It seemed that each day on Pandora was a battle waiting to be fought. Even as he slept, Brick was in a position where he would be able to dismember just about everything; save himself, within a 5 mile radius. It always left the others far too wary of him. Sure, he was a pretty scary man, but he drew a very distinct line between his friends and his enemies.
He rolled over in his sleep and spat out a stream of sand, much akin to a whale clearing its blowhole. Being entirely unconscious at the time certainly had its benefits.
It had taken Brick a long time to understand the damage that he was capable of inflicting. When his allies had first mentioned it to him, he laughed it off. Not because he was modest, but because he had no memory of such a thing. His 'zerker rage,' as Mordecai liked to call it, left Brick's mind entirely detached from his body. It was an experience quite similar to fainting, but only on the inside. Over time, Brick had managed to channel it somewhat. He was able to enter the state at will, as well as it being his typical emotional response. Anger, mostly. Lillith made a habit of teasing him about it, saying that he wouldn't be much different in bed. The main point of change being fewer fists. Of course, that had given her pause before she'd taken back the statement with her typical, 'or will it?' remark.
He stirred for a moment, and opened one eye. A typical habit that he had grown accustomed to on Pandora. One could never be too careful when the general population would sooner take your life before your wallet. Seeing nothing; Lillith and Mordecai included, he allowed himself to relax once again, and in his reverie, he took a moment to reflect on all the times that he had entered the state. It was troublesome, not being able to remember much during those episodes. Whenever he felt his anger take control, it was as if his world had become television snow. The constant drone of white noise and blurred vision, and seeing nothing but red when he came to. If he were a lesser man, he would probably be insane by now. Of course, the impression that he left upon others was never much better.
It didn't take long for the clutches of sleep to take hold of him once more, but one thought lingered in his mind: people simply had the wrong impression of him.
AN: Yeah, this one's a short chapter AND it's incredibly late. My excuse is that I just couldn't be bothered writing anything... BUT I DID SOMETHING IN THE END!
I seem to be getting back into the swing of things, so you can probably expect to see more frequent updates. Just know that I'm not promising anything. I can be incredibly lazy when I put my mind to it.
Oh, by the way ... does anyone know how to set margins on html documents? I'm so clueless with these things.