AN: So, I love leaving cliff hangers, and deep, longing thoughts from Bella at the end of chapters. I am awful I know. I also enjoy giving two-part chapters, if you couldn't tell. So, here is the second part to October Fun, I won't say much in this author's note since I said it all in the previous one. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it may not be as long as the first part of the chapter but there will be a lot more plot development in this chapter than the previous one.
Okay, so I fought with this chapter even more than the last. Sorry it took so long guys, but enjoy!
Approx. 4,229 words
The Song for this chapter is: Seein' Red by Dustin Lynch
Chapter 9 October Fun Part II: The Party
A couple of hours later I found myself pulling into Rosalie's driveway, up to a two story Victorian style home that had my eyes nearly bugging out of my head.
What is up with these people and the fancy housing? It's Forks for fucks sake.
I got out of the car after a few minutes of ogling the house, grabbing my bag from the back seat and headed up the walkway to the front porch. The door swung open before I could even knock, and there was Alice in a black, leather body suit.
I was going to be sick.
"You know, these are the types of things Jasper talks about. They disturb me when it comes out of his mouth, but to actually see it in front of my face. It's even worse."
She only laughed at me, and pulled me into the house. I'm going to need therapy after hanging out with this group of crazy people. They share way too much, and are happy to do so.
"Why are you wearing a turban?" Alice asked, avoiding my earlier statement like a pro.
"Because I curled my hair and I didn't want it to fall before I could spray it, and style it."
"Oh, well I can't wait to see it!"
She squealed excitedly as we entered Rosalie's room, it was bigger than my living room and kitchen put together. Like what the hell?
"Hey Bells, just in time for the party!" Rose smiled brightly at me from her vanity, she was applying gold eyeshadow to her lids. It looked good.
"Looking good Ro, where can I start my makeup?"
"You can use my bathroom, Miss hoebag over here can't do makeup for shit so I'm doing it for her once I'm done with mine."
I looked at Alice from the corner of my eye to see she was playing innocent, she was a master shopper but yet she couldn't do her own makeup. For shame.
"Sounds like a plan, I'll leave the door open so you girls can gossip," I stopped in the doorway when I suddenly remembered something "oh and guys?" I asked, turning around to face them, so I could drive through my point "can we keep the vividly detailed sex talk to a minimum? I'd like to be able to look at my best friend without picturing the naughty things you do behind closed doors with him."
The girls averted their gazes, a deep crimson flooding their cheeks and necks. Yeah, they were talking about their sex-lives way too much. And they knew it.
Without another word on the subject I plopped my bag down on the counter and started setting the things I would need out on the granite counter top. Once I'd set all my stuff out Alice decided to wander in to watch.
"I try to do my makeup, I just don't do that good of a job." She whined slightly as I started applying my foundation.
"It just takes practice Ali, it took me years to get it right. Especially costume makeup, if you want I could teach you a thing or two." I suggested while keeping my eyes on what I was doing.
"That would be great Bella, thanks!" I glanced up at her to see her eyes were bright and her smile was excited.
"I'm ready for you Alice!"
I breathed a sigh of relief as Alice scampered off, it wasn't that I minded her hovering over me, it wasn't that at all. It was the fact that I was still nervous, and I didn't want my friends to see that.
After my talk with Jasper yesterday at school, you'd think I would be more prepared for the night ahead. I wish that were the case. I took a few deep breaths, trying to quell my nerves as Jasper's words from last night crept back into my subconscious.
"Don't worry about a thing darlin', I'll be there for you and so will the girls and Em. No one will mess with you, including Edward if he decides to be an ass."
I couldn't help but to smile at the memory, of his playful words and then the wink he sent my way, and then the tackle-tickle-fest that pursued.
With a shake of my head I finished applying my makeup, using my mesh fishnet to apply that scale look to each temple, down my cheek and up my forehead. It looked really good, the contrast between the two blues really made my eyes pop. I couldn't wait to see what it looked like in contrast to my hair.
