnancy, and his parents were divorced.

He snuggled closer to the sheets, noticing that they smelled musty and old, a little like Kiku if he closed his eyes and imagined hard enough.

Alfred suddenly remembered last night, bitter and hateful toward the Japanese man. 'He had slept with Greece...we had been together. I had been pushing Russia away with such hateful hands, and Greece had him pressed into the pillows-"

He stood up and fixed his glasses heatedly, biting at his lip as he rustled the sheets up and threw them absent mindedly on the bed. "How could he?" The question kept throbbing back through his thoughts as he opened the blinds and let the sun light seep in.

The creak of the old screen door split the silence, as did the thick clunk of boots being thrown onto the polished wood floor.

'Russia's home.' Alfred mused, until the thought hit him full on like a splash of refreshing water. 'Russia's home!' He went bounding down the hall way, hand grabbing onto the banister head and swinging himself around and blustering down the stairs. He might have slipped a bit unheroicly on the rug, but if nobody saw, then it didn't happen.

"Russia! Russia! You're home, you're home! You idiot where did you go? Why'd you leave!" Alfred threw his arms around the hulking man in front of him, nails clawing into the coat as if to never let go.

He smelled of cheap cologne and sweat, his hair flakey and straw like. "Ivan?" He whispered up at the man, face buried in the folds of his scarf, eyes so alight and blue that Russia couldn't help and give a weak smile back.

"Oh, little Fredka, I am glad to be seeing you too."

Alfred noticed that there were raven rings of black around Ivan's eyes, as if he hadn't slept well...or at all. The crinkles that formed when he smiled looked weak and tear soaked, his cheeks blushed as if he'd been heavily breathing.

"You don't look too good," the American brought his hands up to fix the bangs that fell disheveled in front of his boyfriend's eyes. "What...what were you doing?" his tone came off wary and a little distrustful, though Russia just gave a deep sigh and embraced him long and hard.

Alfred could feel the shaking breaths welling behind Russia's chest, like a weak shower of painful convulsions. He felt lips press to his neck in tiny kisses, and he cradled Russia's head, guiding him to his lips. They both were shaking as they kissed, because of the secrets that both were holding back like bullets in steadfast guns.

Russia's thoughts were on how his entire body felt weak and spent, having suffered at his master's hand this morning in the most humiliating ways. He'd been taken in the middle of the night, over the bed, the desk, back on the table, the shower. His back was aching from writhing and arching, his insides unaccustomed to the hot, fast and sickening friction of sex where he wasn't the one giving. His virginity, ego and pride had all been busted in one sure, hard thrust, and he was broken in Alfred's arms as he thought of what had happened to him.

Alfred was hanging on to as if he was going to snap in half, moving his lips softly on Ivan's cheeks, covering the tears that were beading down the hot skin. He was silently apologizing for every time he had kissed Japan, and every time he had doubted this passion that was pooling deep behind his heart with hot, licking flames. Alfred's ears picked up the faint mumble of something, and he drew away, forehead pressing back on Russia's to search his eyes truthfully.

"What did you say?" America asked curiously.

"I'm sorry. God, I'm so sorry." Ivan's words came fast and watery, this hurt expression on Russia's face was foreign and rare, his soft frown a little cracking line on his features. Ivan looked like he was molded from thin glass, and Alfred was afraid.

"No, no, baby, come here." Alfred took those soaking cheeks in his hands and pressed his nose beside Ivan's, trying to close any gap between the two. "You're fine, you're home." His arm pulled Russia even closer, the taller man folding almost into himself as he cried even more, from the shame and the hurt and the fact that Alfred was so strong even when he could feel the blonde breaking beneath him too.

Brie was almost a ghost in the hall way, peeking her pig tails and big, violet eyes out from the space between the stair's banister legs, lips formed into the perfect cupid's bow pout.

Between heavy sobs from Ivan, who hadn't cried this hard since what felt like the beginning of time, Alfred walked him over to the couch, his lumbering steps soft like pitter patter of rain on the floor.

The girl instantly followed, coming in on little cat feet, and climbing up on the sofa, cuddling onto Russia's lap, where she brought her hands up like Alfred had, and kissed his tear stained face.

This in turn made Russia weep harder, though the weak early stages of a smile were coming through. This innocence was blinding, Brie's soft voice coming through behind. "I'm the hero Uncle Ivan, that's what Momma Alfie said. So I can stop the bad guys if you want me to." Her voice was trembling with fear of who the bad guys could be to have taken down such a bear of a man like Ivan, but she was so heartbreakingly sincere that Ivan chuckled, which sounded drowned in his pitiful cries, and hugged her to his chest, strong arms mindful not to press her too hard.

