Author's Note:
Well here is the last chapter written by max333. Also a little thanks to Sblck for bring my attention about the Malachite/Kunzite mess up. I hope that my lovely readers who follow my work will like the next fanfiction that I'm writing. I am trying something new by creating my own personal character so bare with me as I try this for the first time. Thank you again to everyone for your support.
When Mars and Jupiter sought to attack them the two siblings created a force field protecting them easily from the smoldering crackle of the attacks. Laughing as they saw the scouts as useless. The scouts demanded the return of their friends and of the enemies surrender. Ann and Allen only laughed at them in mocking contempt.
"You must be joking!" Ann cackled. Her powers sent the scouts reeling back, losing their footing they flew back only to have Allen attack next as they were smashed into the ground yet again by their actions. Regaining some strength, Serena got up and at seeing her friends in pain got a small adrenaline rush.
"That's it I've had it!" Transforming she surprised the hell out of both Ann and Allen, but mostly Allen as he felt as if he'd been betrayed. His heart lurched in pain at the sight.
"You can't still seriously have feelings for her?" Ann snapped at Allen. "She's the enemy, if she truly cared for you she wouldn't have transformed." The knowledge hurt him, but not as much as the next scene hurt Ann. Sailor Moon, seeing Darien still on the ground from his attempt to help her, went to see how he was. He held his hand up for her to hold letting her know he was physically okay but drained of a lot of energy. Without being in his transformation Darien's body took the brunt of the energy.
"Darien?" Sailor Moon repeated his name till his eyes opened.
"Sailor Serena...are you okay?" Sailor Moon laughed lightly.
"Leave it to you to ask that when you're the one on the ground." Darien smiled before using his other hand to pull her to him. Her lips sweet to his as he had been so terrified for her life. Ann was shocked at first, seeing the tender moment then went into a jealous rage as her aura shocked even Allen. She glowed for a moment before blasting the couple with an attack. They went flying just as the generals came in.
"For the love of God, how the hell can such a big plant cause so much trouble?" Kunzite raged, breathing hard. With all four transformed the scouts looked up at them,
"Darien's been drained pretty badly," Mercury shouted.
"And Ann's having a jealous fit," Mars groaned as she stood.
"At their expense," Jupiter added on. The generals looked up to see them getting thrown once more. Ann's jealously, it seemed, knew no bounds while at the height of her rage. She cackled like an evil witch as the scouts and generals watched helplessly for a moment before all eight of the scouts and generals went in for their attacks. It caught the enemies off guard for only a shield erected seemed to waver now at the power sources.
"It's strong," Jadeite stated.
"A little disconcerting," Nephrite muttered. The girls managed to pull themselves back up by this point.
"We need to save them and take care of this tree," Venus stated, rubbing her bruised shoulder.
"Don't forget taking care of Ann and Allen," Jupiter cracked her knuckles.
"Foolish scouts," Ann mocked sending another blast their way. The generals in response blocked the attack to the scouts with their own magic.
"Strong," Kunzite noted beathing a little hard.
"We need to find a way around that shield," Zoicite deemed.
"Agreed, but how?" Kunzite asked and Zoicite looked at the tree.
"Maybe their power source comes from the giant tree," he surmised. Before they could attack it they heard Sailor Moon speak.
"It's going to be okay Darien, I'm right here." His back was pretty banged up from the last hit.
"As long as your here I'm okay regardless." Ann didn't take a liking to that and sent several more blasts their way. It broke the hold their hands had as they screamed in pain from the negative energy being blasted their way. Finally Ann stopped but only to decide it wasn't enough. In her mind's eye Sailor Moon had to pay for taking what was hers. Laughing at her pain and vain effort in protecting Darien's form from the attacks. It was when Sailor Moon stood up and took the brunt of another attack, shielding Darien as the generals had done with the scouts earlier that gave Allen and Darien pause.
"Such a useless effort," Ann stated coldly. "Just give up now and I'll make it a little less painful for you." Ann's words held no true care for Sailor Moon.
"Go ahead, cause as long as their breath left in my body I will protect those that I love with my life. I won't let you take them from me without a fight!" Sailor Moon's words were shocking and fierce, pulling at Allen's heartstrings as well as Darien's. She'd be willing to sacrifice herself to protect him if that's what it took. The scouts gasped as the generals had been doing the same thing, protecting them with their lives. Jupiter and Mars looked to one another as Mercury and Venus did and stood proud beside their defender.
"And we'll do the same," the scouts thoughts and feelings mirroring each other's. Allen looked on as if he was having a minor revelation as Sailor Moon spoke to Darien.
"Go now. Get away." Darien looked her in the eye. "I want you safe, now go." Serena knew he couldn't fight, not in civilian form. If he was as Tuxedo Mask or the moon light knight then yes he could fight, but not in this form. Ann went to hit Sailor Moon again, her price for be unwilling to let go of Darien. Only this time in a shocking twist Darien in a motion to get up fooled Sailor Moon into thinking he was leaving and instead stood in front of her to block the next hit. Ann unable to deal with his act of trying to protect her enemy sent blast after blast at him. The act shocked and made Allen's heart go out the couple as Darien took everything.