At first, I had wanted to go with the traditional 'Ariel' look from the little mermaid, but after all my perusing of the internet I decided to take a more modernized, and sexy looking mermaid.
Needless to say, I liked my choice.
Once done with my eyes and face I applied the blue lipstick and blended it with some teal sparkles around the edges. I made some minor adjustments with a makeup wipe, then a few more with my smudge brush before I was satisfied.
I walked into Rosalie's bedroom to see Alice's makeup was also finished, it was dark and simple, very chic. Rosalie was working on her hair when I walked in, but halted when she saw me standing behind them.
"Oh wow, Bella that makeup looks incredible! Look Ali," Rose turned around with Alice still sitting on the floor, so that she could turn enough to get a good look at me.
"You look amazing Bella! Please let us see your hair now! I bet it will pull it all together!"
"Yeah, come on B! Please!" Rose whined along with her, giving me the puppy eyes I couldn't resist.
Damn them.
"Fine," I huffed, knowing I would have to show them eventually anyway. I pulled the string from the headwrap and smiled softly as I felt my hair pull around my shoulders as I released it from the wrap.
Both Alice and Rosalie's mouths dropped as they looked at my temporarily red hair, that did resemble Ariel's hair, from the Disney movie, quite well.
"So?" I asked, unsure as they continued to stare at me.
"Holy wow, it looks so good Bella!"
"You look good with red hair!"
I could only smile at their chorused proclamations, I could tell they were being sincere so I didn't objectify them as I crossed the room to sit on Rosalie's bed.
"Now I can see why Jasper's new favorite color is red." Alice giggled as Rose continued doing her hair.
I cocked my head to the side, not understanding. Rose caught my look and explained for her, she couldn't exactly see me from her position on the floor.
"I think what Alice means is that just about every guy at Forks High new favorite color is red, because of you B. You look good in red."
"Oh," now I guess I understand why Jasper groans whenever I wear red… makes sense now.
"I don't mind Bella, I know you and Jasper are just friends. I'm glad he has you and vice versa, hell I'd be surprised if he didn't notice how gorgeous you are or that you look good in red. Hey, it works out in my favor too."
She giggled excitedly at the thought, I couldn't help but to snort. Thinking of one of Jasper's many over-share-moments. He has a lot of those, but if I was being honest we both over shared with each other.
"He actually likes you in black."
"What did you say?" I hadn't even realized the words had left my mouth, until I had two sets of eyes gawking at me in surprise. Shit.
"Oh man, Alice don't say anything. He'll kill me if he finds out I told you that!" It's things like that, that we say in confidence to one another.
"Elaborate and I won't say anything to him." I had their full attention now, and I found myself squirming under it.
"Well…one day while I was over at his house we were talking. And, like you said he likes me in red, and so I asked him what color he liked seeing you in. He said black." Alice and Rosalie's eyes sparkled with mirth and I was nervous. "Please, neither of you can say anything about this! To anyone, Jasper will kill me he told me that in confidence not for me to spill the beans by accident." I pleaded, feeling idiotic for my momentary lapse in control over my mouth.
It was involuntary.
"Calm down Bella, we won't say anything." Rose assured as she finished spraying Alice's ponytail in place.
"Yeah, if anything you saved me some worry. I was scared he wouldn't like my costume, now I know." Alice winked at me as she went to attach her cat ears, I shuddered again. Damn cat fetish.
"You okay?" She asked in a concerned tone as she and Rose looked at my spastic form.
"Yeah, great. Rose, you want to help me with my hair? My shell crown is hard to get in."
"Hell yeah, where did you get a shell crown? I've never seen one and I've looked." She jumped up excitedly, following me to the bathroom.
"I made it actually, a few years ago, a couple asked me to do a photoshoot for their daughter and I made it for that. I've had it ever since."
