I gotta know...has anyone read anything of mine and read like a sentence and been all OMG! That gives me a GREAT idea for a fic!
Like for example: If I had written Katsuya tripped over a log and falls into a mud pit: Then you get the sudden inspiration that Katsuya trips over something and grabs Seto to push him down so Katsuya, himself, does not fall.
Eh? Eh? No? Aw, damn.
Anyways, not my best ever, but I kinda got to like it...after reading the first half fifteen times. :)
BeeTeeDubbs, Fortune tellers = today's psychiatrists.
Oh, Red Eyes!
Seto sighed as his scales turned to skin and his claws turned to hands. The ethereal warmth of the rough surge of magic faded into a deep corner to be beckoned on later and the soft afterglow of his flight faded with it. He abated contently, knowing the asperous day had finally ended. This whole mess with an unknown dragon in the otherwise forbidden east human territory had cause such an uproar, they had actually called for his help and that was saying something. Most humans hated dragons with a violent, loathing passion. The king, Pegasus, was more than just no exception.
His left over wings ruffled and curled contently against his back. He was one of the few dragons that actually preferred his human form, a form he had taken deftly after landing back on the cave ledge of his territory, but he still liked to leave out some of his dragon parts, pretentiously his wings that allowed him ease of flying. He stretched his slightly aching muscles, leaning backwards a bit and lacking his hand around his opposite wrist over his head. He hadn't really flown that far for a while, not since before his parents had flown away, leaving him and his little brother with the evil Gozabura that he had to dominate and throw out of the territory and did so, successfully.
Well, before the dragon came back and Seto had to kill him.
"Big Brother!" Mokuba waddled excitedly over, in his preferred dragon form, his tail wagging. Just like Seto, Mokuba was a Blue Eyes White Dragon, and he wore the noble breed to the T in public, however in private, Mokuba could be a little more...open. "Did you see any possible bed mates?"
Seto scowled at his younger brother, but pat his large, scaley nose when nudged. "You're too young to talk like that."
Mokuba snorted and rolled over playfully onto his back. His stubby legs wobbled in the air like he was swimming and he twisted his long neck to look at Seto right-side up. If Seto didn't know better, he could have sworn Mokuba was trying to ask him for something. The pose was just as submissive as it was silly for a Blue Eyes. "What are you talking about? I've had my first bedding. In fact...I've had more than just a first..."
Seto rolled his eyes up under his lids, appalled. He didn't want to hear about his little brother growing up! He was suppose to stay his little brother! "Mokuba."
"Besides, most of the beings in the valley know you much prefer things in their human forms, it wouldn't be weird if you were to find a human you'd want to bed." Mokuba admonished, ignoring Seto's scolding tone, and rolled back over. "Speaking of which..."
"No," Seto stated firmly. "You are not going top the east human territory with me next time they need me to check things out. Hopefully, it will be never. The people there are even more...inhumane than they make us out to be. You need not to bed with one of them."
Mokuba gave him a look. "No, Mokuba." Seto pursed his lips for a second. "the females there were gangly anyways."
"So," Mokuba catechized, "What about the males? I've seen a few submissive ones that are just as—"
"If," Seto chastely cut him off, "you wish to leave this cave freely for the next three days, I suggest taking the time to shut your pie hole." And with a solid footing, Seto walked past his younger brother into the cave. He could hear Mokuba grumble in annoyance, but that wasn't Seto's problem. It was as if Mokuba knew he was more unacceptably into males than he was females. If it were to be caught wind of that the oh-so-great Dragon Master Seto Kaiba was gay...well, could he say disaster? "Disaster," Seto mumbled under his breath. Mokuba called him out on it and he just shook his head that he had said nothing.
Mokuba waddled despondently after him, pouting childishly. Seto ignored the contempt snorts Mokuba spout out with puffs of smoke. If he were to react to them Mokuba would win, especially if Seto caught sight of those precious baby blues that squeezed his brotherly heart of all its sanity and usually made him give in...which is probably why they called it insanity and why siblings usually caused it.
