This is new…I just cannot think of anything for my other stories…I am fresh out of ideas for them… Harry Potter stories and my brain just aren't gelling.
This is just a fairly short first chapter to try and gauge possible interest for this story. Please leave your thoughts and if you think I should continue. I have to admit, this chapter has come WAY easier than anything else I've written before.
In this story the hate for Naruto won't be nearly as high as in so many fics. Most civilians will not like him, but the hate just won't be there. Most of the shinobi will find him rather annoying, but it is also coupled with some respect as well. Most will be indifferent to him.
Chapter I
The Uzumaki clan of Uzushiogakure was among the most feared of shinobi clans and for good reason. Their ability and aptitude in the sealing arts were the greatest ever seen in the elemental nations. With it, they could defeat entire nations. This, combined by their incredible longevity gifted to them by their potent chakra is what led to their downfall. Fear is an extremely powerful driving force, and the Uzumaki were feared by all their enemies.
In the first hours of the Third Great Shinobi War, Konoha and Iwa met in battle along the borders of Kusa. Fearing the alliance of Uzu and Konoha, a preemptive attack was launch at Uzu, destroying the village and scattering her inhabitants. The once great clan and her village were in ruins.
Satisfied by their victory, Iwa began to launch their all-out attack on the Leaf Village. It would be a bloody war in which thousands on each side would die. The pride of both villages were at stake and neither were willing to back down. The deathblow delivered to the Uzumaki clan put a serious damper on the Leaf Village war effort.
However, one of the surviving members of the Uzumaki clan, Kushina Uzumaki was able to escape the fate of the rest of her people and found her way to Konoha. There she enrolled into the ninja academy and met somebody who would change her destiny.
Mito Uzumaki was the widowed wife of the First Hokage. The marriage helped reinforce the relations between the Senju clan and their distant relatives, the Uzumaki. Maybe most importantly however, was the fact that she was the first host to the Kyuubi no Kitsune. After the First's battle with Madara Uchiha at the battle of the end, she used her exceptional kill in fuuinjutsu and sealed the beast into herself. She became the first ever host of the terrible demon. Fast forward several decades, in the waning years of her life, she was forced to choose the next host of the fox, lest the beast escape and reek more havoc.
That choice was Kushina Uzumaki. With her unnaturally potent chakra, even for an Uzumaki, she was the logical choice. Thus, the greatest of the tailed beasts was ripped out of the elder Uzumaki and sealed into her kin.
As this occurred, the Third Shinobi War kept on raging. Even legends such as Sakumo Hatake were not left untouched and even they were felled by the war, and each day Iwa came closer and closer to Konoha.
That is, until Minato Namikaze changed the tide of the war. Using his special brand of space-time ninjutsu, he changed the entire course of the war. He gained the nickname, the Yellow Flash, and Iwa even gave him a flee on sight order for all of her shinobi. He would eventually go on to become the Yondaime Hokage and was generally regarded as one of the most powerful shinobi produced by the Leaf Village.
Eventually, the Third Shinobi War ended and the people of Konoha thought peace would finally be at hand. They were wrong.
As Kushina, the former host of the Kyuubi no Kitune gave birth to her son, the seal weakened, and the demon escaped its imprisonment aided by a mysterious masked man. The fox then proceeded to lay waste to Konoha.
The fox was eventually defeated and sealed again, but at a terrible cost. Dozens of shinobi lay dead, and worst of all, the Yondaime Hokage was among them.
The Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi once again took the title of Hokage, and he attempted to rebuild the Leaf Village and her forces. It was a long process that would take many years, but Konoha was well on her way. The only problem was the perpetual headache that was the current host of the Kyuubi no Kitsune. While he may look like his father, his personality was all Kushina.
"Get back here you dammed brat" the voice of a random chunin rang out, echoing throughout the air as he and a group of shinobi chased a orange jumpsuit wearing blond haired boy through the rooftops. He was pissed off and the worst part was that he was upset at himself. Here he was, a proud chunin of Konoha, and he couldn't catch a five year old kid.
"Catch me if you can suckers" said blond brat responded back, tossing a couple of balls behind him, which promptly exploded, sending pink paint directly at the chasing shinobi.
With wide eyes, the ninja were hit by the paint and several tripped as their feet hit the wet building surface.
The yells of "UZUMAKI" could be heard throughout the entire village.
"Damn" the kid said as he felt the pressure associated with killer intent focus on him. "Maybe I shouldn't have made them mad." He mused and unconsciously and unknowingly sent some chakra through his legs and accelerated slightly. In his haste to escape his chasers, he jumped over a fence that led to a highly dangerous part of the Leaf Village.
Less than a minute after he had jumped the fence, the contingent of ninja arrived.
"Where did he go?" The same chunin said, gritting his teeth as he felt pink paint drip down his hair. "Not even Uzumaki would be stupid enough to enter the Forest of Death."