I shrugged it off nonchalantly as I pulled it carefully from my bag, it looked elaborate but it was actually quite simple and easy to make. It took a couple hours but the finished product was beautiful in my opinion.
"Wow, this is super cute Bells. Just tell me what to do and we'll get this puppy in there."
And she did just that, after a few minutes we got my hair pinned back, hair sprayed, and the crown twined in with my hair so that it would stay in place. Teamwork. Without Rose and her mad skills, I don't think we would have ever gotten it to stay in place as well as we did. And with minimal hairspray too.
"Perfection, now let's get dressed. We have a party to get to."
I got out of my car, only to be met with Rosalie by my side. I may have been gawking at the sight before me, I wasn't entirely sure. There were cars everywhere, the house was a live-wire, music pouring out of the house at such a high volume I couldn't even hear myself think. Bodies were all over the first floor… it was a mad house.
"Yeah, it gets crazy." Rose tried to soothe me as we made our way to the front door that stood wide ass open.
I just hope Charlie doesn't end up being called.
That would be a major disaster for me, considering I told him I was going to a party at Jasper's house… yeah that's why he let me out. If he found out I was at Edward Cullen's house, he'd shit a brick.
We walked in and I followed Alice and Rosalie through the throng of people, it didn't take long for us to find who we were looking for.
I bust out laughing as soon as I spot him, he was wearing fucking chaps! He puts a whole new meaning to the term cowboy.
"Looking good bestie!" his head whipped around at the sound of my voice. He was wearing a goofy grin as he looked at us from his spot against the wall. A lion dressed Em standing beside him, looking out of place beside the resident cowboy.
The sight before me was comical, I couldn't believe just how weird my friends were. Now that I see how Emmett is dressed, I couldn't help but to cringe at the thought of what he and Rose will be doing with that whip later.
I headed towards the odd duo, trying to suppress the crippling thoughts.
"Lookin' hot girls," Jasper's eyes took in my appearance appreciatively, but also respectfully, before snapping to Alice. His jaw dropped. Great, I'll be hearing about this later.
"Love the hair babybel!"
I could only smile at him, trying to avoid the boys' stare as they eye-fucked their girlfriends, as I looked for Edward, unsure of what it was I was expecting to see. He was nowhere.
"He's around here somewhere, I haven't seen him in a few minutes though." Jasper whispered suddenly in my ear, standing close so that I could hear him. I looked up at him to see the soft look in his eyes.
"Thanks, I'm going to go find something to drink."
"There is some soda in the fridge, brought it just for you princess." He pecked my cheek, careful not to kiss the part with makeup, and squeezed my bare hip once protectively.
I headed towards the kitchen, expertly maneuvering between the crowded bodies until I reached my intended destination. Don't get me wrong, I have been to plenty of parties, but for some reason I just didn't feel comfortable here. Maybe it was because of the uncertainty of what Edward and I were or were not doing.
Shaking my head with a sigh I grabbed one of the soda's Jasper brought for me from the fridge, and poured it in a cup. Not like I truly cared if people knew I was drinking soda rather than alcohol or not, it was just a habit.
I walked back into the living room, where the noise was resonating, and found myself wishing I had stayed in the kitchen. People with barely there clothing were gyrating together, it was disgusting. Some girls were dressed as play boy bunnies, other slutty nurses, and my favorite the "sexy" angel.
It was hard to suppress the eye roll, I mean how predictable can people be?
"Hey Bella, looking sexy girl!" I turned to my right to see none other than Mike Newton, great.
"What do you want Newton?" I growled through my teeth, I can't stand this kid.
He thinks he has a shot with me, ever since my first day he has been trying to get in my good graces so that he can get into my pants. Too bad for him I'm not loose like most of the girls at this school. Meaning the Jessica Stanley's and Tanya Denali's of the school.
I noted that he was dressed as a police officer, how original. He sauntered up close to me, putting one arm around my waist drunkenly as he leaned up against the wall heavily. Oh yeah, he was trashed.
