Disclaimer:Shane and the sexyness that is him does not belong to me :{ I know right? I am not in fact Rachel Caine. sobbbbbbbb* waaaaaah. I know own two characters that I just made up for this chapter and the next few! He isn't as sexy or awesome as Shane but who is?
"I think Bishop took her to Rhode Island." He sounds pained. Good asswhole deserves it. Wait, did he say Bishop has her? Panic sets in, again. I struggle against the ropes trying to free myself.
Christopher (POV) Had to put this part in for a very deticated fan. I won't mention any names. kitkatlang this Chris section is all for you. Opps did I mention a name, ooh well. I'm too lazy go back and delete that. :)EnJoY(:
Shit! I can't beleive I felt up my sister. At the time I didn't know it was Claire. She was hot for a human and I hadn't seen her since she was like one. In my defense, she looked completely different. She doesn't even look like us or our mother. How was I to know that she was my baby sister? She even had a different scent. When she transformed into her true self I could tell. One reason being there are only four of our kind, THEY killed the rest of our race. Claire is the most important one of us all. She is the key to all the darkness. If she dies, the worst darkness literaly gets realsed. I hope THEY don't find her loved ones, if THEY do, her family and friends will die. Maybe we should go pick them up. Good thing we happended to bring Bishop with us.
"Bishop report to Claire's family and friends, collect them. In a week bring them to this gas station so we can protect them. One week. Seven days from today. Do you understand? Now where do we transport you to?" Kenneth say to Bishop like he is mentaly challenged. My older brother is always the leader, he is good with plans. I'm always the muscule, for obivous reasons. Buff is what I would get called if you had never met me.
"Morganville." Bishop responds.
"I don't want any trouble from you and everyone who is important to Claire must make it here. If you don't do this properly we will find you and kill you. Chris open a portal." Kenneth is such a jackass. Why can't he open the portal himself? Do I look like his prison bitch? A big sigh ecaspes my mouth. I roll my eyes and start the process to open the portal. Kenneth pushes Bishop through and the portal snaps shut. Our portals are awesome, we can go any where we desire, space, and we can travel through time. Future, past, present: anywhere, you name it.
I guess your porbably wondering who THEY are. Well, just let me infrom you. They are the second master race, Claire's being the first. I say Claire's, because without her we all perish. She is literaly our races' heart. If THEY catch her and sacrafice her to the Darkness, we will all die. By we I mean humans, vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, animals, and Hellians. Hellians are the future setters, they chose which souls to bring into the world and when to take that soul out. Not us though, we can never be lost unless, THEY catch us. In that case we don't even get returned to the Hellians. My race runs the physical world. THEY, also called Runers are the keepers of Darkness. They have to watch over it because they set it free the first time. The Runers are evil incarnate. To put it simply, THEY are Darkness in its weakest from.
Bishop's (POV)
The next thing I know I get shoved through an opening. I land on my ass in Amelie's office. She is sitting at her desk with an expression of shock. Her pale blue pinstripped suit is hard pressed. A glower froms on her somber face. Her hair is up in a high, elgant bun. She gives me a hard look and stands up. She smooths out her skirt and walks towards the door. Her high heels make several sharp clacks on her wood planed floor. I pick myself up off the floor andd her facial expression shifts to fear. She tries to run to the door but I get there first and block her exit. Her sharp breath is pulled through her lips, which have formed a grimace. She takes a step back, I take a step foward and she looks like a deer caught in headlights.
"I'm not here to hurt you." I try to say in a soothing voice. Lets be honest though, I don't have a lot of experince trying to clam a person down. I understand her reaction to me, I know I was an awful father. Down right unfit. Her eyes are shinning in fear. Her breathing has become erractic.
"You must help me gather Claire's loved ones, family, friends, you know any one who might have significant meaning to her. This must be accomplished in three days at the most. Can you do that for me? I know I don't deserve it, but..." I trail off, not quite sure how to finish that. Amelie's eyes turn hard and feral. Her lips turn up into a snarl. She gives me a down right hostile glare, not that her aditude shocked me or anything. I was simply just saying.
"Why would I do that for you, Father? You kill every one I love: Johnny, Sam Glass, and now Claire. Have you even killed her? Do you want her loved ones so you can make her watch as you torture and kill them, and then procced to do the same thing to her? I'm not stupid, you have tried to do that to me several time. How did you even get dropped off her any ways?" Her tone is harsh and her face is masked with a seemingly perament scowl, her eyebrows are arched extremely high, and her eyes would be throwing knifes at me if they could. They can't, so thank God for that little gem.
"It isn't for me, beleive it or not, it's for Claire. She is still alive, and I haven't killed every one you love, Oliver is still alive isn't he?" I say with just a tiny bit of humor laccing my voice. I really rubbed her the wrong way. The anger radating off of her is giving me a smug sense of satisfaction. I feel almost gleeful. I sure made my daughter a bitch, that is a good bit of information to know.
"Aw, but you see I don't love Oliver. I would actually prefer you got rid of him. I despise that man. Plus, I don't beleive you. You only do stuff for yourself. You didn't answer all of my questions, either." She says all of these in a snootty tone.
