The dark was like a physical weight, leaning heavily on what little light was present as if attempting to crush it. In the gloom, darker patches of black stood in a semi circle surrounding a single shape.


'Everything is moving smoothly and I sincerely doubt there will be anything in the way of deviations from the plan.'

He got no further as someone interrupted him.

'And yet your attempts to remove the deviations have failed to do that, if anything you have merely caused larger deviations.'

The tone was far from an accusation, yet it caused a murmur among the hooded and many nodded their agreement. The one reporting paused and turned, as if hoping to find the one who had spoken before tilting his head towards the mass.

'Therefore proving my theory of concentrating on the primary causes of worry to be the correct course. Perhaps if you were to listen to me on that matter we would have avoided the matter of the deviations appearance in the first place.'

A single raised hand and a calm, almost silent, voice stopped what appeared to be the beginning of a fight.

'Pax. Pax. We are not here to throw accusations merely to decide whether our actions have succeeded in pushing things according to plan, despite the deviations.'

Silence fell on the room immediately and it took a motion of the hand to encourage an answer.

'I believe it safe to say that despite some… incidents, things seem to be going smoothly.'

'Any disagreements?'

There were none leading the speaker to nod slowly.

- 'Very well. We shall carry on with things as they are.'


It was beautiful day. The sun faced little opposition in reaching the earth bringing forth a wide array of vivid colours and dark shadows. Humans and animals alike took in the sun, knowing full well it might be one of the last occasions to do so before the autumn cold set in.

One would not be able to tell within the confines of the imperial capital; there the air was frigid. The soldiers of Ensho, Soso, Totaku and the Imperial guard all viewed one another with undisguised mistrust and in one of the dozens of courtyards hands rested next to their weapons as the men stood at the ready, for how many people had come to negotiations in good will only to be murdered?

Ensho and Soso sat at opposite sides of the table, paying no more attention to the armed men surrounding them than they would to a piece of furniture for despite their differences they had enough uniting them to cooperate for a while and what united them was simple.

- 'Totaku must be removed.'


It is surprising how little things can throw one completely off balance. Zhyv discovered this as he mounted, his leg resting in the stirrup before pushing himself up his right leg immediately went to where he expected the other stirrup to be only for it to kick air. Surprised he looked down to see that there was nothing resembling a stirrup there.

'Something wrong?'

Zhyv looked up to see the one he knew as Gakushin had levelled with him.

'I'm missing a stirrup.'

Zhyv stated simply causing a raised eyebrow.

'But you've got it there.'

Came the reply accompanied by a hand pointing at the riding aid.

'Where's the other one?'

'Other one?'

'Why would you add another one?'

Riten who had rode up at that moment asked this; Zhyv did not seem to mind the interruption as he turned to her and pointed down.

'Balance primarily. Easier to move around too.'

Nobody said anything for a moment, merely stared at the man as if he had suddenly grown another head before Ritens' eyes shot wide open as she exclaimed,

'Brilliant! Why didn't anyone think of this before! No, wait a moment. How would you set it up so we don't break the horses back?'

'Wait a moment.'

Zhyv replied as he slid from the saddle followed by Riten and the two engaged in a technical discussion about the matter accompanied by a gestures and drawings in the dirt.


Gakushin tried to get their attention and failed. Ukin rode up and looked down.

'Yeah, Mao just entered invention mode, she'll be back when she's hungry.'

Gakushin looked down, looked to Ukin and looked back at the soldiers slowly forming ranks for the march back to Xu.

'We don't have time for this!'

'Well you could always bash them outside the head and lash them to the saddle.'

Gakushin let out a snort before pausing and looking down on the oblivious duo with a thoughtful expression, seriously considering that option.


'Shields high!'

In a relatively smooth motion the hundred men lifted their shields above their heads making a roof above them, protection from missiles that would at some point rain down on them. There was little wait before the next order came.


The men moved, shields held high, the wood they were made from still pale and smelling of the workshop.

'Keep the line even! Rao, you son of a bitch! Disrupt the formation like that again and I'll personally flog you!'

The called soldier reddened at being chastised and held back, the line smoothing out and continued its advance.

'At my word!' – A pause that seemed to drag on. One second. Two seconds. Three seconds… - 'Attack!'

The shields lowered and the formation broke into a run, the line becoming jagged again, uneven but slowing and drawing close again in front of their target a line of other soldiers, crouching behind their own shields.