"Let's go report back to the Hokage" A kunoichi wearing the standard chunin said. "I still don't know how the brat is so evasive" she added with grudging respect.
Little did they know that indeed, Naruto Uzumaki had entered the Forest of Death, the training area that gave even jonin trouble.
Naruto panted as he slumped at the base of a huge tree that towered overhead, blocking the very sky. He had been running for over thirty minutes and he no longer heard anyone chasing him so he assumed he was safe. As he regained his normal breathing pattern, he gave a chuckle. Painting the Hokage monument was so worth it.
A deep, guttural growl broke the blond out of his mental congratulations. As he heard the sound, he felt his back stiffen and a shiver run through her spine. The primal feeling of fear that had kept humans alive for thousands of years ran throughout his body.
Stiffly turning in the direction of the growl, Naruto felt his eyes widen as he saw the source. It was a huge tiger, over two and a half meters tall and well over three meters long. It was truly a monstrous beast that belonged in the Forest of Death. Before he could react, the tiger leapt at him, jaws bared and teeth glistening with saliva. It was the predator and he was the prey.
Time seemed to slow for Naruto as he felt his eyes widen and his heart almost stop. He felt the cold embrace of death prepare to surround him. Before it even reached the point, he felt the tigers teeth sink into his flesh and begin to tear him apart. He was frozen in fear.
It was a little known fact that animals in the forest of death could project truly fearsome killer intent. What made it so powerful wasn't the amount of chakra, or bloodlust, but the certainty of the kill. A predator doesn't doubt their ability to kill their prey. A ninja, no matter how skilled always possesses the subconscious doubt of whether or not they will walk away from the battle. This certainty of the kill is what made their killer intent so fearsome. In this situation, the creature's lack of sapience worked for it.
Naruto felt his life flash before his eyes as he fell under the spell of the killer intent. The cold looks most of the civilians gave him when he made himself known. The indifference the shinobi showed him most of the time. He was invisible to them all, unseen and unneeded. It was why he played pranks, to be the focus of somebody's attention was something he always wanted. While the thrill of the chase was indeed fun, the fact that people were paying attention to him was incredible. For an orphan, even if it was negative attention, it still meant the world to him.
It was also why he strode to become Hokage. He saw the looks the old man was given by everyone. The thing that attracted the title to him wasn't the power that he commanded, the authority that Sarutobi possessed, or even the respect given to him. It was the fact that people needed him. People needed the Hokage, and they never tried to deny the fact. It was the ultimate dream of the blond, to be needed to somebody. To be a person that somebody could live for, for someone who always felt invisible, being the center of somebody's universe was everything that he could ever dream for and indeed, he did dream of it. Right now however, it seemed that goal might never come to fruition.
When faced with death, curious bodily functions take place. In normal people, adrenaline is flooded into the body, and the "fight or flight" reaction takes place. This reaction in many ways eliminates the bodies' self-imposed limitations it inflicts upon itself. It is because of this that the occasional civilian was able to best a shinobi.
In shinobi however, the flight or fight response was vastly different for one main reason, chakra. As adrenaline floods through the body, it affects the chakra system itself. In many ways chakra was still a force that was a mystery. Even for those who prided themselves in their knowledge of chakra, much still remained unknown. What was known however was that as the hormone was pumped through the body by the adrenal glands, chakra began to flow more rapidly throughout the chakra circulatory system. This is the process behind the unlocking of so many kekkei genkai.
The accelerating of the chakra system is the catalyst of the kekkei genkai. It isn't really known why, but somehow the rapid acceleration of chakra within the body spurs the body to make sudden changes and activate genes that were dormant until the current time. This was another reason children rarely unlocked kekkei genkai. With too little chakra, they catalyst was simply too weak and the activation never takes place.
As the tiger approached the cowering Uzumaki, this very process was taking place. In his fear, his body was rapidly pumping out hormones and his chakra system sped up. Luckily for the blond, he had been gifted with exceptional high chakra reserves. Because of this high level of chakra, he was able to reach the activation level required to activate long dormant genes in his body. The Uzumaki clan was distant relatives of the Senju clan, who were themselves direct decedents of the youngest son of the Sage of the Six Paths. Thus the relation, no matter how distant, connected the Uzumaki clan with the Six Paths Sage.
As the tiger neared the blond and got ready to take a bite out of the blond, he stiffened. Naruto felt a wave of…well, something flow through him. He felt his mind become overcome with a fog that anything from being unpleasant. He felt his fears ease and his pains and problems with the world cease to become important. He relished the feeling, and embraced it.
Little did the blond know, his eyes had changed from their vibrant blue, to a cold light purple, grayish color with a ripple-like pattern.
With a cold glare at the incoming predator, he raised his hands and declared his response.
"Shinra Tensei"
The world was bathed in an explosion.
Hehe, Naruto with the Rinnegan...oh the possibilities... What do ya'll think, any good? Please give some feedback