A week later, Dr. Dave Malucci was laid to rest with most of the hospital in attendance. Dave, who hated wearing suits, was buried in his famous blue scrubs. The picture of Dave and Allison that Connie had found the day of the shooting was enlarged, framed and place on an easel next to Malucci's open casket. That's how they all wanted to remember him. Several of the staff said a few words at the funeral, Cheryl sang a Linda Ronstadt song, "Goodbye, My Friend" and Allison played a piece of Beethoven, Dave's favorite, that he had taught her. They knew Cheryl was right. Allison did inherit Malucci's musical talent. She was wonderful. At the cemetery, the pallbearers, Mark, Peter, Luka, Malik, Greg (Dave's brother-in-law) and Jeremy (Dave's nephew) carried his coffin down to the grave. It was still hard for them to believe that Dave was inside and that he was really gone. They had wished that this was one of Malucci's practical jokes. But if it were than that would mean they would probably still be at the cemetery except Dave would be one of the pallbearers and Carter would be in the casket. Even when Dave's coffin was lowered down it still did not seem possible. They all wondered how they would be able to tell Carter. He needed to know. He and Dave were good friends and he would start asking questions about Dave if he didn't see him around. Besides he had a right to know. As they were leaving the cemetery, Maria eyed a strong-built older man who slipped into the back of the funeral. The others had noticed him, too and wondered who he was. Maria immediately tried to walk away but he confronted her. He stood in her way ,as to instigate a fight.

"Who is he?", Randi asked. "Someone from my past." Maria paused, "He's my father." While the others watched, Maria spoke," What the hell are you doing here? Come to gloat. Don't tell me you are actually upset because Davey was killed." The man said," No, I'm just upset because I'm not the one who did it to the worthless little bastard." Maria returned with," Not that you didn't try real hard. Well, you finally got what you wanted. Davey's dead and you aren't going to be held responsible for it. You will never serve one day in prison for what you did to us--to him. You still didn't tell me what the hell you wanted." The man replied, "That's my kid they just put into the ground. I have a right to be here." Maria trying to keep her composure and not make a scene said, " No, you gave up that right the first time you broke one of Davey's bones or locked him in the closet for days without food and water. Besides Davey wasn't your kid--- he was your punching bag that you took all your frustrations out on. Sorry to break it to you but Davey is where you can longer hurt him. For the first time in his life he's at peace" The man grabbed her arm and yelled, "Look bitch, you..." Maria pulled away and angrily screamed," No, you don't. Not here. Not now. I just buried my brother and I'm not in the mood for you today. This isn't the time nor the place for this. So just crawl back on the barstool you slithered off of and leave us the hell alone." As she started to walk away, he yelled behind her, " I want to see my grandchildren." She turned with fury in her eyes and spoke. "Oh no, no way. There is no way you are coming anywhere near mine and Davey's children so you can do to them what you did to us. We raised our kids better than that, and if you come anywhere near them I swear I will kill you myself." She started to walk away again and as he came after her, he was met with her husband and a number of male ER staffers that warned him to back off. He screamed behind them, "The little bastard got what he deserved." They just continued to walk away knowing that comment didn't deserve a response. He whispered, "You won this battle, slut, but the war isn't over yet. I'll get you---all of you."

Back at Cheryl's house after the funeral, despite the endless chatting it seemed so quiet. Allison asked if she could play some music. Cheryl agreed if she did it quietly. There was already a tape in the recorder and Allison pressed the play button and out came Dave's voice. He and Cheryl were singing, "To Love Somebody." The guests realized it was the same tape Allison had made a week ago at her parents' party the night before Dave died. It made them all remember the last time they had been in that house, a very much happier time. Cheryl just wanted to rip the tape out of the player and destroy it, but she realized she couldn't do that because Dave's voice was on it. She needed to save it and play it for their son after he was born. He needed to know what his daddy sounded like and how talented he really was. No matter how hard Cheryl and Allison would describe Dave to the baby , the boy would never quite understand about his father like the tape could do for him. The same thought passed through everyone's mind when they first heard the tape. Although it has only been a week, they had forgotten what Dave sounded like or even that he had the remains of an Italian accent. They all stood silently and listened as if Dave was singing at his own memorial service. Tears flooded the house that day.

To be continued. Please read and review.