A/N: Well, I'm not too sure how happy I am with this chapter, but here it is. This story has been a bit of a struggle for me at times, but it's done now. I don't know what is next, so just bear with me. I do have an idea in mind, but I need to figure out the whole story line before I get too engrossed in it. In the meantime, as new episodes air, there will always be one shots. :)


It was done. Greg had succeeded, and now he was back home. The first thing Greg noticed was the high keening wail. Glancing quickly at the clock, as he rushed towards his workshop, he saw that he'd been gone about half an hour. He'd been right about Nick going into the workshop, then.

Skidding through the door to what once had been Nick's guest room, but had been transformed into Greg's workshop, Greg found Nick huddled on the floor, clutching his chest as though his heart had been ripped from it. Falling to his knees, Greg pulled Nick to him, shouting to be heard over Nick's screams, "Nicky! I'm here! It's okay!"

Quiet descended, then, "Greg?" Nick's voice was hoarse from screaming, and he couldn't seem to make his hands move away from his chest, as though he had to literally hold his heart inside his chest cavity. The pain of his heart breaking had been a near physical thing. He'd even thought he was having a heart attack, at first. Now he was hearing that sweet voice he'd thought he'd never hear again. "G?"

"Yeah, Nicky. It's me!"

Finally able to move, Nick sat up and leaned his forehead against Greg's, breathing deeply of the younger man's scent. Swallowing several times to try to work up saliva to coat his scorched throat, Nick said, "How?"

"The scientist who survived was a friend of mine in college, Anton Weber. When he realized what I meant to do, he helped me. He'd been protesting about the things happening in the camps, and about how I was being treated. He told me the S.S. took his family away one night. His wife was pregnant, and they had a little girl."

Shuddering, Greg pulled back from Nick to meet his eyes, "Anton told me that they promised to bring them back if he stopped causing trouble, but he knew they were already dead."

Standing, Greg helped Nick to his feet before walking over to the home base unit on the workbench. "It's over!" Taking hold of some of the wires trailing into the bottom of the laptop, he yanked, watching in satisfaction as the laptop sparked and died. "I'm going to take it out to the backyard tomorrow and smash it with a sledge hammer!" Then he pulled off the bracelet. Holding it so it stood on the workbench, he picked up a hammer and smashed the section with the most circuitry. It didn't spark as much as the laptop, but it was still enough to be satisfying.


The years past and Greg pushed his memories of Nazi Germany into a small corner of his mind and locked them away. That time had never been his home. The present he was in now was where he was meant to be. The people he was surrounded by had become his family. None of the tragedies he faced in this time even compared to what he'd already lived through. He and Nick now only shared dreams when they weren't able to sleep together, and those dreams were always of light and love. Time and again, he was reminded that the past was truly in the past and the future is what you make of it.