Oke so this is my first fanfic ever, so please be kind XD.

It's a McFly slash fiction. The Pairing is Junes ( I know Junes, It just came to me in a dream...)

Rated M for later chapters. Boy on Boy action, don't like don't read!

Disclaim: I do not own McFly :(

Thanks to Morgannita for being my beta-reader XD.

Well here it goes...

Chapter 1:

Harry's POV

This time I just went for it. I walked up to the car where Danny was talking to our manager Fletch. When they were done talking I looked around to see if there was someone else. There was nobody I could see. So I started to talk to Danny about some random stuff, where our next gig would be and such stuff. Of course Danny didn't know where we would go this day, he never knew. We all had given up telling him over and over again, because as soon as we left he would forget again. He himself had stopped trying too and just followed us around.

After we talked for a while I looked up again to see that we were still alone. That's when I decided to just go for it. I had been given him signs all week now and it seemed like he knew what I meant. He had given me some signs back too, well at least I thought they were signs. So I just did it. I kissed Danny Jones. It felt so good and he started to kiss me back. So the signs had definitely been there. I licked my tongue over his lips to ask for entrance, which he gave me. My whole body started to tingle when our tongues touched. My hands grabbed in his hair without me even realizing. And he wrapped his arms around my waist to press me closer to him. Soon the kiss started to get more and more heated and we both had to break apart to gasp for air. Still breathing heavily I looked in his eyes and saw nothing but lust in them. But I knew we had to go to some boring interview soon, so I just kept looking and didn't try anything else. "Why'd you stop" he asked disappointed. "Because we have to go to some stupid interview soon and I didn't want us to get caught" I said. He pouted, but nodded in agreement.

So after some more intense staring of the both of us we straightened our clothes and went to look for the rest of the band. Walking back to the studio I still couldn't believe I kissed Danny Jones. Me Harry Judd had kissed Danny Jones. It felt so amazing, I could still feel the butterflies flying around in my stomach. I hoped Danny felt the same, but all the way back to the studio he kept close so I guess he did.

I heard Dougie giggling when we got to the dressing room. I walked in and saw why, Tom had put on a Christmas hat and beard and was talking like Santa. "You have been a very naughty boy young Douglas" he said. "And therefore you are going to be tickled to dead" Tom said, getting up to start tickling Dougie. Dougie started to cry out for help but me and Danny only went to help Tom.

Fletch walked in to see why we were making so much noise and started to laugh. "I'm sorry guys but you have to stop giving Dougie a tickle death, because you're on in a minute.