"Males are just as acceptable as mates, Seto," Mokuba keened, "It's just the likely hood of them able to give eggs is low. Females are almost always fertile. I've even heard of a few males getting pregnant with a female mate because they've romped so much it stimulated their eggs."
Seto stopped and whipped around. "Mokuba. Why, may I ask, do you continue on this topic after I have demanded you stop?"
Mokuba fluttered his wings in annoyance. Ignoring the large difference in size of their two different forms and the fact that, if Mokuba had wanted to, Mokuba could sweep him down without a second thought, Seto stood his ground and scowled when Mokuba's eyes only darkened and acquired a dark look on his imperial face. "I've had a few male bed-mates...they're not bad, Seto. It is widely accepted by everyone in the valley but you. You're too human sometimes, it's as if you wish you were born one!"
Seto's scowl only deepened. He did not wish he was human, he may have felt more comfortable with a graceful human body instead of that of a lanky dragon one, but many things about humans disgusted him. "Don't be so vulgar." Seto whipped back around and continued back into the cave. "Humans make me sick."
"You allow the northern humans enter our valley...you can't hate them so much," Mokuba stated solemnly. Seto could tell Mokuba believed that Seto really did wish that he was born human and in a way it hurt. His brother didn't have that much faith in him? Mokuba may have been two hundred, almost a full adult ready to leave the nest, but Seto wondered where their belief in each other had went when they had trusted each other for so long.
Seto stopped in his steps. He turned around again and looked into Mokuba's big blues eyes, expecting them to look back at him, but they just looked down. Something about it riled up something in Seto. It made him angry. It made him mad. His wings ruffled and he walked back past Mokuba out of the cave.
Mokuba turned around and watched curiously. "Seto...?"
"I'll be back."
"Seto...where are you going?"
"To find a different cave to nest in. You are an adult, you deserve your own cave and I am tired of being so close to the other dragons."
Mokuba fixed in place, staring disbelievingly at Seto's back. Seto could smell the sudden and harsh smell of Mokuba's nerves and fear and shock. His teeth ground together, and he stopped at the ledge. He needed space, he needed air. "Seto! Wait!" Seto growled and jumped into the air, allowing the air to hitch under his spread wings and roughly jerk him up for a second before he fluttered into a glide as Mokuba called anxiously after him. "Seto!"
Seto's hands fisted. Like all he wanted to come home and fight with Mokuba and make the younger dragon probably feel like crap! He closed his eyes and let the wind scrape coldly against his face. He was hoping to go home and have a nice, quiet dinner with his little brother, was that really so much to ask? They were growing distant, Mokuba was growing up, Seto had about had it with the dragons in the valley, most of which Mokuba had either bedded or called friends, and—!
And Seto was becoming lonely.
Not that he'd ever tell Mokuba, but many of the younger human males looked rather inviting. Many of them were flesh and muscle and were as pleasing for his eyes as sweet candy on his tongue—and he had a secret stash of sweets he often consoled for comfort on harsh days like today. Most of the humans though, girl and boy, avoided him with a great fury. Their stench of pure fear when he had first arrived made him wrinkle is nose in distaste. He wasn't trying to be that scary...he just wanted to show his dominance and shiny scales to possibly attune one of the lovely males.
Hell, when a few stray children came up and keened on his beauty he had to stop himself from purring at their cuteness until an adult escorted them away and advised them on the 'dangers' of dragons. How vicious of him was it when he had allowed them to coo over him? It took every ounce of his control to not purr! Really!
Seto glided to the ledge of a cave more towards the eastern, more abandoned side of the valley. He'd often come here, away from Mokuba's rather infinite knowledge, to relax. He had a few of his favorite jewels (and his candy stash because Mokuba would find it at their shared cave) that he hid away here, as well as a human bed and few more soft hearted secrets of his, like some pictures of Mokuba and himself a northern human had painted and given to him as a thank you and peace sharing gift. He landed, his wings fluttering back to their place against his back as he walked briskly into the cave.