"Get your hands off me." I growled out, disgusted that he thought it was okay to put his hands on me.
"Oh, com o baby, don play har to gee." He slurred ridiculously, really?
"I believe she said to get your paws off Newton, take a hint."
He was pulled off me suddenly, falling backwards on his ass from the force of the person who pulled him away. I looked up to see that person was Edward, nice timing. He smirked, seeing the thought clearly in my eyes as Newton struggled to get up.
Edward easily took Mike's spot beside me, leaving him no chance to get near me again, and snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his side.
"And where have you been?" I whispered against his jaw, this was the most contact we have had in a while.
"I'm the host, and for some reason people think that means they all have the right to talk to me. I just got away actually, saw you come in and I've been looking for you ever since. You move fast for a mermaid out of water." He joked light heartedly, looking down at me with that smirk.
"Funny guy." I muttered as I scanned the room once more, the song changing to something even raunchier.
"I know, you look amazing by the way. I like the hair, it's a nice touch." He murmured against said hair.
"Thank you, that seems to be the consensus tonight." I whispered back huskily.
"Want to hang out with me tomorrow? We haven't seen much of each other outside of school lately, I'd like to get to know you a little." That shocked the hell out of me, besides the one-time conversation at my house we hadn't really had much time to talk and 'get to know' one another.
Hell, the last time we were together, alone, was when we had sex after the shit storm Tanya created a while back, other than that there hasn't been anything more. So yeah, I was surprised.
"Um, yeah sure. We could go to Port Angeles or something, if you want to?" It came out as a question, I was so unsure of myself when it came to him. And I was never unsure. Of anything really.
"Sounds good, should I pick you up?" he asked against my ear, his other hand coming to rest atop the other as he held me impossibly closer.
"Yeah, Charlie is working the day shift tomorrow. Pick me up at twelve?" he only nodded against my skin.
He planted a kiss against my lobe once more, excusing himself to grab a beer, and then I was alone once more. Stunned.
What the hell is he playing at?
Two hours later it was nearing midnight and I hadn't seen Edward since he rescued me from Newton. So I spent most of my night by myself, watching the gyrating bodies in the middle of the living room, and tossed between my coupled friends.
One minute I found myself with Emmett and Rose, the next I was beside Jasper and Alice. Jasper kept me smiling and laughing, as did Em, but I also noticed that there was something in their eyes. It was hidden mostly, but I caught a glimpse of it when they thought I wasn't looking. It was worry.
They kept looking for Edward just as I had, but I knew they didn't know anything. That much was clear as I watched them, they were just worried about Edward hurting me. So was I, but I was having too much fun with my friends to worry about it much.
At a quarter to midnight my phone started going off, I groaned as Charlie's number lit up my screen. I was somehow able to escape to the back patio just in time to answer the call.
"Why aren't you home yet?" his gruff voice sounded huskily through the receiver, well he didn't sound drunk yet. That was a good sign.
"You said I could stay out a little later tonight." It was true, the day before he said it would be okay if I came home after my set curfew. It had been out of character at the time, but now I could see that was momentary lack in judgement was coming to bite me in the ass.
"Yeah well, I changed my mind, come home now Isabella. No arguments!" Click.
I sighed, there goes my night.
Turning on my heel I headed back inside to look for my friends so that I could say goodnight before rushing out. I found Jasper first, he had a big smile on his face and I hated myself when it quickly faded when he saw the sad look on mine.
"What's wrong bestie?" he yelled over the music, pulling me close as he ducked into the hallway, away from prying ears.
"Charlie called, decided to reign me in early tonight. I'm sorry, but I gotta go." I didn't want to, but I didn't want Charlie knocking on Jasper's door, where the party was not.
I would really be in some trouble then.
"Damn, okay. Want me to walk you out?" He asked, a little unsteady on his feet.
