A/N Okay, guys. I'm sorry it's taken me forever to update BUT; I've been working on my SYOT. If you guys could check it out that would be super!

Also, what did you guys think about the picture links? Good, Bad? Read and review people!


I'm in so much pain. My right leg is broken; my arms are full of burn marks, cuts and bruises. A moan escapes my lips. It will be over soon, though. I can feel myself slipping away. I can hear Johanna screaming in the cell beside me.

Oh, Johanna. Don't you know? It will all be over soon.

There's a choking sound and then the sound of water draining. I can hear her sobs, they echo in the empty hallway.

There are footsteps now, walking the short distance from her cell to my cell. I see one peacekeeper, then another and then 2 more behind them.

Am I hallucinating? Or are there really 4 peacekeepers coming to take me to my awaited torture session.

One of the peacekeepers unlocks the lock on my cell door. As she steps inside I can see she has slightly longer hair. A female? Most likely. She approaches me slowly with a needle, almost as if I'm the danger. Her face is getting closer to mine, and then she's so close that I can feel her breath on my face.

She smiles and pricks me with the needle, I try to wiggle away but her strong arms hold me in place. I'm slipping from the grasps of reality now. I close my eyes and see a flash of Peeta's face, before I'm gone.

I'm flying. High in the sky, with everyone I love close, but just slightly out of reach. I reach my hand to grab Prim's, and she stretches hers to try and grasp mine. Our fingers almost touch. So close, and yet so far away.

I look up, and all I see it black. No moon, no stars only black. I'm frightened so I look below me. I see the face of everyone I've ever loved or lost. Smiling, youth-filled faces. There's no sign of pain from anyone. This is where I must go but, it's so hard to reach. It would be at least a million times easier to just float up an be with the blackness but, I know if I go up there, there is no coming back to the ones who love and need me.

So, instead I work my way downward and in a few moments I'm within Prim's reach. She grabs my hand and pulls me down beside her. And then there's Gale who is also beside me. He pulls me in and hugs me, his warm familiar body makes me feel so at home.

I'm so happy. I want to freeze this moment forever and never leave. But of course, reality has other plans and I feel myself slipping back into consciousness…

I awake with a start. All a round me are blinding bright lights. There's a million different tubes stuck in my arms and as I lift one of them up to examine it, a yellow liquid drips down through it and I'm back in the world of black.

When I awake again, there's no tubes stuck into me. I look around, where am I now? Did the peacekeepers accidentally kill me, and then bring me back to life with their fancy Capitol tools?


I looks to my lift and there's Haymitch, sleeping on a chair, drool coming out of his- HAYMITCH?

I gasp, "Haymitch!" I cry.

He jumps, whipping the trail of drool going down his chin. "Why hello, sweetheart." He says. I can tell by his voice that he truly has missed me.

"Haymitch! Where am I? What are you doing here!" I exclaim.

Haymitch smiles sadly then begins to tell me the story of how we ended up here in District 13. I can hardly believe it.

"Peeta is dying to see you." Haymitch whispers.

My brain freezes. Images flood my brain. Bad images. I sit up quickly.

"No." I gasp.

"I know. You must be excited." Haymitch says with a wink. "I'll go get him." He says then he gets up and walks through the automatic doors.


I'm practically bouncing up and down when Haymitch comes to tell me it's time to see my Katniss. He smiles at me and leads me through the hallways of District 13.

When we reach the room Katniss is in, I can see her sitting up. The doctors are talking to her. Plutarch is standing in front of the doors, shaking his head slightly.

I can't stand it any longer; I push Plutarch out of the way and run through the doors.

A look of confusion crosses Katniss's face as I approach her and then, recognition. Her face twists into a grimace and she screams as she jumps off of the bed and onto me.

She knocks me down, still on top of me. Pounding at my chest.

I'm in such shock, I barely notice someone (most likely Haymitch) pulling her off of me.

I do however; notice the things she's screaming at Haymitch.


Before I can hear anything else, I stand up and run out the door. I don't stop until I run into Gale.

"I need your help." I whisper.

He just nods in return.

A/N Okay, guys. I'm sorry it's taken me forever to update BUT; I've been working on my SYOT. If you guys could check it out that would be super!

Also, what did you guys think about the picture links? Good, Bad? Read and review people!