A/N: Hello! This is my first attempt at Doctor Who fanfiction. This will contain all companions of Doctors 9-11 (except for River Song. I have nothing against her, but she hasn't spent enough time in the TARDIS to get an opportunity yet.) Some are longer than others, but that can't be helped. I favor no companion over any other, even though I gave Rose two chapters here (one for each of her Doctors.) It won't always happen, and they also won't always be in chronological (well, episode wise.) order. Enjoy!

Oh, and I don't own Doctor Who. Otherwise I'd know who the Silence is, wouldn't I?

The Doctor lay flat on his back, underneath the TARDIS consol, sonic screwdriver in his mouth.

"What happened to you?" he muttered, raising the device and putting it on setting 125b. Muttering to himself, the Ninth incarnation of the Doctor set to fixing his wonderful (but slightly malfunctioning) time machine. Rose and himself had just left Cardiff with Charles Dickens, and when they took off for their next adventure, he wanted to be at least somewhat accurate this time. It was good to have a companion again, he thought. Even the TARDIS was feeling happier.

Suddenly, a large, very loud scream filled the TARDIS, echoing down the hallways toward him. He froze. Rose.

He was up in an instant, sonic screwdriver in hand. He dashed down the hall, following the place where her scream had originated. The TARDIS was helping him, shuffling rooms at an amazing rate in order to help him find his friend. Finally, he reached the end of the hallway, and he paused. Instinct from the Time War in his blood, he paused, placed one hand on the door knob, set the sonic on a good setting, and wrenched open the door.

He stopped in his tracks. Rose Tyler was bouncing up and down, laughing. She had found the trampoline that he hadn't used in decades, possibly longer. Her hair was flying all over the place, while her jumper lay discarded to one side.

"Rose, what are you doing?" he demanded, eyes wide.

"You never told me you had one of these!" was her joyful reply, reaching upwards with her fingers, trying to reach the dome-like net that protected any bouncers from the TARDIS's jerks and jolts.

"Haven't used it in years," he whispered, tracing the scorched edges of the trampoline, which was a reminder of how the last person had tried to blow it up when in a mood.

"How could you not have?" laughed the blond, bouncing again, not as high this time.

"You act as if you've never seen one of these before," said the Doctor, redirecting his attention to the 19 year old human.

"Not in real life!"

"You've never seen-"

"Not much room in our flat," she pointed out.

The Doctor shook his head slowly, and turned around, leaving his Earthly companion to the joys of bouncing on a trampoline.

"Come on, Rose!" exclaimed the new Doctor, effortlessly bouncing twice as high as her. The room was now brightly lit and all traces of the dust that had covered the room when she first discovered the room deep within the TARDIS had vanished. This Doctor got things done.

"How are you doing that?" Rose demanded, cross. She'd thought she'd been doing so well.

The Doctor just laughed as he soared high above his companion. "You can do better than that, Rose!"

"No I can't!" she protested, thrusting down hard with both of her feet, which failed to bring her up to the height of the Doctor.

"Oh yes?" he asked mischievously, reaching inside his suit pocket and extracting his faithful sonic screwdriver from its depths.

"What's that going to do?" demanded Rose, skeptically.

"This!" he declared, pointing it at the wall. The sound, now second only to the TARDIS in her world now, filled her ears. Music began to blare from a stereo system that Rose had not noticed before, something with a steady beat and an odd voice: she suspected that it was alien, since some of those sounds seemed far beyond even human technology's ability, let alone a human voice, not to mention that that mysterious voice mentioned several obscure places that she had never heard of. But it was catchy, and Rose Tyler found herself found herself picking up on the lyrics quickly, singing along, her voice mixing surprisingly well with the Doctor's.

"How ARE you doing that?" demanded Rose, laughing as the music began to fade, while watching the Doctor soar above her yet again.

"Physics!" he yelled gleefully, placing his Converse-clad feet on the springy black surface of the trampoline.

The next song began, causing Rose's attention to shift to the music.

The two of them spent what must have been hours, singing and bouncing along before the TARDIS gave a sudden jerk, sending them both on their backs. Their heads inches away from Each other, their legs angled away from each other, the two of them lay like that and laughed. And they laughed and laughed and laughed as the TARDIS swirled through the vortex, taking them anywhere, anytime, whenever its occupants decided they wished to go there, and as the minutes ticked down of their precious time together, and as the destruction of the Torchwood Institute and the closing of the Void loomed closer and closer, their laughter rang threw the halls. They were ignorant of what was ahead, and that was as it should be. They did not know what was to come. All that mattered was right then, and then, in that wonderful moment, they were happy.

Martha looked up at the slightly hyper Time Lord, who was bounding up and down eagerly, looking at her.

"You want me to go up there and bounce with you?" she asked, finding surprise in her voice. It was sort of childish, and it didn't seem like something an all powerful enigma liked the Doctor pretended to be.

"Why not? It's a lot of fun!" he said, grinning that goofy grin at her.

Martha's doctor-in-training part of her was protesting about danger, especially since the machine was moving on the moment. But… it did look like a lot of fun…

Smiling up at the Doctor, she grabbed the offered hand and pulled herself up onto the TARDIS's trampoline.

"I am not, and I repeat, not, going on there," said Donna in her most thoroughly stubborn voice, as she glared at the skinny alien boy who was showing off the trampoline as if it was a grand prize for some ridiculous contest.

"Oh come on, Donna, it's fun."

"I will not go on there," she repeated, standing firm, ignoring that the Doctor was giving her the most unimaginably pleading face at her, one that wrenched hearts. But not Donna's. Not about this. There was no way on this world or any other of the numerous that the Doctor had taken her too, and doubtlessly would take her, that she was going to risk her life to go bouncing on a trampoline. Not in this lifetime.


"No!" she said firmly.



"Just once…"

"No way."

"Come on…"





"No, no, no, no, no way!"

A few minutes later, they were both on the trampoline, enjoying themselves greatly.

"Told you!" he crowed.

"Watch it, alien boy," was her only reply.

"Come on, Pond!" said the Eleventh Doctor eagerly, nearly flying.

Amy was laughing eagerly, bouncing nearly as high. Rory watched the two with an amused eye. Both were really children, it seemed a good deal of the time.

He settled down into his chair that he had found, watching them. Amy was really happy here, in the TARDIS. And that made him happy. The raggedy doctor had come back from her, and she was having adventures, like they had always acted out together in her backyard when they were children. Rory would wave imitations of the sonic screwdriver around, and leap out of Amy's storage shed. He'd have fun doing it, too. Although, he knew know that he'd been a very poor imitation of the real thing. Somehow he'd never quite able to capture the essence of the Doctor.

"Come on, Rory! Aren't you coming!" yelled Amy, finally bouncing higher than the Doctor, much to her delight.

Rory paused. "Yeah, I'm coming!"

There's the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed reading it! Please review, and all that jazz...

Flames will be mocked.

Thanks for reading!