I could only shake my head, he wasn't off-his-ass-drunk, but he was pretty tipsy and it was interesting to see.
"That's okay Jas, I'm going to say bye to Rose and then head out."
"Okay, love you B." he hugged me tight, and kissed m cheek before releasing me to find our other friends.
It didn't take me long to find her and Em as they stood along the wall closest to the staircase, I looked around for a minute… trying to find Edward but not seeing him anywhere. I touched Rosalie's elbow gently to notify her of my presence. She looked at me quizzically, leaning in to hear me.
"Where's Edward?"
"I haven't seen him in a long time." She yelled over the deafening music, then turned to face me fully. An inquiring look on her face. "Why? Everything okay?"
"I have to go home early, when you see him will you tell him I left?" she nodded, a soft smile on her black painted lips.
"Of course, be careful. We'll see you later." She gave me a one armed hug, before letting Emmett pull me into his signature bear hug that left me breathless.
Damn him.
I promised to text her when I made it home and then I was on my way. I didn't want to leave, but when your father is an alcoholic, and not to mention Chief of Police, you learn to do as your told.
The drive home was uneventful and I found myself cursing my father the entire time.
I mean, I'd been having a lot of fun before Charlie called and ruined it for me. I growled in annoyance as I pulled my sweater on, I didn't need to hear it about my costume either. My phone rang before I could sulk any further, I sighed heavily, not even bothering to look at the caller ID.
"Hello?" I asked as I grabbed the mail that Charlie decided to neglect while heading up the walkway.
"Hey beautiful, guess what?"
I stopped short at the sound of his voice, and the tingle it sent up my spine.
"Garrett?" I asked, surprised as I shut the door behind me, locking it out of habit.
"Who else? That wasn't what you were guessing though." I couldn't help but to laugh at his words, he was such a goofball.
"What?" I decided to indulge him, might as well.
"I'm home."
I froze in the middle of my room, my jacket halfway off, my mail in the crook of my arm, and my phone glued to my ear. No way.
"Are you for real?" I asked in disbelief as I took my jacket the rest of the way off, setting my letters on my desk to free my hands.
"Yeah, I got in a couple hours ago. That's why I never texted you back, I've been on plane after plane."
"Oh my gosh, Garrett that's awesome! When can I see you?" I asked excitedly as I sat down on my bed, I've been waiting to see him ever since I moved back. It's been far too long since I have seen him, and I miss him immensely.
"Tomorrow?" I smiled widely, my heart clenching at the thought of seeing him.
"I can't wait."
"Me either, I'm gonna head off to bed princess. I just wanted to call and let you know I was home, see you tomorrow. Love you B."
"Love you too Gar, sleep tight."
With a smile, I hit the end call button and threw my phone back onto the bed, my night just got a little better. I thought with a smile as I opened some of my mail.
The first letter had a return address from Seattle so I chose to open it, I didn't know anyone form Seattle, or at least I didn't think I did.
When I opened, it I found it to be a formal invitation with tickets and a VIP pass inside, along with a RSVP page. What the hell?
Dear Isabella,
We here at the Seattle Charity for Youth would like to invite you and five of your closest friends to join us at our Annual Masquerade Ball. We have been sent some of your work, and we would be honored if you would photograph the evening for our website.
Picture the guests as they arrive, take personal photos for guests to order, and photograph the occasion throughout the night. If you would get back to us at your earliest convenience that would be great. Thank you, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving, we hope to see you on December 20, 2016.
CEO Irina Volturini &
Chancellor Laurent McDaniels
Holy… wow. My night just got even better.
Wow, interesting chapter if I say so myself, next chapter we meet the famously mysterious Garrett and things start to get a bit crazy:
"Do you love him?" I didn't answer.
"Do you want him instead of me?" Again. I didn't answer.
"Whatever Bella, I never should have come after you. I'll see you around." I watched in stunned silence as he walked away. What the fuck just happened?