"Darien!" Sailor Moon's eyes widened in shock, as her beloved man took in the hits in his civilian form would not be able to handle for much longer. "You've got to stop!" she cried out, trying to pull him out of the way, but he stood his ground and braced his back for the hits.
"If you think for even one second that I'm not going to fight to protect you, the woman I love and want to be with then," his words were cut off though as the last hit had him crying out in pain. His head falling back as his body gave out. Sailor Moon cried and caught him as he fell. She felt for his pulse just to be sure and let out a sigh of relief when she felt he was still breathing. It was the tender feeling of his back that scared her. Her tears, she couldn't help, as they poured from her.
"Ann maybe this is wrong? Look at them." Ann snapped her face to Allen.
"How can we destroy a love so strong that they'd be willing to sacrifice themselves to protect one another from death?" His words had her in shock.
"Shut up!" she screeched, blasting them.
"I don't think I can do this," Allen told her in despair. "I can't destroy something so beautiful." Allen backed out, unwilling to hurt the couple any more. Her jealous rage though prevented her from seeing the truth or from thinking clearly.
"Coward." she spat.
"No you're the coward, attacking a defenseless couple," Mars's words hit home.
"The scouts are right and so is Allen." The Moon Light Knight suddenly appeared, only to get blasted by an angry Ann.
"You have no idea what's its like, what we had to go through. We were all alone out there and if we didn't take what we wanted then we would have died!" Her blast not only sent him into a wall but made his disappear as well.
"He's gone!" Mercury shouted in complete shock.
"Is the prince okay?" Zoicite asked and they looked over to find Sailor Moon holding him tenderly.
"I hope so," Jupiter answered.
"If she killed him she signed her own death certificate." Kunzite stated, angered beyond words. It was the trees reaction to everything that caused it to explode its energy from their placement. Sailor Moon and Darien went flying as she landed squarely with him, unwilling to break her hold and fearful of losing that connection with him. A large tree limb then hit Allen. Ann saw this and without thought sacrificed herself to save him. The scouts, the generals, and Sailor Moon all watched as she fell into Allen's arms.
"I'm so sorry," Ann apologized painfully. "I think your right. I was just so angry it prevented me from thinking straight." The blood on her lips showed that she had internal bleeding. Allen cried in the pain at the thought of losing her.
"You're going to be okay," he told her,
"I just couldn't bear the thought of losing you. I think I love you."
"I love you to," Allen said causing Ann to smiled before her face fell. He cried out helplessly for her lose of life. It was as if fate had wanted to be cruel as the Doom Tree's limb came at him, a death hit it would be. Allen buried his head in Ann's neck as the scouts watched in horror. It was Sailor Moon's shouting words that caused it to halt it's attack.
"Save them!"
"You think I shouldn't Sailor Moon?" it spoke in a female voice.
"You can talk?!" Sailor Moon stated surprised.
"I can do many things, but first I should explain myself and why we are here." Light erupted from the tree encompassing Sailor Moon and Allen as they were given a history lesson on what happened to the tree and where it came from. The scornful past of giving life to hundreds of people like Ann and Allen so it could not be alone anymore, only from them to become greedy with the need to take what they wanted.
It ended up erupting in a war that the Doom Tree fled from. Once they destroyed the planet they were on the Doom Tree took its surviving people to a new planet, but each time they tried to make themselves at home more people would die off. The planet's resources wouldn't last. It wasn't till only Ann and Allen were left and with only having seen the fighting and the war it was all they knew. Just as children they only knew that feeling.
It wasn't till they came to this planet that they found a place where the resources wouldn't run out and they could co-exist, but their methods from how they learned over the years prevented them from co-existing. Once the light was gone Sailor Moon was left standing as Allen held Ann in his arms. Bitter than they had realized their love for one another to late.
It wasn't till Ann awakened, a save from the Doom Tree, that he felt happiness again. It was Sailor Moon that was left hoping that the Doom Tree would pass the same gift to her beloved. She wouldn't be able to handle it if she lost him again. She knew he was alive but with his injured body he was near death. It would take a great save and power, something she knew she did have the access to, to save him. It was then that the Moon Light Knight appeared again.
"Your still alive," she said, relieved the see him okay,
"In a sense yes and no," he said and she quirked her head to the side. "I believe it is time to reveal myself." Pulling down the white garb from his face he revealed himself to be Darien,
"Okay, I'm officially lost," she told him with confusion written clearly on her face.
"Darien's memories created me," he answered as if that explained everything. After a moment with no response from her the Moon Light Knight elaborated more. "He created me unconsciously as he did not have his memories so that he could still protect you. His will to keep you safe was unwilling to be stopped by any force no matter the cost." She nodded understanding.
"So you are him but you're like a literal figment of his imagination?" she asked.