At the order the men stopped and looked up to their officer. Hugo scowled as he strode up to the men gifted to him, grabbed one by the back of the neck and pushed him towards the waiting shield wall.

'You're not supposed to stop in front of it! You're to run into it!'

This was greeted by long stares and muttered comments. Hugo scowl deepened before he sighed. Taking the shield of one of the men he slid his arm into the strap and pulled the sling over his head.

'Shieldwall! Brace!'

The men dug in their heels and put their weight into their shield arms as the awaited for what would follow. The knight stretched silently before bursting into a run, slamming his shield into the waiting line a moment later. The blow sent two men staggering and Hugo thrust his other arm against the shield, adding even more force into his attack, knocking the two back and setting a wave through the line as the shock passed through the locked shields.

-'Run into it! Shoulder to shoulder with others, with the rest of the formation backing you up you'll disrupt them, break their line making it easy to kill them!'

Turning to the shieldwall he continued.

- 'And you are to brace for the impact! Rear ranks to push against the front. The combined weight will keep the formation whole and let you kill the enemy when they stagger back.'

Tossing the shield back to its owner Hugo strode aside.


This time a number of men ran into the waiting shield wall, most bouncing off but a few succeeding in pushing the shield bearers back or outright knocking them off balance. There is something in men that stops them from doing things that could easily end in death, and running headlong into a mass of enemies was one such thing. Suppressing such instincts would do much to improve the combat worthiness of the men he had been given.

In the course of the days that had passed he had drilled them in the formations he saw as necessary after first modifying their equipment to the standards he knew. Despite his rather abrupt manner he was fairly pleased with the way it was going.

'Am I to understand that things are going well?'

'Well enough.'

He replied with a slight tilt of his head, the most humble greeting anybody could expect from a knight. Sonsaku did not seem to mind the lack of reverence though those around her still occasionally shot the man dirty looks over the insult.

'How long till they will be combat worthy?'

Freshly shaved save for a fashionable (in his worlds opinion anyway) beard the action of scratching his cheek no longer caused a sound so his slight grunt was easily heard as he considered the matter.

'They could be deployed now, in the form of static defence. I wouldn't trust them on the offence yet or in the conducting of complicated manoeuvres. Perhaps another week till they'll be competent in all regards… bear in mind I have to override their initial training.'

'Not too much I hope. I've seen them do a lot of training in formation but little in arm bearing.'

The mans attention shifted to the speaker, a woman he did not recognize as yet was the one who spoke. Noticing the fact Sonsaku extended a hand in the speakers direction.

'This is Kogai, general in the service of the Son.'

Both sides tilted their head in silent greeting while sizing each other up. Longhaired, sturdy frame, big though somewhat saggy chest… The man decided they were about the same age and would have put on a smile were it not for what she had said.

'I have to. The swordplay might be interesting but it won't win battles. That…' – he paused and pointed at the two lines of men pushing at each other, - '…wins battles.'

'Be aware that the Son have triumphed in many battles with our own concepts.'

The beginning of an argument was cut short by single word.


Both sides stopped, for though the word was not particularly loud it did contain a note of steel in it with a stern face to match.

'Hugo is training these men to his standards on my invitation.'

Kogai nodded and Sonsaku turned to Hugo.

'That said the Son have achieved countless victories with our methods.'

The man nodded. For a moment nobody said anything before Sonsaku's face lightened in a wide grin and she spoke in a much more pleasant manner.

- 'I know! Lets have a mock battle! Hugo can show off what he does best and we'll show him how we do it.'


Stanbor stood up with a satisfied sigh. He had successfully modified his saddle and now looked at the twin stirrups and felt some pride with himself at being able to make something like this. He was sorely tempted to test it immediately as he dusted his hands on his trousers as he wondered whether he was free. The man paused as he considered things; he had already put the men assigned to him through morning drill, he had submitted a request for material and he had enjoyed a hearty breakfast… The man nodded as he decided the important stuff was already done.

With that somewhat less than admirable attitude the man picked up the saddle and headed to the stables where he found somebody already hard at work. Several horses were out of their pens held by their bridles by the small form of Batai. He looked around and found what he had expected to see; Bacho was nearby preparing grooming kit.


