hey everyone I'm back again! I have here for you a Harry/Hermione story...its been a while since I've written one of these. Anyway, after rereading the final book, I got inspired to write this story. Anyway I hope you like it! Also, this story is in Harry's POV

I've never been so angry in my life. Despite that he was wearing the horcrux at the point of our fight, I still know that he had meant every word that he'd said. I didn't even follow him out of the tent to chase him I was so furious. Hermione however, with tears glistening in her eyes, ran out after him calling his name, begging for him to follow her back to the tent. I didn't care what he did at this point. I was too frustrated to care.

But in an instant, everything changed. Hermione suddenly walked back into the tent. She was damp from the rain that was starting to come down and her head was drooped to the floor. She then lifted her head in my direction.

"He's g-g-gone. He disap-p-parated," she managed to choak out as she stumbled past me into a chair. Almost immediately I forgot about Ron. My attention was on Hermione and only Hermione.

That look on her face. The look of pain, sadness, abandonment, and brokenness all rolled in one; it broke my heart. When Hermione dragged herself back into the tent announcing that Ron was gone, I completely forgot everything that was around me. I was instantly aware however of her face. I don't think I'd ever seen Hermione that hurt before, and I hope that I'd never have to see it again in my life. Especially if that hurt was caused by Ron.

I looked over in Hermione's direction to where she sat curled into a ball on a chair; eyes puffy and watery and her cheeks were stained with tears. It killed me inside to see her like this. She was my best friend and did not deserve to feel this hurt. Hermione was a good person, she didn't deserve to be hurt, especially if this hurt was caused by Ron. If Ron ever came back, I swear I thought of killing him.

Finally, I came to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. Seeing Hermione like this, so vulnerable and fragile, it broke my heart more every second. I walked with over to the chair she occupied and gently put a hand on her shoulder. Without looking up at me, she scooted over a little in the chair allowing me to sit. I pulled her into my arms and held her as she continued to cry into my chest.

I didn't know what I could possibly say at that moment that I knew wouldn't cause either Hermione or myself more anger, so I remained silent. As she cried, I stroked her now wild brown locks and placed my chin on top of her head. We sat like that for a long time; her in my arms, crying. And as the minutes rolled on, I began to feel more anger towards Ron. I don't think I've ever been that furious with him before in my life. And it wasn't all because he left...it was way more complicated than that now. All because of the look that I saw in her eyes.

After about almost an hour, Hermione suddenly became quiet. Her sobs seemed in control and she would let out a few whimpers here and there. But, I didn't dare let her go...I didn't want to. The feeling of her in my arms was nice. She fit perfectly and I was glad to know that I was able to comfort her when she needed someone.

Slowly, she turned her head up in my direction and looked at me. I wasn't sure if I was to say something, but I didn't have to. She simply tucked her head in the crooked of my neck and muttered something. I wasn't sure what she said so I responded by pulling her closer and gently kissing the top of her head. After a few more minutes, Hermione slowly drifted to sleep in my arms.

I still didn't want to move from this position, but I knew that she'd sleep better if she were in a bed. Carefully, I stood, carrying her, and took her to her bunk. After laying her down I covered her and then gave her my extra blankets, knowing that I wouldn't be needing them. Hermione was still for a few seconds, then she curled herself into a ball under the covers and gave a small sigh. Once I made sure she was sleeping peaceful enough, I grabbed a chair from a corner and took it outside to keep watch.

As I sat in the dark, quiet forest, my thoughts continuously drifted back towards Hermione. I couldn't help but feel nothing but worry. Since Ron is gone, I wasn't sure what she'd be like. Would she be angry, go into a depressed state, or move on as if nothing happened...as if nothing ever hurt her, as if he didn't hurt her. I wasn't sure. But I knew one thing...I would not let her down as a friend, or as the person that is responsible to keep her safe as best as I can. I refuse to leave her and I know that I now have to do everything in my power to keep her alive at all costs. Because, at that moment, I didn't know what I'd do if she was killed. I'd be lost completely.

After shaking my head furiously to rid my brain of those awful thoughts, I couldn't help but still worry that she might leave me as well. Even when Ron was still here, I could see a change in her eyes. She's tired more and has small dark circles under her eyes. And since our food sources are limited, she's grown thinner too.

As the moon continued to rise, I prayed hard I could that I would be able to destroy these horcruxes, so that we could be safe and happy again...especially Hermione. I may have to live my life like this, running everywhere looking for the only way to kill voldemort...but she shouldn't have to.

So any good yet? Review and let me know =D