"Something like that. I am a force of will so that he could still protect you." Serena nodded while looking to Darien's unconscious form. "He knew that you needed help, even in his state his link to you felt the need for it and created me. Though like I said unconsciously, but now it has come time for us to rejoin and be with you." the essence of Darien went back into him much to the relief of Sailor Moon.
"Please Sailor Moon heal me," the Doom Tree suddenly begged. "Let me be free of this negative energy." Sailor Moon nodded and using her silver crystal she called out the power to heal the Doom Tree and to give Ann and Allen a new start, a chance at a new life together without anger or fear or hate. With the flash of light from her broach though she, Darien, the generals and the scouts found themselves no longer in the room with the large Doom Tree or Allen and Ann.
"We're in the Moon kingdom," Sailor Moon stated as she glanced around. "How is that possible?" She then saw Darien rising up. Going to him she leapt into his arms as he held her closely, unwilling to let her go for anything. "I thought I lost you."
"Love of my life, even death can't keep us apart," Darien stated as he smiled down at her.
"So you remember now?" Sailor Moon questioned to verify that his memory had returned.
"Everything. No stone was un turned." Sailor Moon smiled and held him tighter before he pulled her back just enough to envelope her mouth in a searing kiss. The scouts were too happy for them to spoil it.
"My darling daughter," Queen Serenity spoke as she stood as regal to them as ever before. Sailor Moon wanted to go hug her mother, but sought to stay in her beloved's arms just a while longer. She had nearly lost him tonight.
"How are we here?" Mars asked, looking around them.
"I brought you here when Endymion rejoined with himself in this time line." the Queen explained. Darien still held Sailor Moon close to him, having felt her fear over him. Their link, now back on track, as he finally was able to pin point the odd sensation in the back of his head. It had been his link to her calling out to him.
"Question is why though?" Venus asked. The Queen looked to Sailor Moon and Darien again.
"Because it seems that history likes to repeat itself." Her stern voice made Sailor Moon feel like her mother was berating her.
"What do you mean?" she asked, preventing her voice from wavering. The Queen looked to her daughter's stomach.
"Your pregnant, again." Sailor Moon blushed and looked down to her stomach.
"We're pregnant again?" she asked nervously yet happily at the same time. She looked to find Darien with a large smile on his face.
"Yes, it seems that in any time frame you two have a hard time waiting till marriage to have a family," the Queen scolded, her heritage demanding that her daughter wait till marriage to be intimate let alone have a child.
"Can you let us talk for a moment?" Sailor Moon asked her mother, which the Queen nodded in agreement. Sailor Moon and Darien talked for several minutes before a giggle was heard and he leaned down to kiss her. Facing her royal mother again Sailor Moon took in a breath to reply.
"I understand your concerns mother, but Darien and I...we want to live out our own destiny. If we're going to have a baby then that's the way it's going be." The Queen was shocked by her daughters words. "We want to have the soul of our child back. We want to raise our child together, in love and happiness. If another enemy comes we'll handle it. We always have. We Moon women are strong mother." The Queen reluctantly agreed even though she felt her daughter was still a tad to young to bear this responsibility. She reluctantly formed the child's soul within her arms then sent it back to Moon where it went inside of her.
"I hope you are making the right choice."
"I can feel the baby again," Sailor Moon stated excitedly.
"And hopefully soon I'll feel her to," Darien stated as he placed his hand on Sailor Moon's stomach. She nodded as she gave a teary eyed goodbye to her mother before the scene once more flashed brightly. They were now once again in front of Ann and Allen.
"We can start a new Allen." Ann stated happily. It was clear the two aliens never noticed that everyone had been gone. Thanking the scouts and Sailor Moon, the two left off with the small twig like tree that was left of the Doom Tree.
"I'm glad they figured it out before it was to late," Sailor Moon stated to herself. It was then Darien came from behind her and caught her attention. Sailor Moon turned around as he picked her up within his arms.
"I have my family back," he said against her lips. still within his hold Venus sought to 'coo', 'ooh', and 'ahh' at the loving moment as did Jupiter, while Mars was ready to demand information on the baby while and Mercury was ready to ask them what their plans were regarding it. Thankfully the generals grasped onto each scout and turned their attentions onto themselves. They knew their prince and princess needed a moment to themselves. "So what do you want to do now?" Darien asked, unwilling to let his princess go for anything.
"Live our lives with one another. Raise our baby and take it one day at a time. I still have school to finish off and so do you. We have plans but they are our plans. Our future to make it how we want to." Darien smiled at her words.
"I love it, our plans, our future, our baby, our lives..." he held her close before kissing her once more. Even with the scouts were behind them bickering with the generals it couldn't break the hold they had on one another.
"At least we wont have to worry about finding babysitters," Sailor Moon giggled, as she glanced at the others.
"Nope," Darien agreed before turning his attention back to her. "But right now lets get you home. We have more alone time to catch up on." Sailor Moon smiled as they snuck away from the group.