At times one could be surprised by how a single word can cause such extremely different reactions. Batai turned, flashed a cheeky grin and returned the greeting Bacho on the other hand jumped as if burned, glared than looked to the side as if troubled while mumbling a reply. "Which one of you is the older one again?" Stanbor thought as he marvelled at how much more at ease the younger of the cousins was.


'A ride first. To the river, give them a bath and than back.'

'Sounds like fun, mind if I tag along?'

'No problem.'

'Tanpopo! Don't go agreeing to things just like that!'

Bacho had found her tongue. Her cousin seemed unfazed by the verbal lash as she replied.

'Do we have a reason why he shouldn't come with us?'

The elder paused before shrugging.

'I suppose not, unless he has something more important to do.'

'Don't talk about someone as if they weren't present and I was just thinking about going for a ride as it happens. I have to check if I did this properly after all.'

The man shook the saddle to emphasize his point. Noticing the oddity of a second stirrup Bacho leaned in to take a closer look.

'A second stirrup? Why?'

'Balance, easier to control the mount and you can attack with stronger blows.'

Stanbor stated while omitting to mention that riding with crouched legs clinging to the horses sides were causing him leg cramps. The two members of the Ba family looked at the invention, looked at each other before slowly nodding.

'That actually sounds like a good idea…'

Bacho nodded slowly whereas Batai decided on a more energetic approach.

'C'mon! Lets test it!'

'Of course just let me get…'

The man got no further as a bolt of white and green suddenly appeared and clung to Bacho.

'Help! She's after me!'

'Toka calm down. Who's after you?'

The bolt was of course Ryubi Gentoku, the provincial governor, currently clinging to Bacho with a look of dread firmly on her face. Instead of replying the girl continued,

'It was just a short break! I was about to do it properly but she…'

Ryubi paused, her entire body going stiff before she let go of Bacho and grabbed her head.

'She's here!'

With that she vanished, not very well however as she merely hid behind an increasingly troubled Stanbor just as an object of pure evil appeared on the scene. It's killer intent hanging in the air like the stench of death and the very sun seemed to darken at its appearance.

Ok, it was only Kanu but you can forgive the assembled for exaggerating a bit as the expression on her face did not bode well.

'Sister! Would you mind explaining to me what it was you were doing before I walked into the office?'

There was a smile on her face, which did nothing to lessen the murderous look in Kanu's eyes. Wisely the bystanders chose not to get involved. Slowly Ryubi looked out from behind Stanbors back.

'Going through documents?'

She offered with some hesitation.

'Signing Documents without reading them!'

The reply made the governess hide again while Kanu continued.

'I believe we've covered why you don't do that… Or do I have to remind you of the menma incident?'

Logic dictated that Stanbor not say anything but he found himself unable to resist.

'Menma incident?'

'Long story.'

Came the reply followed by a short pause as if Kanu had only just now realized that there were others present. Her eyes narrowed and her arms folded across her chest as she shifted her attention.

'I understand that you three are finished with your tasks since you're indulging in recreational activities?'

Three pairs of eyes made contact briefly before shifting back to Kanu.

'Of course!'


'Pretty much.'

The former bandit hunters' eyes narrowed even more.

'Oh? So if I were too, say, make a surprise inspection I would find the new conscripts trained up to standard?'

This time the silence lasted a little too long and even as Kanu moved her mouth Stanbor found himself saying.

'We happened to be discussing that just now and thought that a joint exercise would be good for the men… right?'

He ended with a glare towards Bacho, who fortunately grasped the lifeline.

'Yes! A mock battle to see what Stanbors methods produced as well as getting the men used to operating against men they don't know well!'

For a moment there was silence before Kanu nodded, her face softening.

'That actually sounds like a good idea. When do you want to stage it?'

'We were thinking to give the men some rest from the morning drill before doing so.'

'Enough time to give the horses a bit of exercise and a rubdown.'

Bacho finished the thought. Kanu thought for a moment before nodding. Though without a smile her expression had softened fully.

'Very well, we shall come see it. I think we might all learn something from it.'


Ryubi's ears picked up at this. Kanu sighed.

'Yes, you too. Paperwork is paperwork but it takes a secondary stage to practical schooling.'

Ryubi emited a silent squeal of triumph that did not last long. Using the distraction Kanu grabbed her by the scruff of the neck.

'You can, however, start doing your paperwork. Properly.'

