Well hi there everyone. I want to thank everyone who is still reading this story even after such a long hiatus. I hope that you enjoy this latest chapter.


"Almost done." Nova smiled. More of the prisoners were lining up around the gate. Even a few of the small ones, the few little children that had been locked up, were pouring what meager magic they had into the spell. They had a simple plan; fill the gate with nightopian magic to shut it down thus preventing the nightmarens grand plan.

If only that was what they were doing.

No, they were fulfilling their purpose. After all, a portal leading out of the dream world had to possess both the energies from itself. And it would seem Nightmare didn't have too many willing nightopians around to channel their magic into it. Subterfuge was necessary; and it couldn't be working better.

Nova glanced around at the weary nightopians. They were weak from their time in the cell, they were tired from using their magic, and they would be easy prey. Once the gate had its fill, he would need to clear out the vermin from Nightmare's grand halls.

And that time couldn't come soon enough.

"How long do you think that we have been down here?" NiGHTS asked as Reala led her down the seemingly endless corridor.

"I don't know." He frowned.

"It has to have been at least five minutes." NiGHTS smiled at Reala.

Reala let out a short laugh. "Well, you're not wrong."

He turned to her and pulled her a bit closer to him. That was the third, well if you are generous I suppose you could call it a joke, NiGHTS had told in the past estimated hour. He was glad she was trying to keep their spirits high. There wasn't much other reason to celebrate.

They had been wandering for hours. It was still just as dark, cold, and hopeless as when they had first started their trek.

"I'm getting her out of here." Reala scowled as he thought. "If it is the last thing I do I am getting her out of this place."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Reala quickly turned his scowl into a more pleasant expression.

"Really? Lying to me already?" Now it was NiGHTS's turn to frown. "It worked out so well last time."

"It's only… frustration." Reala admitted while he flinched from the barb. They had only just reached an uneasy truce. She was right, he should try to be more honest with her. Maybe they could actually become something if there was some form of trust between them.

NiGHTS waited a moment, then leaned into Reala as they walked. She felt Reala relax as she rested against him.

"Who knew I could calm him down so well? Especially considering I am often the main cause for his anger." NiGHTS nearly giggles as she thought. She felt a strange sense of pride for this. In her youth she had been told that the best way to calm an angry maren was to bring their mate to them. It seems there was some truth in those stories.

"But in those stories mates could anything. It's supposed to be the best thing in someone's life." It was NiGHTS's turn to frown. "We can barely have a decent conversation."

Reala gently turned NiGHTS to face him. He placed his hand under her chin and lifted her face into a light kiss.

"Maybe we aren't as bad at this as I thought." NiGHTS smiled after. She glanced up at Reala, and her eyes opened wide.

"What is it?" Reala asked. One moment NiGHTS had looked happy (he was pleased with that) and now she had a startled expression.

NiGHTS surprised Reala by grabbing onto his shoulders and jumping up to give him a quick kiss. She then pulled him around to face the stone wall behind him. Reala, shocked by NiGHTS's sudden display of affection, took a moment to see what she was excited about.

A series of small cracks where everywhere on the wall behind him. There was no light from behind them, but the air smelled a little less musty.

Reala grabbed NiGHTS and led her a few steps away.

"Stay here." Reala ordered before he turned back to the wall.

He closely inspected the wall, looking for clues or something that may help them out of this tunnel. It seemed that the wall was thin here. Perhaps there was something on the other side?

Reala was strong. He was certain he could break through this wall if there was something on the other side to get into. But would it be safe to do it?

The previous house they had been trapped in had collapsed on them. This Nightopia was breaking apart as its power and recourses were being taken. Even something small may be enough to cause the wall to collapse on him.

"What about the tunnel?" Reala panicked. What if he caused the whole tunnel to collapse? There was no place else for them to go. If it fell down, they would probably die.

"Or be trapped," Reala shuddered. "Can I risk it? Letting NiGHTS waste away trapped under rubble?"

The mere thought nearly made his heart stop. He couldn't risk that. His life maybe, not hers.

"We will have to keep going." Reala turned away from the wall. "Let's go, there will be another way out."

"What?" NiGHTS exclaimed. "There may be a way out right here! Why are we leaving?"

"It's too dangerous to try and break through." Reala reasoned. "The wall could fall. Not to mention there is no guarantee that there is even anything on the other side. It is safer to continue on, there may be an actual exit from this place."

"There IS something on the other side." NiGHTS pushed past Reala to get to the wall. "There has to be, I feel it. I smell it!"

She ran her fingers over the wall and felt around the cracks. She leaned forward and took a deep breath. There certainly was fresher air coming from the other side.

Turning back to Reala she said "Don't deny this. There is something on the other side. We can get out now!"

"I'm not risking it." Reala frowned. "Now come on. We have a lot of ground to cover."

Reala lunged forward and grabbed NiGHTS's hand. He began to pull her along after him, away from the wall. He had a bit of a hard time keeping a grip on her as she tried to yank her hand out of his.

