So I saw a fanart picture of this pairing & it's grown on me ever since, & I'm not one to usually like crossovers. Personally, I find that there is something appealing about Gaara x Toph (& not just because they're two of my favourite characters lol). This will mostly be in Toph POV but I will change it to some otherNarutocharacters (but I'll state when so don't worry).
Summary: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko & Suki decide to go to the Naruto world to learn new bending techniques. When they go to Sunagakure Toph then meets the Kazekage of the village, Gaara…
Disclaimer: I own nothing;Narutobelongs to Masashi Kishimoto &Avatar: The Last Airbenderbelongs toMichael Dante DiMartino&Bryan Konietzko.
Chapter 1
"So, what do you guys think about going to the Land of Fire? I have a friend who lives in the main village there called Naruto." Aang asked, looking around at the group.
"Why do you wanna go there?" Sokka asked.
Toph, who was lying on the floor eating grapes, looked up in Aang's direction (not that she could see anyway). Why would he want to go that fire land for? She didn't like the sound of that, fire,ugh it sounded like everything there would be surrounded by volcanoes or something.
"Well not only did Naruto invite me, but I thought it would be good to go because they fight over there using techniques similar to our bending. I thought we could learn some new bending techniques."
"Well I'll opt out." Toph said.
"Aww why is that for?" Aang asked.
"Well I'm already the greatest Earthbender in the world, why would I need to learn something new?"
"Well..." Aang started.
"And what about the name of the place, fire. Sounds like we're going to a land full of volcanoes."
"And you don't seem to mind the Fire Nation." Zuko noted.
Damn, he got Toph there.
"Why not come to see somewhere new?" Katara asked, Toph felt her walk over to Sokka, "And it wouldn't be the same without someone making fun of Sokka."
"Hey!" Sokka said.
Feeling a grin spread across her face, Toph said, "Yes, maybe I should come with you guys after all."
Toph could feel Aang fly around the room in delight, "Yes!" he cried out, "This is going to be son fun, I can't wait for you guys to meet Naruto he's great!"
"So when are we leaving?" Zuko asked.
"How about tomorrow? It's going to take us a few days to get there. And I want to get there soon!" Aang answered.
"Alright then we'll go tomorrow!" Katara decided, "I can't wait to learn some new waterbending techniques!"
"Oh yeah I forgot to mention guys." Aang started, "They do things a little differently over there. From what Naruto has told me they have to say these chant things and do these hand signs to get their bending to work."
"So it's not exactly bending then is it?" Zuko asked.
"Well to be honest I'm not really sure." Aang laughed, a little nervously.
Listening intently, Toph raised one of her eyebrows. So these people have the same sort of power they do, but it's not exactly bending? Well this is interesting; maybe it was a good thing Toph decided to go after all. Standing up, she told everyone else she was going to pack for tomorrow.
"Naruto, you're telling me you haven't planned anything for when your friends arrive?" Sakura asked, she shouldn't be surprised, this was so typical Naruto.
"Well you know, been busy training and all." Naruto laughed nervously, "And they won't arrive for at least a week."
"You forgot didn't you?"
Naruto continued to laugh nervously. Sighing, Sakura said, "Alright look. I'll organise where they'll be staying and some things to do around here. Now, you said this boy can use all four elements? Did you think about asking Gaara if they could go to Sunagakure? They'd benefit from being with Temari I think."
Naruto did that fidgety thing with his fingers that Hinata usually did, Sakura shook her head and sighed, "I guess I'll be organising that as well." She said and walked off.
Filling out paperwork, Gaara stopped when Temari entered, "What is it?" he asked his sister.
"There's a letter here from Konoha, its Sakura. She says that Naruto has some friends coming who can bend the elements. She thought it would be beneficial if they could come here as well, what do you think?"
"Bend the elements?" Gaara asked, trying to figure out exactly what that was.
"I don't know, but I'm guessing it's similar to our jutsu." Temari answered.
"Well yes, these people can come. It will be nice to have something else to do than filling out paperwork all the time."
"I'll get to work on it." Temari said and left.
Gaara was quite curious to see what this 'bending' was, maybe these people could teach him something new.
So let me know what you think! If people like this I'll continue with it!