He would spend the night here and cool off and then tomorrow he would go back to Mokuba, apologize, then head back to the east human territory and examine the few things he could not because of the setting sun. He grumbled in frustration. He, as soon as he could, was going to hand over the Master title to Mokuba. The younger dragon would be better for the job anyways, he could be regal but he was also more comfortable with other beings and paid no mind to many of the smalls things that normally gave Seto headaches and migraines. Seto really never felt good enough for the title, really, but he figured he was much better than Gozabura, who had been the previous Dragon Master, and he was...but there were still many kinks that he had gotten from being raised so brutally by Gozabura that he really wished he didn't have, that Mokuba actually didn't have.
He stopped and sighed, holding his feverish head. At least he got to sleep in his bed. The human bed he had here was something call 'King Sized' and it was com-fy! It was as if he was sleeping on what many thick, fluffy, clouds looked like they were to feel if you laid on them. Seto couldn't count the times he had literally melted into a mass of Dragon Master goo. His bed was just that comfy. And Seto had planned, because he was a great dragon of planning, to flop into the bed as soon as he possibly could and sleep for the rest of his miserable life.
At least, he had until he noticed the lazy figure sleeping it.
Seto had to stop. Collect himself. This wasn't right. He had to rub the bridge of his nose and take a deep breath, calm down...
Never had Seto felt so emotionally out of control...Or so completely out of character. That was his melting bed, damnit! And he'd be death ridden to meagerly (and sanely) allow someone sleep there like that while he was in this state of chaos. He just wanted to sleep after today with Mokuba and (the extremely gross) Pegasus and all the eastern humans. Was the world against him? Did he not deserve to relax? What had he done so fucking wrong that he couldn't sleep in his own bed?
The blonde human (Seto was guessing, Gods only knew what he really was) sat up groggily and wipes his his blurry brown eyes almost like an awakened child. He groaned and placed his hands supportingly beside him like pillars, his face giving a dazed and confused look. "Fwhahaha?"
Seto growled, having to stop himself from admitting the adorableness of the human, and the loveliness of his toned (yet lightly scarred) tanned chest...and the fact that he had nice tan thighs peeking out from Seto's red silk blanket...and maybe the fact that the alluring human naked in his bed made him want to purr and mount him.
Did he mention the human was adorable? Because, really, he was.
Seto rubbed his temples and glared at the beguiling human. "Do you normal sneak into other's homes and sleep naked in their beds?"
The boy just continued to looked dazedly at him. If Seto didn't know any better, he would have sworn the human was drunk, but he didn't smell of any rank alcohol at all. "White boy say what?"
Seto scowled and stood up straight. "So this isn't a normal thing then? What about a dragon's home? Is that something usual for you?"
"Usual for me?" The boy replied, "No, not why their not home. In fact, I find great pleasure in their mates finding me in bed with them, it makes the threesome sex much much hotter. Y'know, angry make-up sex and all."
Seto had to snap backwards at the reply. It certainly was not what he had been expecting. He'd been expecting an apology and 'I'll be out of here as soon as possible, oh, scary-mister dragon-sir!', but this boy shameless allowed the covers to fall off his slim, evenly tanned body as he got up and saunter carelessly around the room. "I don't feel so well, stupid magicians. I'm gonna regret everythin' tomorra'. I bet rememberin' ya seein' me naked gonna send me inta a fit of embarrassment."
Seto furrowed his brow some as the blonde wobbled and promptly collapsed on the ground mid-walk. He waited for the inane human to get up, but after a few moments all he got from the boy was a loud, obnoxious snore. He had mentioned something about magicians, but what kind of spell could they have possibly put on him? He almost felt bad for the blonde...but no. Not so much. The human had been in his bed, like hell he was going to feel bad.
...But the human was still pretty...pretty. Seto liked pretty things...hence the cave he lived in with Mokuba was filled with gems and gold. He just couldn't resist. The human, he guessed, was almost no exception, except that Seto was half tempted to leave the nude boy on the floor. Curious though (and tempted by the boy's tight looking ass), Seto rolled the boy onto his back, admiring not only the lithe tautness of his lean body, but the serenity that Seto envied and the beautiful red gem caught in the hollow of the boy's collar bone.