The governor was dragged of by her retainer while casting pleading eyes at anyone in the area, a plea everyone chose to ignore. Stanbor sighed and massaged his temple; Kanu seemed to be a nice girl but a demanding boss and showed no more mercy to allies than to enemies. He sighed again.

'I'll get my men ready.'

'Meet you on the manoeuvre ground.'

Came the sighed reply.


'The question remains, "How do we get the knife into the woman?"'

Ensho stretched as she said this, as if emphasising the difference in stature and… size between the two officials. If Soso noticed she said nothing on the subject but looked ahead with her characteristic frown.

'Catching her somewhere without her guard will be difficult. Especially problematic will be Kayu and Ryofu. What is she again? Totaku's cousin?'

'Cousin? Hardly. A stray she picked up and began treating as such.'

Ensho paused, her sneer disappearing as she continued.

'A monster is what she is. People have stopped counting how many lives she has taken.'

The two walked in one of the many gardens within the capital, they're retainers ensuring that nobody would come close enough to listen in on their conversation.

'Somewhere she doesn't have her guards with her… the baths?'

'Do you have access to them?'

'Find out who to bribe and we will.'

The two stopped on a bridge, the fish in the pond below immediately swimming to the surface at their arrival expecting a meal.

'If we are going into the subject of bribery, why not see if there would be someone willing to slip poison into her food or a dagger between her ribs?'

Ensho let out a bark of a laugh.

'It's easier to find someone to deliver information than to wield a knife, midget.'

Soso sent a glare in Enshos direction but did not take the bait. Annoyed by the fact the smile disappeared from the taller nobles face as she continued.

'Rest assured I am looking for a method but even you should know that this is a delicate action.'

The discussion lasted a moment longer before the two officials left the garden and made to their respective courts within the capital, or would have if messengers had not appeared, handing both scrolls bearing the prime ministers mark on them. In silence they unravelled the bamboo and studied the message within, their faces growing grim before they turned and walked to each other.

'So. What shall we do with this?'

Ensho frowned before snorting.

- 'We find out who to bribe.'


'And everything is prepared?'

'Invitations sent. Men gathered and armed. Misinformation sowed and our own spies infiltrating our enemies. We will be no better prepared for the plan than we are now.

Kaku nodded at the report, which signalled the official to return to her position amongst the others. The strategist stood back, clearing the way for Totaku herself to speak but was interrupted.

'All this skulking is making me sick! We have our enemies; we have the manpower and the will, let us just butcher them and get this over with! Maybe some of them will put up a fight.'

'You questioning the prime ministers will Choryo?'

The question came in a cold voice. Unperturbed the officer shrugged her shoulders as she replied.

'Just saying. After all with all this trickery we might lose the chance that we posses by simply being the stronger. They will expect some sort of treason.'

'Of course they will expect treason; we are in Luoyang after all. There is more treason here than water in cheap wine.'

Kayu, her voice betraying her disgust at the fact, offered the reply. Choryos lips twisted into a smile but was cut off before she could add anything to the statement.

'Like it or not that is the plan and it will be carried out, understood.'

'Yeah, yeah. Just saying my way would be more fun, right Ren?'

The last word was accompanied by an elbow to Ryofus' side. Despite this the only reply was a nod of the red headed officers head, her face showing no sign of interest.

'She agrees with me.'

'That does not matter.'

Kaku's voice silenced the room.

'You have your orders and you shall do so, understood.'

Muttered confirmations were heard followed by a silent voice that somehow cut through the room louder than any shout.

'Is that all?'

'Yes, it is.'

'Than I'll leave now.'

With a slight tilt of the head Ryofu left the room accompanied by the eyes of the others. Totaku likewise rose from her seat where she had observed the meeting and left followed by Kaku. As the doors shut behind those leaving Kayu walked to Choryo.

'Sometimes I wonder whether letting that "cousin" of Yue's join us was a good idea.'

Choryo did not reply immediately and when she did her voice was devoid of the energy it usually held.

'You saw her in battle as well as I did. I'd rather feel uncomfortable standing next to her than on the opposite side of the field.'


At times no matter how much effort you put into something you never seem able to make a change, Kakuka was currently in such a situation. With most of the officers gone the amount of documents reaching her desk had increased and no matter how much she did the amount did not seem to decrease. The moment she decided there was no more to be written on a scroll Teiiku showed up with another batch causing the woman to slam her head into the desk in exasperation.