"Reala stop!" NiGHTS shouted as she pulled against him. Unless he stopped she wasn't going to, he was much bigger and stronger than her. "We need to get out, we don't have the time to keep going like this.

Reala continued walking, but his pace slowed as he processed her words.

Seeing she had made some progress NiGHTS pressed on. "You are scared about the wall falling, what happens when this world dies? It won't be too much longer now."

NiGHTS reached her free hand to pull on Reala's shoulder. Turning him to face her she looked him in the eye and continued with her argument.

"You and I both know what happens to Nightopia's that run out of power." NiGHTS felt her eyes begin to water. It was far too late for this beautiful Nightopia. "It's going to disappear. What happens if we are in it when it does?"

Reala quickly reached over and gently wiped tears away from NiGHTS's eyes. He pulled her into him gently and kissed her forehead.

She was right. When this Paris dreamland failed, it was more than likely that whatever was left standing would crumble. It would be a wasteland. This tunnel would likely fall as well.

"Your right." Reala frowned. "I just… I can't risk it."

He looked in her eyes. Her beautiful purple eyes. He would never admit to anyone he was wrong. Never admit he was afraid. Never admit… he was weak.

But her…

"I can't risk you." Reala whispered.

"It's a risk for both of us." NiGHTS pressed. "But this may be our only shot. I'd rather try then do nothing!"

Reala froze for a moment. Finally he began to move… back towards the cracked wall.

"Stay back." Reala placed NiGHTS into a relatively safe location before turning to the wall.


Reala turned back to her confused.

NiGHTS stepped forward and began to stretch her arms.

"I'm helping." NIGHTS finished her stretches and began to find a good place along the wall to apply pressure.

"And you are not stopping me." NiGHTS said as Reala began to protest. "You want us to be mates, prove it, and let me work with you!"

Reala tried to find an argument against her; however, she was right. They were mates. Mates did almost everything together. He supposed a fight for their lives would be as good as time as any to start working together.

Reala nodded in agreement before inspecting the wall himself. After a few minutes of investigation, they found a few particular spot that crumbled at the touch.

"Here?" NiGHTS asked.

"Seems like it." Reala sighed. "We need to do this right. I don't think we have many chances."

Reala glanced at NiGHTS quickly before they took positions. She looked dirty, tired, and determined.

"This has to work." Reala said.

"Of course it will." NiGHTS turned her head. "We are first levels after all. What can beat us?"

"I like you conceited." Reala laughed.

Reala and NiGHTS both backed up a ways. Reala planned out everything; where he would make contact with the wall, how to balance his power, and where NiGHTS would make her contributions.

With an almost silent 'now' they dashed to the wall. Reala braced his shoulder and with a resounding crack, the wall gave way. Reala felt some small debris fall on him as soon as they had busted through. A quick glance told him all he needed to know, he had been right, the ceiling was beginning to collapse.

NiGHTS… what if his other prediction came true? What if the tunnel collapsed on her?

"Reala!" NiGHTS's panicked call was enough to snap him out of his state.

"Hurry." Reala seized NiGHTS's arm and began running.

From the tunnel, they had broken through the wall into another room. Reala could see a doorway on the other side, several rotten boxes and a turned over table stood between them.

Together they ran towards the only exit. Racing against the falling debris and dodging the obstacles in the way, they burst through the doorway. They wound up in another hallway, this one had multiple doors… and a staircase ascending into the ceiling.

"There." NiGHTS pulled Reala towards the staircase as fast as she could.

They made it to bottom of the staircase when things went wrong again. A rather large wooden beam fell. Reala saw it falling. They wouldn't make it through.

Reala grabbed NiGHTS around the waist, thanking the fact that she was so incredibly light, and threw her with all his strength. NiGHTS sailed through right before the beam fell. Unfortunately it brought the rest of the ceiling down with it.

NiGHTS coughed as she picked herself up. She glanced around. She was laying upside down on the staircase. Above her was a roof, it was sheer luck that it hadn't collapsed. No scratch that, it was a miracle.

"Ooh that hurt." NiGHTS groaned. "Maybe I will stick around Nightmare for a little while. What do you say Reala?"

NiGHTS glanced around. Where was- wait… he threw her!

"Reala." NiGHTS screeched. She scrambled to her feet and ran to the pile of rubble. She began to pull desperately at some of the debris. She hadn't the strength, she was the speed …Reala was the strength.

"Reala can you hear me?" She cried out. "Please, please answer me!"

Nothing. She couldn't hear anything from below.

"No." NiGHTS fell to her knees. "No, no, no. Reala… come on… please. You need to answer me!"

She continued clawing at the pile, growing more desperate by the minute.

"I can't panic." NiGHTS struggled to her feet. "I need help. I can't do it alone."

"I will be right back." She cried. "I promise."

NiGHTS turned and dashed up the stairs and out the front door of the building. She made it to the top and found herself on the surface streets of the Paris dream world.

"No time to waste." Tears streamed down her face. She took off down the streets shouting.

"Hey! Come out." NiGHTS shouted with everything she had. There had been worker maren up here before. Oh there just had to be a few around still! "I need help!"