Deciding it to be too cruel to just leave him, Seto picked him up and laid him back on the bed. For as toned as the boy was, he was awfully light. Unable to really see him in the dim light of the sunset entering the cave, Seto set him down on the bed and grabbed a torch, huffing for a second before puffing out a nice puff of white fire. The torch immediately blew up into a flame and he used it to light a few others. Able to see a little better now, he looked more over the sleeping beau in his bed.
He was skinny, almost as if he'd been neglected and had to fend for himself. A bit of his ribs peeked out and it was no wonder any spell could take such an affect on the boy, had he or Mokuba been that skinny, another dragon would have taken his place by now. It was dangerous to be that skinny, but the boy seemed almost unconcerned with his lack of body weight, like being so skinny yet muscled was normal. Where in the territories was this boy from? He was so odd.
Seto bit his cheek. The boy had said something about being bedded...but could his fragile body handle that? Admittedly he didn't look that fragile, but there was something about it the human's skinniness that really irked Seto. Was Seto in the wrong?
Sucking on two fingers for a moment, Seto decided to see something. Taking one of the coated fingers, Seto spread the human's legs and slipped a finger inside his anus. It was tight and suckling. Seto felt a warm, swelling feeling in the pit of his gut and his groin as he continued feeling the boy's passage. Undecidedly, he slid his second finger in. He was going on a hunch (despite the fact the boy was writhing more confused than seduced and not releasing pheromones of a more experience quality) but this boy was definitely a virgin. At least down here he was. Something about threesomes...Seto couldn't wrap him mind around this small boy being dominant. Hell, the blonde smelt like he didn't even have any dominant pheromones! Reaching his conclusion, Seto slid his fingers out of the human and the blonde groaned pathetically. Seto pursed his lips and looked at his fingers.
They certainly hadn't been that wet when he put them in.
He looked at the human and tried to smell him more by burying his nose in the human's soft neck, but he couldn't smell much past the forest and a few weak pheromones. Even when he put his nose up to the human's (?) neck, he didn't smell much. It was like he had some sort of masking perfume.
Figuring the best way to find out would be to wash the boy, Seto got up from his seat on the bed and grabbed a pail. He'd go get some water from the nearby stream and sponge the strange creature in his bed. It seemed like the most 'sane' thing to do.
Not that he noticed, but he had completely forgotten today's messes.
It didn't take long after Seto had sponged him down for the boy's scent to hit him like a mallet. Fear, anger, lostness, and loneliness were only a small base of the accounting smells perfuming the boy's body. Pain was also clouding the air, and it somehow hit a nerve in Seto. He...didn't like that this creature had taken to hit his weak spots like a baby faced Mokuba.
Seto also did not like that he had found himself comfortable with the blonde in his bed...the blonde coddled protectively in his arms. Seto scowled for the millionth time that night and rested his chin on the blonde mass of hair. His blue eyes scanned the room, not finding much different accept the blonde's clothes that he had picked up off the floor earlier and the dark contrast of his brunette hair to the blonde. He was sure more was different but he was having a hard time recognizing it. He was so tired and warm and comfortable...
He closed his eyes and sighed, relaxed. Maybe the boy in his arms would be gone when he awoke, he could sleep pretty deeply, but the thought struck a wrong cord in Seto and a swirl of dark emotion pitted itself in his stomach. He didn't want to wake up and the boy be gone. He wanted to talk to the boy a little.
And besides despite the fact that the boy had been sleeping pretty much the entire time, Seto had grown a soft spot (yuck!) for the skinny being. He couldn't just let the boy go...maybe he could chain him to the bed.
Or maybe not.
Seto closed his eyes. He'd just have to deal with it when the time came. It wouldn't be that big of a deal anyways. It was just a boy.
It wasn't like he was his life mate or anything.
"Holyfuckingcrap! Whathappenedlastnight? WhereamI? WhatdidIdo—OHSHITFUCKINGDRAGONS!"
That miserable mess of words was what Seto woke up to. He groaned and stared tiredly at the blonde staring terrified back at him. He sighed and buried his face back into his pillow, rolling over. "Mmm not that bad..." He said thoughtless, thinking how cute the boy looked so frazzled. "S'uddup..."
When the boy sat there, unmoving and silent, Seto peeked out from his pillow. "You came to my bed yourself."