Teiiku asked in a tone that seemed to imply she did not care about the answer, Kakuka however had known her long enough to pick up it was an authentic inquiry and she forced her head up.

'Trouble with quantity rather than difficulty, I got a feeling a got most of the mundane matters in my hands now that Karin is in Luoyang… how are you managing?'

'Pretty well, as you noticed it's more about the amount rather than the matters contained in them.'

'That and the fact that they're in the capital! Thinking about all the food and luxuries at their fingertips makes me angry!'

The last was given in a different voice, resembling that of a young boy. Teiiku looked up towards her headgear.

'Now, now, Houkei. You know as well as I do that they are there on business, not pleasure.'

Kakuka looked away from her colleague arguing with the white puppet perched on her head with an amused smile and pulled one of the scrolls towards her as the puppet "replied".

'Bah! As if that ever stopped Soso! Right now I bet she's already found a way to take one or two of the imperial concubines for herself! The things she might be up to…'

Kakuka's eyes shot open as she looked up, only to slide into a dazed expression as her mouth curled into a smile some would say resembled that of a perverted old man.

'Rin, your blood is dripping on the scroll.'

Kakuka looked to Teiiku, looked down and jumped to her feet, trying to both stop the blood flowing from her nose and move the scroll to safety and failing at both tasks. With a miniature tragedy unfolding it was naturally that moment that the door opened and a soldier stuck his head in. The sight gave him pause thought the look on his face was more along the lines of "Again?" rather than "What?" and he quickly reported the reason for his entrance in an undisturbed voice.

'General Gakushin has just returned.'

'Hm? Ah! Yes… excellent… thank you.'

Kakuka managed to reply; growing increasingly red in the face as she attempted to solve the problems she was struggling with. As the door shut behind the soldier Teiiku began moving the puppets arms as it "spoke".

'About time they showed up! How long did they want to spend investigating that report?'

'Now, now Houkei, be nice. I'm sure they came back the moment they could.'

Kakuka bent her head back as she attempted to stop the blood flowing from her nose as the "conversation" continued.

'Good. Maybe we'll be able to shift some of the paper work on them.'

'Shall we ask them?'

Teiiku's question followed Houkei's demand, her voice as passive as ever. Kakuka shrugged as she gingerly pulled her hand from her nose pleases to see no more blood flowing.

'Let's go.'



'Hot water!'

'Food and a hot bath!'

Ukin and Riten exclaimed as they slid from their saddles, servants immediately moving up to take the horses to the stables. Two somewhat hollow cracks later left the duo clutching their heads with a somewhat irate Gakushin standing over them.

'First make sure your horses are stabled properly and that your men have checked their gear.'

'Then check your own gear and write down any reports needed.'

Ukin interrupted adopting a philosophical pose followed by Riten who merely exclaimed.

'Than a bath and food!'

Gakushin looked at her companions with a scowl before grinning.

'And than a bath and food.'

She agreed. With the promise of creature comforts any unhappiness at the prospect of work evaporated and the trio started the job of fulfilling their tasks when Riten remembered something and turned around.

'Oy! Stop gawking and get moving Zhyv!'

The man some declared to be a messenger from heaven had not been gawking, though he was not far from it. He had been silent ever since the small force entered the city of Xu and he would twist his head from one side of the street to the other as he observed the sheer "foreignness" of what he saw. Once the initial shock and curiosity passed his observations took a more practical manner and he took quick note of the fortifications of the citadel. At his name he turned to the trio and made his way to them. Many eyes followed him both in the city and the citadel as the locals looked at the grey figure, shocked at how alien he looked.

The reminder of their foreign guest made the grin disappear from Gakushins' face as she was reminded of the task ahead of her. Soso was always on the lookout for talented individuals to serve her however she did have certain preferences and no matter how you looked at it Zhyv did not fulfil them for he was undeniably, unashamedly one hundred percent male, if only he were a pretty boy at the least!

Due to an ill advised attempt on using the loosening effects of alcohol on the tongue to get information from the man had failed to gain anything bar an interesting but lengthy story of a battle near a place none of them heard of against a foe that none of them heard of. Apart from that the inebriated trio swore to recommend the man to their lord resulting in their current situation.

'Ah! Rin and Fu came to greet us.'

At this several heads looked up to see that Kakuka and Teiiku had indeed entered the citadels courtyard and were heading towards the officers.

