This is my first fanfic please don't make me feel bad, just make suggestions on what I did wrong. Ok?
Disclaimer: I do not own the anime Naruto.
Myuki opened her eyes to see a girl. Girl? Or was it a boy? The boy or girlwas arguing with a masked man. They both wore black robes with red clouds on it. From what Myuki heard she understood that they were called the "Akatsuki" they hunted and captured jinchuurikis. The boy or girl yelled "Katsu!" An explosion occurred right behind the masked man. He went flying. Myuki suddenly remembered them.
"Hinata!" Myuki yelled.
"Go get help!"
Hinata immediately ran off towards the direction of konoha.
They were on a tracking mission a couple of miles away from Konoha when two people attacked them. They started to flee but they were fast, they caught up to them. There was the blonde one who formed clay bombs in mouths in his hands. They took the form of whatever he wanted them to be. The masked one, well he just stayed out of the blonde ones way.
Myuki jumped back as several clay spiders exploded at her feet. In mid air she formed hand signs.
"Fire style: Phoenix Fire flower Jutsu!"
That last jutsu hit the masked one, much to her dismay. She was aiming for the blonde.
"Tsk." Just my luck she thought. They seemed to be after her.
Great. She was low on chakra and she was tired.
As she landed more clay bombs exploded, knocking her out.
The last thing she remembered was the masked one saying in an extremely annoying voice:
"Sempai. Leader-sama told you not to kill her!"
End of Flashback
Myuki groaned. Her head hurt. She sat up.
"So you're awake un? The blonde said in realization. He was definitely a male.
She looked at him and rubbed the back of her head.
"W-Where am I?" She said. She now looked at her surroundings. She was in someone's room.
"You're at the Akatsuki base." He replied calmly.
"H-How did-did I get h-here?" She asked. He was about to reply when her eyes widened. She scrambled back on the bed.
"W-Wait. The Akatsuki Base!" She started to panic.
"Get me o-out of here now!" Her skin paled at just the thought of being there.
"S-sempai?" The masked man had crawled back into the room quietly.
"Tobi thinks she's sick. Maybe we should carry her to Kakuza." He said quietly.
Myuki sat there staring at them with fear. (Fear, ha! The first time that she felt fear.) Just hearing what people around Konoha whisper about them makes her wanna cry, knowing that they killed a LEGENDARY SANIN makes her wanna wet her pants. They were definitely not your normal everyday criminals. Now she, Katsuragi Myuki, was there in their base, by herself, wounded and hurt. That would just make her day.
"For once Tobi you make a good suggestion un." The blonde replied.
"See Tobi is a good boy! Can Tobi play with your clay? " He said with an outburst of energy.
"Don't push your luck." The blonde said quickly. An annoyed look on his face.
He reached for Myuki. She shut her eyes as tight as she could expecting him to hurt her but instead he lifted her up and put her on his shoulder. She kept her eyes shut. (reason: don't really know why. Maybe she was 2 scared.) After about what seemed like an eternity (About a minute) he put her down gently on a bed in Kakuza's infirmary. Kakuza looked at the girl then Deidara.
"So that's her huh?" Kakuza said looking at her closely. At the sound of Kakuza's voice she opened her eyes. She looked around the room. It looked like an infirmary. Her eyes then stopped at Kakuza. Her eyes were already wide but they became wider at the sight of this man. He really scared the shit out of her. (She didn't even see Kisame, Zetsu, or pein, yes pein, yet.) She blacked out (again).
Myuki awoke to arguing (again). This time it was between a silver haired man and a man with multiple piercings on his face, ears who knows maybe even his arms. The room was now filled with people with black robes with clouds on them. About 7 or 8 people. She recognized Itachi immediately.
"We don't need a new f***ing member! We already have f***ing idiots running around here!" The silver haired man looked really angry as he shouted.
"You do remember who you're speaking to Hidan?" The pierced man said calmly to the one called Hidan. That shut him up. He swore something under his breath as he stormed out of the room.
"Tobi thinks Myuki-chibi is awake" The masked man said pointing at Myuki. She flinched. Everybody in the room turned and looked at her. The pierced man turned to everyone and ordered them to leave. Apparently he was their leader. Everyone except a blue haired woman left. He turned to her.
"Katsuragi Myuki do you know why you are here?" He asked calmly.
She shook her head in reply.
"You are her because you possess a very special kekke genkai (really don't know how 2 spell it.) that would be usefull to the Akatsuki."
Myuki just stared at him. He continued.
"I understand that during the Uchiha massacre your clan was wiped out too." She nodded.
"M-My clan was a c-close friend of the Uchiha clan. So naturally w-we helped them w-when we heard that I-Itachi was betraying his clan" She stammered.
"I see." The man said thoughtfully.
"Well. Katsuragi Myuki, You are officially a member of the Akatsuki." He said. Myuki couldn't believe what she just heard.
"B-But….you can't….I don't want to be a member!" She felt really frustrated at this point.
"It's either you become a member or you die." He replied calmly.
"B-But….." She looked at the woman for some kind of help but she just gave her an emotionless stare. She looked back at the man.
"Good. You'll be Deidara and Tobi's new partner." He said.
She looked defeated and confused. After a couple seconds of silence and really hard thinking she finally muttered:
"Who are they?"
Yeepppyyyy! My first chapter done, finished, fin! Please review! I really wanna write the next chapter. Cuz I have so much puzzles and fun stuff in them. You'll love it. But! Review, review, review till u cant anymo!