The blonde eeped and fell backwards of the bed. Seto shot his hand out and pulled their naked bodies together, allowing the boy to avoid the harsh landing and set his nerves on the lovely morning wood Seto was sporting and pressing against his tan thigh.
The blonde blushed and Seto remembered the crude comments followed by the fit of embarrassment one that Seto guessed was more of a sober feeling for the blonde. Not that Seto didn't appreciate it, the blonde looked adorable blushing like a virgin damsel...not that he wasn't one, Seto had concluded.
"Did..." the boy began, "Did we sleep together?"
Seto frowned incoherently, "Are we not in the same bed?"
It took a moment but thoughts obviously dawned on the blonde. "Did we even tell each other our names?"
"I'm Seto." Seto sat up groggily and stood, ignoring the flash memories of his oh-so-sweet dreams that did nothing to help his wood. "No, I did not catch your name in the mess of last night."
"Eh!" The blonde cried. He threw his hands into his muss of bed-head and about wailed, "I lost it like a whore!"
"You certainly sounded like one," Seto mused, recollecting the crude threesome comment. "You didn't hold back much."
The blonde looked at him like lost puppy before he curled into an upward fetus position. "I can't believe it..."
"Well," Seto turned around. He didn't miss the quick, embarrassed blush when the being looked down at him and then away. It was cute. "Is your name required for you to keep secret?"
"Katsuya," Katsuya said, biting his lower lip. "Katsuya Jounouchi...everyone—but you I guess—calls me Jou."
They stayed in silence for a moment. Katsuya seemed so completely lost, like a puppy left behind by its owner. "Do you recall any of last night?"
"Just that I'm a little sore..." Katsuya replied, "And that some magician hit me with a spell while I was traveling in the east."
"Not unusual," Seto admitted. "The eastern territories aren't very inviting."
Katsuya nodded and watching the humps where his toes under the red silk were move as he flexed his feet. "Umm...are ya gonna put any pants on?"
Seto raised a brow, "You didn't seem to mind last night." In fact, Katsuya didn't really seem bothered by much of anything last night. That was one hefty spell."
"Ugh!" Katsuya cried, burying his face in his arms. "I can't believe myself! I mated to a fucking streaker!"
Seto had to jolt back. What? Mated? Did Katsuya really think they had...? Something clicked inside Seto. Katsuya, this tempting little blonde in his bed, had thought they had mated! What a riot! Oh if only...
He stopped. He was...lonely, and this little creature (that he somehow liked) had thought they had mated last night. It seemed like something out of a story. It was an interesting and perfect development. He could use this to his advantage and none-the-less Seto liked to take hold of such things and use them to the best of his abilities as he'd learned to do at an early age, so he did.
So now, he had a mate.
"You crawled into my bed," Seto played, "I didn't carry you here."
Katsuya peeked out at him with a teary eye, "I know, I'm sorry. I wish I would've been a bit more in it, y'know? I don't remember anythin'!"
Seto raised his entire brow line, his forehead wrinkling. He knew that Katsuya didn't remember anything from last night, but for him to believe it so easily, there was just something so...adorable—possibly, maybe—about it. He didn't even question it!
Not to mention that Katsuya didn't even seem to take much note of the dragon wings cradled to Seto's back, or the dragon crest of his valley tattooed on his left hip. What was Katsuya that he didn't seem to care that Seto was a dragon?
"Where are you from?" Seto asked, looking straight into the dark honey eyes staring up pathetically at him. He had to stop himself at twitching. Part of him was irked to feel so affected by the innocuous eyes, another part want to do things that would make it hard for them to stay open. Very, very...hard.
Katsuya lifted his head up enough to answer, "I don' wanna talk 'bout it."
Seto frowned, "What territory?"
Katsuya stayed tight lipped, an almost-pout on his contemplative face. He sat up and pulled into a tight fetal position, the soft fabric of the silk blanket scrunching more in his tightening fists. He must have really not wanted to talk about it...if the depressing emotions on his face weren't another obvious clue.
Seto sighed and growled. He'd only decided a minute ago to use the being and suddenly he was regretting it. He would be too much work, showing his emotions on his sleeve and the small amount of brashness Seto had seen was probably only going to get worse. He should just tell the being the truth and throw Katsuya off the cave ledge.