'Nagi, Mao, Sawa. Welcome back. I take it you've succeeded.'

'The province is clear of turban remnants, thousands killed, thousands more dragged into captivity.

Riten reported with a grin till Gakushin interrupted.

'Is Soso back?'

'Still in Luoyang with the rest. We got word from her recently… it seems we may have to prolong the conscription this year.'

Despite the fact that all knew that prolonging the conscription meant Soso expected trouble the trio sighed with relief as they omitted one unpleasant task. Kakuka and Teiiku shared a glance before turning back.

'I understand that sigh of relief has something to do with the iron man behind you.'

Kakuka asked causing the three to look at each other nervously before they looked to the confused Zhyv before looking back at each other. It was Riten who broke the silence by slamming a hand on the mans shoulder (she regretted the act as not only did she have to stretch to do so but she ended up slapping his mail which was far from comfortable) and stating.

'This, is the messenger of heaven.'

Jaws dropped and silence fell in the courtyard so complete that one heard a sentries spear clatter on the ground.

'I see.'

Was the best Kakuka could come up with. "Houkei" decided to contribute its own opinion.

'At least this one looks the part.'

That, at least, was true. As always in times of trouble "holy men" were cheaper by the dozen preying on the fears of others to build power, the three Cho's being the most infamous. But this one did look the part.

Broad shouldered with a thin waist, grey eyes set in a sun burnt face that was just visible underneath armour of the type none had seen before. No matter how you looked at him he was most definitely different. There was however one considerable problem.

'He is male.'


Kakuka stood, finger still indicating Zhyv with Gakushin standing with a troubled expression in front of her. Zhyv meanwhile was looking from one woman to the other before turning around with a silent question to Riten and Ukin, the duo offering sheepish shrugs in reply. He turned round again as he heard movement and found himself looking at a puppet, a puppet that was attached to a girl looking at him with an expression that would look more in place on a man who has seen everything the world has to offer.

'You are the messenger of heaven?'

She asked.

'People call me that.'

Came the mans guarded reply. Teiiku nodded and looked to the three officers.

'Why did you guys believe him?'

After a short pause the reasons were offered.

'Because of how he looks.'

'Because he uses a lot of words that mean nothing but obviously mean something to him.'

'Plus he cuts through flesh, bone and armour just like that.'

'Why? Hell I don't know…. It just seems… right, you know?'

During this Zhyv stood nearby looking increasingly uncomfortable, wondering whether he should explain why he most certainly was not heavens messenger when he found himself looking at the puppet resting on the head of the shortest amongst the girls again. He shifted his gaze down and the two stood in a staring competition for a moment until Teiiku grabbed the man by his arm and pulled him towards the palace.

'Let's talk, messenger.'

Kakuka shrugged and followed along with the three officers, though only after the trio shared a look and breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Now to convince the two strategists to help them convince Soso that this was a good idea.


'Shields high!'

Men knelt and lifted their shields above their heads in one smooth motion, a moment later and the sound of arrows hitting the thick wood sounded, broken by the occasional cry of someone who had not hid himself properly.


Shields still forming a roof the mass of men moved forward, arrows still clattering off. The formation closed the distance between them and their enemies and the archers gave ground, letting spearmen forward who charged the shielded men.

'Break off!'

The shields came down, the men standing straight before overlapping their shields to form a solid mass of wood to the spears. Met with a solid line the spearmen slowed down before stopping, stabbing at the shieldwall in the attempt to find a weakness, and finding little.


The shieldwall rippled and broke as men rushed forward, pushing spears to the side even as they brought their swords around for a blow. Men fell with cries and curses as the two formations became tangled.

'Hold formation!'

Chastened the shield bearers shuffled back into what could be called a formation before continuing to push into the spears ranks. They in turn pushed back in the attempt to put enough distance between them and lashed out, attempting to catch the legs below or the heads above the shields.

'Push forward!'

The shieldmen did so and suffered at first as the spears found holes in the defence but soon the spearmen found themselves pushing back to keep the distance, difficult with the swords of the shieldmen hacking at them.

A gong sounded and the fighting stopped immediately. Heavy, wooden training weapons were put aside and men looked to the fallen. Despite al the best efforts to limit the dangers of training men still suffered breakings, concussions and even death, the prospect a firm reminder to the soldiers training as to why they should strive to do their best to avoid being hit and the casualties offered plenty of opportunities for the medics to keep their skills sharp.


