A/N: Here's a new chapter for all you lovely people. I just want to say thanks so much to everyone who has reviewed, favorited, and put this story on alert. It means so much to me that you guys like this story! You guys are the best. Also, who missed Klaine in tonights episode of Glee? Cuz I sure did. But looks like things are gonna get… interesting next week. Anyways, enjoy the chapter, and don't forget to review!
"Sixteen, October. The question is: shame. And why are we hounded by its miserable shadow? Does the mare feel shame as she couples with a stallion? Are they deaf to everything their loins are telling them until we grant them a marriage certificate? I think not... Uh… Crap," With a sigh, Jesse checked his script. Blaine tapped his pencil impatiently on his open Chemistry book, hoping Jesse would get the message. Instead, Jesse continued. "To my mind, shame is nothing but a product of education. Meanwhile, old Father Kalbuck blindly insists in every single sermon that it's deeply rooted in our sinful human nature. Which is why I now refuse to go to church!" Blaine sighed loudly, making a show of rubbing his temples and loudly flipping his page in annoyance. Jesse frowned to himself. "Which is why I now refuse to go to church. Which is why I now-"
"Jesse!" Blaine shouted in frustration. Jesse turned to his roommate.
"What?" he asked innocently.
"I'm trying to study," Blaine said, gesturing to the books on his desk. "I have a huge Chemistry test tomorrow and I can't concentrate with your constant rambling!"
"Sorry," Jesse said. "I was just rehearsing. The drama department is putting on a production of Spring Awakening!" he explained excitedly, crossing over to Blaine's side of the room and showing him the script.
"I know. I recognized the monologue," Blaine said, turning back to his Chemistry. Jesse's eyes widened.
"You know Spring Awakening?" he asked, almost in awe. Blaine gave him a sideways glance.
"Of course I do. I love theater, I told you that like the first time we met," Blaine said hesitantly. He didn't like the grin that was spreading across Jesse's face.
"You should try out for Moritz!" he cried, bouncing excitedly. Blaine raised an eyebrow at him.
"I don't know, Jesse. I'm still getting the hang of college life. I don't think I could handle being one of the leads in a musical right now," Blaine said slowly. Jesse pouted. Blaine was realizing that once you got to know Jesse well enough to crack his showface, he was quite expressive.
"Oh come on, you're a smart, organized guy. You can handle it. Besides Melchior and Moritz are best friends. You and I are already friends. It will add a layer of credibility to the show," he argued. Blaine groaned, throwing his head forward onto his Chemistry book.
"Why are you so darn persuasive?" he wondered.
"So you'll do it?" Jesse asked hopefully. Slowly Blaine nodded.
"Yeah, I'll do it."
"Great!" Jesse cried, handing him the script. "Auditions are Friday." Blaine looked at him, bewildered.
"It's Wednesday," he said. Jesse shrugged.
"And your point is?" Blaine motioned to the book on his desk. Jesse laughed. "Study for your test today and get your song and line reading ready tomorrow," he said confidently. Blaine started to protest, but Jesse waved him off. "Like I said before, you're a natural born performer. You'll be fine."
"What about you? You're a performer too. How come you're practicing now?" Blaine asked. Jesse chuckled.
"Are you crazy? I can't go in there unprepared and give a substandard audition!" Blaine shot him a glare and Jesse smiled sweetly. "But you'll do great."
*Lima, Ohio*
Kurt was late for class. He was hurrying through the mostly deserted hallway when, out of nowhere, a pair of strong hands grabbed his arm and pulled him into a nearby supply closet.
"What the-" Kurt cried as another set of hands grabbed him and a blindfold was placed over his eyes. In the flurry of motion before his eyes were covered, Kurt had caught glimpses of navy and red. "Really? You guys are actually kidnapping me?" Kurt said in disbelief as he felt himself being hoisted over one of the boys' shoulders. He was met by silence. He placed his hand on the boy's head and felt that it was smooth and shaved. "Say something, David," Kurt huffed.
"This isn't David," David said in a gruff voice. A pause. "But I hear that guy's awesome." Kurt heard the door open and felt David walking.
"Oh yes, because this isn't obvious at all," he drolled. "No one is going to suspect a thing when they see you carrying a blindfolded student out of the school. Brilliant plan guys."
"Will you hush?" Wes hissed in his regular voice before catching himself and clearing his throat. "I mean, silence. Now is not the time for questions." His voice was considerably deeper that time, with a faint British accent. Kurt let his head drop, slamming his forehead into David's back.
"Ow!" David cried. "That wasn't very nice Kurt. That hurt. Hey, that rhymed!"
"You guys realize you're making me skip class?" Kurt protested. "You're hindering my education!" he howled, wondering how no one had seen them yet. Wes scoffed.
"Come on, like you're really going to learn something in French 4 that you didn't learn in AP French last year at Dalton?" Wes asked, dropping the ridiculous voice. Kurt sighed.
"Probably not," he admitted. He had just taken that class because he needed another extracurricular and he loved French. "You know my schedule? That's a little creepy," he pointed out.
"I knew Blaine's schedule, and you're our substitute Blaine so it's only appropriate," Wes countered.
"Yeah, but you and Blaine went to the same school," Kurt said.
"And you and I used to go to the same school," Wes replied. "What do you think David?" Kurt felt David shrug his shoulders.
"I don't think it's creepy," he said nonchalantly. Kurt rolled his eyes even though neither boy could see it.
"Oh yes, ask the boy participating in the kidnapping plan. He's definitely the right person to determine if something is creepy or not. Because goodness knows forcibly removing a friend from school by blindfolding him and slinging him over your shoulder is the furthest thing from creepy," Kurt said.
"I don't appreciate that sarcasm, sir. I'll have you know I am an excellent judge at what is and isn't creepy," David told him as he deposited Kurt into his car and removed the blindfold.
"Where are we going?" Kurt asked, slightly annoyed. He figured the fact that he was only slightly annoyed when two of his friends came to his school and kidnapped him said a lot about his sanity. Or Wes and David's sanity.
"To the park!" Wes chirped from the backseat as David pulled out of the parking lot. Kurt looked at them both with blank faces.
"You kidnapped me from school… to go to the park?" he asked in shock. David nodded.
"We needed you. Blaine always pushes us on the swings."