Barney Sits down not able to explain what he just felt. But he also doesn't want to admit to himself that he did feel something. He can't stop thinking about all the emotions that came to surface when there lips met. And he watches Robin get another beer from the kitchen her face strained. Could she have felt it to? No , of course not. So Barney just sat in the chair all night the only thing in his mind was the girl just a few feet away.

-next morning-

He woke up in his bed. Drenched in sweat. Trying to get over the fact he dreamed of Robin the whole night. And not just one dream. Multiple dreams of him and robin. The first one they were on a beach just sitting in the sunset drinking a beer and holding hands. It was just a perfect moment. Then came the next dream which was weirder then the last. They were just sitting at the bar. He was just staring at her pure beauty. He looked into her Beautiful blue eyes while her soft brown hair fell perfectly over her shoulders. And he just sat there and watched. And for the last dream he was at the altar. His brother , Ted . And Marshall right behind him. And he watched as the door opened and Robin in a wedding dressed walked down the aisle towards him .

And that's where the dreams ended and he woke up. And now he was scared. Scared of the emotions resurfacing again. He didn't know what to think. But he was going to try to push it out. Until atleast he saw Lilly. she helped him through this once she could help him through it again. And hopefully snap him back to reality.

So he gets up and gets ready for the Saturday ahead of him. He looks to the clock to see its ten. He goes and takes a long shower to relax and get his mind of things. Then he picks out a black suit and blue tie. Gets dressed and heads out the door to grab a cab to teds apartment.

When he gets there he makes his way up and walks right in to find Lilly and Marshall already there sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey," Barney says taking a seat.

"Hey ," the both say in unison.

"Sooo what's on the agenda for today?" Barney asks awkwardly.

"I don't know?" Lilly says questioning barney with such a weird question.

"Ok ….where's Robin…..and Ted?" Barney asks.

"Robins getting changed and Ted is at the store," Lilly says.

"Ok," Barney says. He wait's a few moments then he can't hold it in.

"Lilly , can I see you in the kitchen?" Barney asks.

"Uhhh , sure Barney," she says and the both get up and make there way into the kitchen.

"What is it Barney?" Lilly asks.

"I think I'm in love with Robin…..Again." he said just letting it all out.

"Barney , are you serious?"

"Yeah , well I think so . After we kissed last night I just couldn't get my mind off of her." Barney told her.

"Oh Barney ," Lilly says.

And at that moment Robin walked out of her room and right into Barney's sight.

"Oh Shit," Barney said.

"What?" Lilly asked.

"I just realized how deep I am in this."