Kate Beckett and her team were lead to the docks in New York City where their latest murderer, Gerard Fletcher, was apparently hiding out. When they arrived, Beckett, Ryan and Esposito had split up to get a greater canvass of the area. Castle, for once in his life, obeyed Beckett's instructions and stayed in the car.

Kate was walking along the east side heading towards the pier, her gun drawn by her side and her hair whipping in the wind. Every so often she'd turn around to check behind her, especially since she'd been hearing strange noises ever since she'd left Ryan and Esposito. Almost convinced it was nothing, Beckett continued her search to find the mysterious Gerard Fletcher.

She saw movement in the water to the left of her, cop's instinct made her automatically look towards the water to check for any signs of danger. What she didn't see behind her was Gerard Fletcher creeping between the shipping containers and was steadily approaching her.

Her foot creaked on the wooden plank and she turned around, just fast enough to catch a glimpse of her attacker. He pushed her into the icy sea water below the pier and she let out a scream as loud as she possibly could before she went under, hoping one of the team would hear her and pull her out before she drowned.

The water was exceptionally cold, well considering it was late October and dusk was approaching at a steady speed. She felt like she had just jumped into one of those fridge compartments that turned water into ice cubes. Man she was freezing.

When Kate finally surfaced she gasped, sucking all the air in that she could while trying to stay afloat by treading water.

"BECKETT!" Kate heard the erratic voice of none other than Richard Castle, who had apparently decided to disobey her orders of staying in the car. But really, in a life or death situation like this one where he wasn't really in any imminent danger, she could hardly care what he was doing.

Castle was frantic, almost running around in circles like a dog chasing its tail, then she remembered he couldn't swim, and she didn't really like the idea of having to keep herself afloat while looking after Castle in the icy water without his floaties.

"Castle" gasped Kate, her voice sounding unusually husky "Get Esposito" she ordered, once she had control of her treading water abilities.

"Right. Esposito. Hang tight Kate, you'll be out of there in no time" replied Castle, processing the information in his brain, before running at full pace to find Esposito, clearly worried about Beckett's safety.

"I hope so" sighed Kate, feeling the icy water finally making her feel cold all over, even in her bones. This was probably what it felt like to have arthritis, and I'm not going to be around here to actually be old to find out what it really feels like. She began feeling lightheaded and bobbed under the water once or twice.

When Ryan, Esposito and Castle finally returned, Beckett was nowhere in sight...