a/n: i've completely lost track of the challenge. I'm so, so sorry it took this long, and it's not even a challenge-related chapter. in case you were wondering, i'll be continuing this fic – just not for the challenge any more. 's that okay?
so, i present to you: star light, star bright.
'star light, star bright
first star i see tonight.'
you were a star.
( but that was ohsolong ago, wasn't it? )
you were beautiful.
you shone -
all glitter and sparkles and silverwhite shimmer.
( star light, star bright )
yes, the spotlight was on you -
( dominique weasley, rising star )
you had your prince charming
( the rainbow-haired boy with the sea-glass eyes )
and you were laughing, glowing, beautiful -
( but that's not the way the story goes, dear )
and maybe you shouldn't have
/ pushed everyone you loved away /
( but the stage – they were trying to take me away from the stage )
and look at your prince charming,
he's all alone
( but you don't have time for love – you need to shine )
but wait – what's happening?
the spotlight's turning away
( time's up, sweetheart )
the glittersparkleshine is fading
( off the stage, now )
and stars are going
you were -
( a princess ripped out of a fairytale )
because all good things come to an end, don't they?
just a girl
( no more the golden-haired, sparkle-eyed star )
fumbling around in the dark
( what happened? Is anyone
no – you're all alone, now
but just turn your head a little, darling
look at where the spotlight went -
( is that -
no, it can't be. )
that girl
with hair like flame
( dancing, burning )
eyes like emeralds
( sparkling – it's your sparkle, dammit )
and the boy -
the boy -
with the rainbow-hair and the sea-glass eyes
(wasn't he your prince?)
and the audience -
( mom? dad? victoire? )
is applauding -
/ 'encore!' /
it can't be -
smiling, laughing, like a whirlwind of beauty
( she's the star now, darling )
so do you understand, now -
that when you refuse to love
( don't want to care – i'm the star, not them )
then they will, too ?