"It's ok, Brie, there's no bad guys. I'm fine." And though it was a spiced lie that was falling from his tongue, the smile Russia gave was good enough for Brie not to ask anything else of it.

She giggled when Alfred picked her up and held her to his chest, cheek smoothed against the soft curls of her hair, and again felt the same churn of something deep inside his stomach.

"What trouble are you three up to?"

Everyone looked over to Matthew, who was looking absolutely miserable in his last month of pregnancy, so rounded that he had to hold a hand on his back to support his weight on his swollen ankles.

"The usual, Mattie." A broad smile from Alfred.

"Mamma!" Brie wiggled in her uncle's grasp and finally came free, running up to Matthew and grabbing at his knees. "Uncle Ivan was crying. I helped him stop being sad about the bad guys." She didn't ask to be picked up, knowing childishly that Matthew probably couldn't muster the strength to do it, instead, pulling excitedly on his pants.

Canada grinned as he placed a hand on her head, the fingers dipping down to brush the stray locks behind her ear. "Alfred, of all the things you could have passed down to her, you pick superheroes and villains?"

Now, America would have normally laughed wildly and forced a quipped comeback, had Canada not flinched in pain, both hands coming up to hold his swollen stomach.

"Matthieu?" Ivan enquired, the last of his sadness soaked up by beautiful Brie and her childishness, though a grave look best in his eyes now. "Matthieu are you ok?"

"Mattie?" asked Alfred, who was at his side, bending to catch the words coming from his brother's pursed lips.

"Ah, I'm- I'm fine. Just a real back kick." a befuddled expression washed over him as Canada felt around more on his stomach, not able to swat away his brother who was latched to him.

"Emile sure is moving quickly. He's so big, I can feel him clear-ow! He kicked me! Like in the face, kicked me!" Matthew snickered a little as he saw Alfred recoil back and glare a little pensively at the baby behind Canada's maternity shirt.

"That's it mister, when you get here, you're no longer my favorite nephew."

"Alfred," responded Ivan, who had lifted Brie into his arms and on his shoulders, "He's your only nephew."

"Doesn't matter, he's just out of luck," chided America who had gone back to listening to the baby swish around inside his brother. A moment passed, and nothing.

"I think he's quieted down," Alfred had started to say when Matthew doubled over, crying out a little pitifully. "He didn't kick though."

"Ah, oh God...Alfred, these are-" a breath was cut short as Matthew winced again, "-contractions. I'm going into labor." Alfred's eyes grew round and absolutely scared mindless as his brother repeated to him again, more influentially, more forcefully. A little terrified. "I'm going into labor! Alfred!"

For a few split seconds, which must have felt like slow motion for everyone, Alfred made up his mind to perform a home birth, dialing the doctor up on his cell phone.

"Ya, I know, I mean, like, right now. No, it's not gonna wait."

"Alfred." Came a moan as Canada sat down, leaning his head back as he tried to breath.

"He's ah...he's like 9 months due in like, uh..." his open mouthed, questioning look glinted to Canada who choked out an answer.

"Two weeks." Matthew was sounding pained and uncomfortable as Brie watched in increasing worry.

"Oh, two ah, weeks. And- ah, what? How what is he?"

Ivan rolled his eyes as he watched as Alfred's vocabulary and comprehension cracked under pressure.

"Give me the phone, Fredka, tend to your brother." He snatched it from his hands and spoke clearly into the receiver, quickly and fluidly. "We were just talking and he started having labor pains. How far along? Um..." Russia turned his head to ask Canada the question when the normally quite Canadian spoke up, voice threatening to shake the walls.

"FAR ENOUGH! I don't care if he's tending to the Queen of fucking England, he needs to be here NOW!"

There was a beat, and a stunned look from everyone, Alfred luckily covering Brie's tiny ears from the curse and Russia turning back to the phone. "That's how far along he is."

Ohh! Mattie is going to have Baby Emile!

And poor Russia was raped, and Alfred broke it off with Kiku, and WHERE ON EARTH IS PRUSSIA? AHH

So I'm thinking of adding some France and England (since they'll want to see their second grandson) and maybe a new mystery person.

Hmmmm, any ideas you guys?

OH! And has anyone seen aPAint it White? The English dub? Oh god, I died of LAUGHTER the entire time! Read and review and then go to youtube to whatch it!


With love,

Suga Bee.