Instead of rescuing Katniss, the rebels have rescued Peeta, Katniss is the one hijacked, and Peeta will do anything to get her back.


I'm chained to the wall when the guards come in to take me to the torture chamber. They approach me and unlock the shackles that bind me to the brick wall. I've given up fighting them, because I've learned that fighting equals a worse torture session. The shackles are off now, one of the muscular guards picks me up and throws me over their shoulder like a rag doll. I don't even scream, although a low moan does escape my lips. I mentally scold myself. We're waling out of my cell now, we pass Johanna Mason's cell. I remember Johanna. She cut the tracking device out of my arm,

Too bad I didn't get away.

We reach the torture chamber and I am placed in a green lounge chair in front of a television. I am puzzled for a brief moment as to what they would be doing with me this time. Surely the punishment could not be as simple as to be strapped in a comfortable chair watching a black television screen. The other guard, the one who was not carrying me presses a button on a remote and my arms are cuffed to the arm chair.

I turn my head just in time to see a woman inject a needle filled with something cold into my body, I blink once, twice, three times. The woman smiles and then her face contorts.

My face is directed towards the television and as it slowly comes to live, I see him.

"Peeta" I whisper.

But, this isn't right, my vision is going blurry. I close my eyes, and when I open them again the boy on screen is not who he was when I first met him. Back when I was 11 and he was the boy with the bread. No, the boy on the screen looks like Peeta but it can't be him.

I scream.

My name is Katniss Everdeen, and I was in love with something terrible.