"Don't move!"

NiGHTS spun to face a doorway. She saw a couple maren running out of the door towards her.

"This way. Please hurry." NiGHTS said and turned back to the tunnel staircase.


NiGHTS grunted as she had been tackled from behind.

"Grab some of that rope." One of them said. "Lord Reala will be pleased we grabbed his runaway mate."

"Rope?" NiGHTS shouted. "No wait you don't understand. It's Reala he needs-."

"Shut up!" A maren snarled at her. He yanked her arms behind her back and began to tie them together. Despite her protest and pleading, she was quickly subdued.

"Please the stairs collapsed!" NiGHTS begged. "I can't move them alone. Please-."

"Another word and your gagged, understand?" He threatened. "Not so high and mighty now that you're not running around spoiling everything for us. Too bad about the mating thing. Personally I think you got off easy. Public execution would have been my choice."

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

NiGHTS and her captor turned to face another small group of maren running towards them. NiGHTS cried in relief. These where the worker maren from before. They had to help.

"Please!" NiGHTS tried to pull away from the ass whom had a grip on her. "Reala's stuck!"

"I said shut up!"

NiGHTS bit back a whimper as she was smacked across the face. She saw, she didn't know his name so she decided to call him 'ass', raise his arm to strike her again.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Two of the workers from before ran up and restrained 'ass'. They pulled him away from her as the one who had spoken before helped NiGHTS up.

"What did you say about Lord Reala?" He asked.

"Reala is stuck." NiGHTS explained in a hurry. "He got me out but the ceiling feel down on him. But he's stuck and I can't get him out."

"Where?" He reached for his pick that he had dropped.

NiGHTS could cry. They were going to help her save Reala.

"This way." NiGHTS motioned, her hands still bound behind her back.

"You actually believe her?" The restrained maren asked. "The traitor can't be trusted."

"You want to take that chance?" NiGHTS hissed.

It was silent for a moment, then NiGHTS felt someone fiddling with the ropes around her wrists.

"We better hurry." The not 'ass' maren said.

They rushed to where Reala had been trapped. Immediately they began putting the tools to good use. They quickly began to clear the rubble. NiGHTS sat a little ways away. She was only getting in the way, so despite her desire to help save him, she had been firmly told to stay out of the way.

She hadn't had the energy to argue. In fact the only thing keeping her conscious right now was her worry.

"Hold it."

It was silent. NiGHTS stood up, barely able to stay on her feet.

"Oh please." She begged. "Please Reala, please be alright."

"What is it?" NiGHTS hated how her voice quivered. She had ran from Nightmare's army and fought them for years successfully, she should be strong damn it! Although she didn't feel very strong right now.

"I thought I heard something."

Even the maren NiGHTS called 'ass' was silent. Then they all heard it. It sounded like some rocks were shifting. One of the workers carefully stepped forward. He began to lift into the air and slowly hovered over the rubble. Another sound, a bit clearer was heard from below.

"What was that?" NiGHTS asked.

"I couldn't quite tell." The maren turned to face NiGHTS. "It sort of sounded like-."

A small blast sent everyone flying. NiGHTS landed roughly on her rear and looked horrified at the rubble. Had Reala been caught in the blast?

Or maybe he caused it.

There he was, beginning to stand up from a hole where the blasted rubble had moved from. Reala clutched an injured arm as blood gushed down it. Reala's eyes were still glowing from some magic recently cast, most likely the cause of the small explosion. NiGHTS found herself right in front of him, arms around his neck, sobbing into his chest.

"That was some explosion sir." 'Ass' groaned as he brushed some splinters and stones from his being.

"I did say stand back." Reala smirked. He hadn't needed to cast such a destructive spell in years.

"You're ok." NiGHTS cried, chest heaving, head still buried in his chest.

"You honestly thought this would kill me? Honestly, I'd think since you saw a house fall one me once before you'd realize I'd be fine." Reala joked. "I am more concerned about you. Are you-?"

"I'm fine." NiGHTS murmured.

Reala sighed, she claimed to be uninjured, but he would still have a good healer look at her. He began to rub her back to try to calm her.

Reala turned his attention from his sobbing mate to the maren who had assisted in saving him. "I came to when I heard you digging. My thanks. Were any of you caught in the blast?"

"No my lord." The maren all bowed. "At least not injured."

"Good." Reala lifted his head to the sky. The storm had died down. "We will be returning to Nightmare immediately."

"Yes my lord."

They gathered what tools and gear they had and immediately took to the air. Reala looked down to NiGHTS to get her to follow after them. NiGHTS had gone limp against him, passing out from either the stress of their day or relief for the end of their predicament.

Reala kissed her and picked her up into his arms. It was difficult to hold her. His one arm was injured and would need healing, but he would wait until NiGHTS was safe in Nightmare before he worried about himself. To be damned with his near limp arm, he wouldn't let her go.

"She's finally safe." Reala thought relieved as he took off into the air. "I'm not letting her leave my arms any time soon."