The men formed ranks and stood at the ready waiting their dismissal, the moment it came the moved off and a hubbub of conversation immediately starting. Stanbor sighed as he slid his helmet off. Not far away Bachou did likewise and the two made their way to the others. The "others" consisted of Ryubi, Kanu, Choun, Shokatsuryo and Kochu who were sitting at a table, laid out with a decent meal on it in the shade of several large trees. As the duo approached the conversation ended as Kanu turned to them, trying hard not to let her smile show.

'Well, I guess you weren't lying when you said you were training your men.'

She said as she gestured to the empty chairs, the two accepting the invitation with pleased sighs. Cups appeared almost immediately before them, the servants quietly sliding in and out of sight. Stanbor could not help a grimace at the sight of tea and briefly wondered whether asking for beer would be considered impolite.

'So that is how heaven fights its battles.'

Kochu sighed, eyes on the training ground where the wounded were still being collected.

'I wasn't expecting it to be so straightforward, what do you think Shuri?'

Shokatsuryo's reaction to the simple question was a flustered waving of her arms, reddening of the face followed by a stammered.

'Well… it was… effective…I think, no… er… Effective though… somewhat straightforward.'

'Be that as it may it was effective, and that is what matters isn't it?'

Choun intervened on Stanbors account, as she sipped her drink.

'A moment longer and I dare say your men would've broken, Sui.'

Bacho snorted at the suggestion but did not say anything; afraid Choun would twist her words till they resembled what she wanted. Stanbor listened though he focused his attention on the sworn sisters. Kanu and Ryubi were deep in a hushed conversation and Stanbor found himself comparing the two.

There was little in way of family resemblance, hardly a surprise as they were not siblings by blood, they both had good figures and that was about it. Kanu was, for a lack of a better word, hard. She most definitely looked like someone who spent a hefty part of her life hunting brigands and even without the presentation on their first meeting the man would not doubt her ability in arms. Ryubi on the other hand looked, for a lack of a better word, soft. Her features, her manners the way she backed down if someone questioned her statement made her seem so and yet so many skilled people were happy acknowledging her as their lord… it seemed that that which made formidable was not something obvious to the eye.

A question was directed towards him and the man stopped his thoughts on the sisters and moved to the subject at hand.

'Sorry. How I would do what?'


'If I had sufficient resources I'd have plenty more infantry to hold the front and push forward, archers in support keeping the enemy occupied. Cavalry on the flanks being the main force, either probing and harassing the enemy or breaking through their ranks and sending them running.'

Hugo stated in reply to the question of how he would have done a battle.

'That's it?'

Came the question. The man shrugged.

'In an overly simplified way, yes. Too much depends on the quality of the men, the type of enemy, the terrain and a dozen other factors for me to give a proper answer to that question.'

'Fair enough.'

Sonsaku sighed as she turned to the others at the table. Seated around were a collection of officers and strategists, many still covered in dust from the recent manoeuvres. Ryomo, as the junior most member at the table spoke first.

'I find no faults with our traditional formations so I shall already move the main problem of where to put the…' – She paused and cast a look to Hugo and Sonsaku before continuing, - 'Messenger. His men seem to lack the speed of our own men but seem able to hold formation to a better degree. As such I would suggest to keep them in the second, or even third wave. There we wouldn't have to worry about their slow manoeuvres causing too many problems while their coherency would be a boon should we need to bolster a faltering front or guard from the rear.'

Rikuson was next to speak;

'I believe Ashe's idea is sound, the near obsession Hugo has with keeping his men in formation will make them the best bet in protecting the rear or bolstering a faltering line.'

Hugo's protest to being described as having an obsession was ignored and eyes turned to the senior most strategist. Shuyu did not reply immediately as she thought the matter over before shrugging.

'I see no faults with the concept other than ensuring that the man would know orders and how to react.'

'Only way to solve that matter would be to train.'

Hugo's blunt statement caused a moments silence interrupted only by Sonsaku as she clapped her hands, drawing attention to herself.

'There we have it! So, make sure to work extra hard from now on everyone! I want the enemies of the Son pissing themselves at the sight of our banners.'

She smiled brightly as she turned from one to another, the smile only disappearing after she noticed a messenger coming up.

'I guess that means my sister wants me to get back to politics… bother. Go through some manoeuvres and I'll try to get back in a an hour or so.'


