Hello everybody! Here is Light's biggest fangirl! The "Light is mine" rant is actually something someone said, just very slightly edited to fit the context. I found it when scrolling through comments of a youtube video. I will keep it anonymous! If by some odd chance this person sees this and has a problem with it, tell me who you are (so I know its not just a random person just wanting me to delete things) and I'll get rid of it. As for everyone else…tell me what you think! :D
Me: Hey, Light. I managed to find you someone very special…
Light: …?
Me: -smiles wide- Your biggest fan! ! ! ! ! :D
Light: Oh my Kira…
Rabid Light Fangirl #1: HIIIIII LIGHT! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :D –glomps-
Light: -shakes off- -thinks- Who is this freak…?
Rabid Light Fangirl #1: -clings- I LOVE MY LIGHT-KUN!
Me: Hmm…how bout you tell me about your relationship with your Light-kun…? –nervous smile-
Rabid Light Fangirl #1: :D Okay! ! ! ! ! ! My Light-kun is the best and yes he belongs to me I already killed Mikami and Misa and Takada because Light is mine and mine alone! I am his best friend as well as his wife and I always talk to him before I go to sleep, and when I do go to sleep I cuddle him like a snuggly teddy bear! We are lovers! ! ! ! ! !
Me: -turns to Light, still smiling- Light, did you know about this?
Light: … no…
Rabid Light Fangirl #1: awww of course you do! D: Don't be shy!
Light: . . .
Me: Also…you didn't kill Misa.
Rabid Light Fangirl #1: OF COURSE I DID! –snarls- I USED MY DEATH NOTE!
Me: -brings Misa into the room- -shakes head- No, Misa is right here. :3
Rabid Light Fangirl #1: -screeches- -freaks out- WHO USED THE FING DEATH ERASER? ! ? ! ? ! ? !
Light: …no one…
Misa: -doesn't know what's going on-
Rabid Light Fangirl #1: -starts slapping Misa- LIGHT-KUN IS MINE!
Misa: D= NO, HE'S MINE! –begins to slap back-
Me: Cat fight.
Light: …I'm going to walk away now…
Hmm…not sure how that turned out. What do you guys think? The next one will be Near! :D Any ideas for what should happen? Thanks for reading! Review! :D
~Ratt Kazamata