"Well, you interpeted me, I wasn't done yet. Also, you are right, I do stuff that benefits me. Claire's loved ones will save my life, does that satsify you? No I'm not going to kill her loved ones. Kenneth opened a portal and dropped me here, on my ass." My tone might be slightly pissed off. Not at Amelie, but at Kenneth and Chris. Did they really have to push me?
"Kenneth, as in Chris' brother? The ones' mom who you got caught have sex with several times? Powerful, scary Kenneth? The Kenneth who nearly makes you piss your pants in fear? That Kenneth?" I can hear her mocking me. It is laced thickly in her voice. Well, she isn't trying to conceal it now is she? I think saracasticly to myself. No there isn't even a hint of her trying not to go ful blown mock. I give Amelie a pointed glare. I believe the glare say "yeah, I just dare you to mock me more, ahead and see what happens." My point is completely made as she sawollows loudly. She shifts her postion and the room is in engulfed in an akward slience. Am I too old to say a gay baby was just born? No?
"Gay Baby?" I say to break the quite that is somldering in the room. It sounds like a question. Well, that didn't help at all, damn. She shifts her weight again.
A slightly akward laugh passes through her tight lips, "Ahaha, so, why do they want people important to Claire?"
"Well, it appears that Claire just happens to be their sister. She isn't really a human, either. She is a Prue Soul just like Kenneth and Christopher. Execpt, she is the most important one." I take a deep breath to prpare her for what I'm about to say.
"You know that this means that Claire is your half-..." I try to finish but the shrill ring of Amelie's phone brings our conservation to a complete holt.
Amelie' (POV)
My phone rings and cuts my Father off mid ring. Maybe, it was the finger I held up to slience him, when he tried to contiune speaking. I take the phone off the reciver.
"Hello, may I ask who this is? Amelie is speaking."
"How many people have this number, Amelie? I have bad news, Claire isn't here. She was gone when we arrived at the hotel. The boy said a man named Bishop took her from him." Myrnin say in a preplexed tone.
"For all I know it could have been a wrong number. Dear Mad Scientist, I already know Bishop had taken Claire. As a matter of fact, is in my office as we speak. This hasn'-..." I proceed to say but get cut off.
"What do you mean Bishop is in your office?" He nearly shouts over the phone.
"I'm perfectly fine. This has been a pleasant vist. Well, as pleasant as it gets with my father. He has lost possesion of Claire. She happens to be with Kenneth and Chris. They want people important to her gathered. So, if you will, come back to Morganville."
A deep breath is taking and I can hear the stress in his voice, "I don't know if I can convice Shane to stop going on his rampage. As of right, he is frimly tied to a bed. He broke, what is your name young man?"
"Umm, Ian."
"Right, well, Shane broke Ian's nose, and I think he might have a fractured wrist. Every time Shane got a chance he was beating the living Hell out of this young man." I hear a slight chuckle ecsacpe Myrnin's lips.
"Let me speak with Oliver. I know what ever I tell you will be ignored." I say about fed up talking to that insfurable man.
"I resent that. I listen to you... sometimes. Well, more like never. Okay I get your point. Transfering your call." Myrnin say in an iratted voice.
"Hello, what do you what Master?" Oliver say in a voice that sounds rehortical. Too bad, I'm going to treat him like my bitch now. He opened himself up for that one.
"Very good, my pet! I want you to bring everyone there back to Morganville, inculding that Ian kid." My voice is full of power and is not to be argured with.
But, what does Oliver do, he argues, "No, I'm not your pet and I won't return until you apologize."
"I'm sorry, now get your sorry ass back her. It is of the highest importance."
Don't worry, my chapters are going to pick up in action. Or maybe I should torture you in unbareable angsts? No? Yes? Tell me what you want to happen. Really just using that as an excuse to get more reviews. So please review? PLEASE? Ooh why do I bother?
Kitkatlang: Thanks for the review AGAIN!:) I hope I cleared things up with Chris. He isn't some incest freak, well I hope he isn't. But then, who knows. I haven't had the chance to really develop him yet. For all I know he might end up as Eve's gay best friend. Also, wow. I'm sure glad I don't get your fury. But what does that person even bother. As far as I'm concerened(spelling) they don't matter. They are after all my only Flame. Some one was bound not to like my story. Could have been nicer but some people have no elquonence. Thanks anyways. I'm glad your such a deticated fan. You once again made me smile. I bet your writing doesn't suck, you just judge yourself harder than any thing. I always think my writing suck but this story seems to be a hit. Now it completely sounds like your favorite reviewer. My respons to you is so long. Pretty soon it might be longer than my actual story... So, I'm just going to stop rambling on how amazing you are and how much I enjoy your reviews. Ooh look I'm still doing it. Just gonna go... one last thing :). If you keep giving me awesome reviews, I may not be able to fit through a door, if my head gets any bigger!
RockCandy13: Thanks for the review. I'm flattered, surely you can find a better story than mine. Wait, disregard that last thing I just typed. Of course it is your onpion, so think it is awesome all you want. Who am I to convice you it isn't? Crazy that is who.
Charliee: Thanks for the review again. As always glad you love my twists. Don't get tired of them just yet. I may be throwing more your way;)
katylou86: Thanks for the review. That is two reviews in a row, so now I offically love you. Like the other constant review, I will proceed the only way I know how. What will I do you ask? STALK your profile page. Hope your happy you created a monster.
Lots of love to my fans *XoXo- hEaRtBrOkEnTeArS*