'As you ordered we've got all our men standing by. I have taken the liberty to delegate twenty of the best to accompany you.'

Soso listened to Kakoens report as she dressed, the first layer of robes were in place and she now was busy with finding the best place to conceal a long bladed dagger. Satisfied she nodded to the waiting servants who proceeded to help her into the outer robe.

'How much do the men know?'

'They have been told to expect treason and assault… spirits are high.'

Soso nodded as the robe was smoothed out.

'What of the others?'

'Apparently everyone is making similar preparations.'

Soso nodded and made a mental list, thinking whether there was anything more that could be done in the present situation. With a sigh she decided that she had done all she could.

'Let us go to supper than.'

There were about as many guards as there were lamps, metal glistening red in their light. Most of the guards were in the colours of Totaku; besides them however were a number in the colours of Ensho, Soso and several other officials. The groups eyed one another with suspicion and the air was heavy with tension. Over the months since the massacre of the eunuchs the capital had been the scene of a power struggle and many of the prime ministers guests have already clashed verbally.

The mood of the courtyard was carried into the hall where the officials have gathered. Theoretically they sat according to rank but many saw a pattern, those who were known to be staunch supporters of the Prime minister sat at Totakus right, with Ensho, Soso and others critics sat to her left.

The mood remained as food disappeared in silence, hushed conversations being the norm until an hour passed when Totaku stood and raised her hands to draw attention to herself.

'These past few months have been difficult but we have succeeded in restoring order to the land. Though most seem to insist that I am responsible I recognize the efforts of those who aided me in this task.'

She paused to lift a cup towards the assembled.

'Your health.'

What came next caused consternation among the gathered as rather than drink Totaku dropped the vessel, the sound of it shattering when it hit the floor sounding loudly in the silence. The guests looked to one another, some with alarm, others with grim expressions. Totaku continued.

'Or not as matters have been brought to light, matters that make drinking to your health most unsuitable. Who would willingly drink the health of a traitor after all?'

Booted feet sounded and the doors were thrown open. Armed men in Totaku's colours entered the hall, Ryofu standing behind the prime minister. The guests jumped to their feet and a dozen voices sounded in protest. Soso glanced at Ensho who, seeing the glance, nodded before turning her attention back to soldiers.

'Bind them.'

Totaku indicated the group among who stood Soso and Ensho. Weapons ready the soldiers advanced. Here something happened that made everybody pause, Ensho was laughing.

'Nice. Well said Totaku but your commanding tone needs work, something like this.'

The woman snapped her fingers and pointed in the prime ministers direction.


Men screamed. Guards fell as their comrades turned and impaled them on their weapons; soon the group was surrounded by a wall of soldiers who were pulling off the scarves denoting them to be in Totaku's service. Totaku, just like many others looked at the scene with shock, Enshos voice sounding loud and clear despite the noise.

'Word of advice Totaku. When coming to new power and wealth be sure to award everyone in your service lest they feel cheated and submit to temptation. Kill her.'

At the last several men moved to the prime minister only to have their way blocked. Ryofu stroke once and sent two to the ground. A second blow cleaved a third from head to groin. The third hit air as the rest gave ground before the sudden onslaught. Fighting broke out as Ryofu led those guards not bribed by Ensho against those that changed sides, while everywhere officials were calling for their own guards.

It was a beautiful mess.

'We have to withdraw.'

Ensho looked at Soso as if she lost her mind.

'When do you think we'll have a better chance at killing her.'

She replied, indicating Toutaku being herded away from the fighting.

'When that isn't nearby.'

Soso shot back with a hand indicating Ryofu. Ensho snorted and seemed to want to say something but didn't as she saw "That" cut through another soldier.


The way to the courtyard was soon littered with bodies as the ministers and their guards fought off numerous attempts by Toutakus men to break through them. Several officers greeted them when they emerged.

'Not good. Toutaku has even more men moving in, we'll be overwhelmed if we don't do something.'

Ganryo reported. Soso looked to her own men and Kakoton nodded her agreement with her counterpart's assessment.

'It seems that Toutaku has got the Imperial Guard supporting her. We're holding the gate for now but if they push more men in…'

She didn't finish and Soso swore before responding.

'Looks like we have to give up Luoyang.'

Endho summed it up nicely.

'This'll be one long night.'