So why didn't he?
"What do you want to eat?"
Katsuya jumped, looking over to Seto walking towards the cave entrance. "Wh-what?"
"Food. You want?" Seto snapped. He was so stupid. Why couldn't he tell Katsuya the truth? It wasn't like he had been lying for a while and had fallen in love with the mutt or anything. Maybe it was his paternal nature after seeing Katsuya so skinny. Beings had always said that when it came to Mokuba, he was more of a father then most fathers were.
Katsuya cocked his head to the side and Seto wondered if Katsuya was a canine, he resembled one. But then again he also resembled a Koroki Forest being, or a mountain thief. Maybe Katsuya was a mutt?
"Well?" Seto snapped again.
Katsuya frowned and stood, taking the silk sheet with him. "Naw, I'll get it myself. I don't need an asshole takin' care of me."
Seto almost jerked backwards at the sudden attitude from the blonde. Two seconds ago he had been haplessly whimpering and now he was snapping back at Seto? What was wrong with this picture?
Seto immediately took stance, not used to the sudden disobedience or uproar to his dominance. If Katsuya was to be his mate, he guessed he was going to have to lay a few things down on the stone. "No. You will stay here and tell me what you want."
Katsuya looked incredulously at him. "What." He angrily stomped over and grabbed his pants off the only chair occupying the cave. He threw the covers over himself, throwing his pants on under them. "Don't you dare talk to me like that, Assbutt!"
Seto sneered and crossed his arms. "I've seen you naked before, Mutt. And I will talk to you as I please, you are my dame not my sire."
Katsuya brashly threw the sheet off of him, clad in nothing but he knee-length brown peasant shorts. "I don't think so. I may be your" Katsuya took the second to spit out the word, "dame but I am not your whore."
Seto glared at Katsuya, and Katsuya glared just as vehemently back. Seto rumbled angrily, feeling his teeth snap with electricity. He was mad, angry, threatened. He was free, normal, excited. No one ever fired back at him, besides Mokuba, and even that didn't last that long. His stomach dropped and his heart pounded, the pit of his stomach heated and his groin took a light throb.
"You are under me, end of story."
"Are you sure that was our only position last night?"
"I was doing all the work."
"Right, while I sat back dead as a fucking zombie!"
"Pretty much, you were useless."
"God! How did I get mated to such a jerk!"
Seto heard the electricity from his power crack and he turned away to go hunting. If he didn't leave soon something was going to flood—whether it be his anger or his growing heat at Katsuya's disobedience, Seto didn't know. He wasn't sure if he did. There was no way that this insolent mutt could be anything more than anger and amusement for him.
When Seto returned, Katsuya had not. Admittedly, Seto had taken a while. He'd gone hunting for breakfast and headed fast over to Mokuba to apologize (and that took forever!), then went to the eastern territory to finish checking out the damages done by the apparently Red Eyes Black Dragon. As much as he hated to admit it, he was hoping Katsuya would be there—despite their fight—so he could take him to the cave he (now they, if he could ever locate the blonde) shared with Mokuba. He had accidentally let the cat slip out of the bag (okay, maybe it was a little more on purpose to distract Mokuba from being mad at him—but it worked!) and Mokuba was anxious to meet the boisterous blonde that Seto had tricked.
How was he supposed to go back without him?
He could tell Mokuba about their...quarrel. Mokuba would understand, since Seto and him had every so often gotten into such fights. They got into one last night. But...then Mokuba would be mad at him again, complaining Seto 'had no feelings' or 'needed to learn that other people had feelings'. Both of which were the same concept, but Seto didn't have it in him to correct Mokuba when he knew Mokuba tended to have a point.
Point or no point, Seto was screwed.
"Well, look who's back."
Seto spun around—in all his naked glory since he barely ever bothered putting on clothes when he switched between his two forms—and was mildly impressed that Katsuya had the balls to actually face him...not that the impressed feeling didn't shift from that to how red and adorable Katsuya's face could get. It was certainly a different look from the angry one that Katsuya had been giving him before he found out he was naked.
