I Don't Own Hetalia Axis Powers!

Story- After getting drunk because of losing another battle to Axis, England transforms them in to something that will allow the Allies to defeat them. Too bad they are too cute to harm now.


Pairings-Axis x Almost everyone (Allied)


In Memory Of the Dead and Surviving poeple of Japan

Chapther 8!

Last time(in Chapther 7)-

"Yeah, he just joined the Axis. Also...", Egypt trailed off, staring at the Japan. "When...they were found. Italy was...different. America said, Italy was smaller. Like he was a child again." the Grecian eyes widen in realiztion. He looked up at his friend, hoping he wouldn't realize it too. To bad he did. Egypt leaned in closer to Japan before looking back at the Greek. He had a blank expression but Greece knew the other figured it out.

"So...this is what he looked like all those years ago. Cute."

Chapter Eight- What now?



"The earth, is shaking mama!"


"Everyone get down!"


"Mama wake up! Mama!"

A small dog barked, trying to wake up its master. His own paw was bleeding from falled glass. The master laid, hidden under some rubble. His dark hair tussled in a complete mess, hiding his left eye where blood dripped down from. The little dog nuzzles his master's broken arm. No sound came from the man. Whining in sorrow the dog licked his master's cheek, begging for a responce.

"日本!そこで日本のハングアップする !"

Shooting up, China clutched her aching heart. What...was that? It felt so real. Tears unknowingly started to fall from the old nation's eyes, staining his cheeks. He sobbed while trying to control himself. Just...what was all that? That man looked like Japan. But who's voice called out to him? Catching his breath, he took in his surroundings, trying to shake off the dream.

"Where...am I aru?", the Immortal nation sighed, staring up at the sky. Last thing he remembered was holding a child version of his once brother. Aiyah! Got to get him out of my head! China shook his head furiously, not noticing another presence appear behind him. The eldest nation then felt a cool metal touch the back of his head.

"Don't move.", A german voice commanded.

"Who are you aru?", China said through cletched teeth while staying perfectly still.

"Kesseses I'm the only awesome nation there ever was. But, now tell me old man, where are you allies?", Prussia said awesonely.

"You want to know where they are? Very close by. But shouldn't you be worried about your brother and ...his allies.", China stated coldy, almost choking at the thought of his own brother.

(((((0With Greece0)))))

"Mr. Egypt! Miss Belarus is here!", an solider Egyptian called out, opening the tent. Suddenly the man was pushed aside. Greece and Egypt exchanged horrified glances as the White Russian barged in. She glared at the Mediterranean nations as she stepped in side.

"Brother sent me here in search of China. Where is he?", Belarus demanded, glaring at them. Greece held the little nation close, hiding him the brother obessed beauty. Egypt stepped forward infront of the Grecian.

"We haven't seen him. We'll keep and eye out for him" the mysterious nation stated calmly.

"Search for him! When he is found bring him straight to me!", the Belarusian hissed at then. She turned to leave but cute noises made him halt. Greece hushed the once sleeping nation, try to keep him quiet till she left. Instead Japan woke up fully and looked around with curious eyes.

Belarus turned around, eyes catching sight of the little nation. "Whats a child doing in a war zone? You call us cruel?"

(((((0 With The Allied Power0)))))

"Pasta!", the little Italian cried out happily. France petted his head while basting his lil brother's cuteness. "Is it all for me big brother france?"

"Yup, eat up mon cher." the Frenchmen coed. Chibitlia cheer in glee before devouring his favorite food. Like a pedophile, France watching Italy eat evey noodle and get sause all over his face. Then a shoe came flying at his head, ruining his enjoyment. "Owww fils de pute!"

"You bloody frog I never want to see you scare a child like that again.", England shouted.

"Geez France, stop trying to my Italy", Spain commented off handly only to be smacked by England.

"Shut up, be grateful I let you out of that chair. And you! You sick pervert stop trying to rape our prisioner." The Brit yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Oh calm down, I was only letting him have pasta." France defended.

"Like hell you were." England spat.

"Oh jealous mon cher? Would you like me to feed you?"

"No way you sick frog. Hey don't come near me!", France advanced closer to the brit dispit his protests.

"Hey guys!", Russia called out appearing in the doorway. All the attention suddenly went to the large nation. England and France froze mid fight, staring at the Russian. "Oh what are you guys doing? Playing da? Well excuse, I was looking for North Italy."

"Oh he was...right there.", France trailed off, staring at the empty chair. Russia looked over where the Frenchmen was staring at.

"Da? Where is he?"

"Oh no, where is Spain? They are both gone!", England exclaimed. "You bloody frog this is all you fault!"

A/N: I know you all now heard of the horrors going on in Japan right now. In China's dream, he is seeing Japan's suffering right now. I'm dedicating this chapter to all those in Japan and those trying to help them as best as they can. Love to Japan and to the World.

Traslation by Bing~!


同様に私たちに役立つ(Kami-sama save us) , 痛みを停止します(stop the pain), 彼女は呼吸ではない急いで(She isn't breathing), 日本!そこで日本のハングアップする!(Japan! Japan hang in there!)