"What the hell is with you and clothes? Put some on!"
Seto cocked his head to the side and frowned. "They are a nuisance, much like you are."
"Hey!" The blonde snapped, turning his head to glare at Seto, only to remember Seto was naked and turn his head away, blushing again. "You aren't the best friend ever either!"
"I didn't willing hop you into my bed," Seto spat back, "This isn't my fault."
"You could have said 'no'!" Katsuya threw his hands above his head in exclamation. "It takes two to mate!"
Seto growled, trying to think of something he could spit back that wouldn't be a lie. He couldn't think of anything, and in some way it baffled him. He was actually put speechless by this mutt! "Stupid Mutt."
"I'm not a mutt!" Katsuya yelled, turning his back fully to Seto. "I'm not...I'm a complete..."
Seto frowned, his stomach dropping. He really didn't know what to say now. "We need to leave."
Katsuya turned his head to the side, but only enough to acknowledge he was listening. He still couldn't see Seto's bare form. "Where?"
"My home. I come to this cave to...get away. My little brother is anxious to meet you."
"Little brother?" The blonde asked, perking right up. "You have a sibling?"
Seto furrowed his brow. What about siblings made Katsuya so happy? In a way, Seto didn't care, because seeing Katsuya happy somehow made him happy as well...
There was something wrong with this.
"Yes," Seto finally said. "His name is Mokuba."
"Mokuba?" Katsuya said, and his soothing scent wafted over Seto's nerves. The dragon's wings fluttered a bit as they relaxed more with his muscles. "I had a little sister. Her name was Shizuka."
"Had?" Seto asked, immediately regret it when that soothing scent was taken over by a more tensing one.
"Yeah." Katsuya said coldly. "Had."
Seto looked sympathetically at Katsuya before looking to his desk. Glancing back at Katsuya he felt guilt and sympathy twist his stomach.
In pity, he gave in. He strode over to the desk, ignoring Katsuya's curious posture, as he opened one of the drawers and pulled out a pair of shorts. He shook them out, as full of dust they were. He'd bought the clothes at one point in time (as a dragon, and the vender couldn't figure out why a dragon needed knickers) but couldn't actually remember ever wearing them...Sure that they were as dust free as they were going to be without a good washing, he looked at them.
He hadn't a clue which way they went.
Taking a wild guess he filed them on. There...there was something completely wrong with them. They pulled too tightly at his crotch and felt uncomfortable and it was slightly difficult to zip the zipper in the back.
Seto looked up to Katsuya staring at him. He glared madly and crossed his arms. "What?"
"Ya have 'em on backwards."
Seto looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Katsuya walked up to him and commanded (blushing as he did, Seto noticed despite Katsuya's tone) and Seto willing followed. Katsuya took the shorts and turned them around and crouched down, holding them open for Seto to step into them. Seto looked down at him, watching the blond's face burn and turn away from the dangling bits in front of him.
Seto had to bite his cheek to stop himself from smiling. An almost guilty feeling swelled in his stomach, knowing he had tricked the blond and he hadn't even told Mokuba the truth. Mokuba had also believed that they were really mated. Though Seto was unaware what kind of creature Katsuya could be that he mated to the first being he bedded with. The first beast that came to mind was a dog of some sort, but he couldn't sense little to no canine in the blond. Seto, at this point, couldn't tell if he was more baffled by not knowing or the fact he wanted to know.
He stepped into the shorts and the shorter male slid them up his body, zipping them up and buttoning. Seto looked away, his pride wounded. Okay, so the pants felt much better, but he didn't want to admit it to the blushing boy that still had his fingers in the places he had them in to button Seto's knickers.
"You know," Seto whispered, "most dames take their sires' clothes off, not put them on."
Katsuya blushed brighter and removed his hands quickly to put them in his pockets. "Shuddup."
Seto let a soft smile slip and he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on Katsuya's cheek before husking in the blond's bright red ear, "My brother awaits."
Katsuya looked up through his lashes at Seto and smiled, excited. "I can't wait."
It's a two-shot btw, because I figured there was some people (like me sometimes) that needs a resting point in between all the words while reading, lol ;P