A/N: So I completely fell In love with Touch Detective and all of its fun and quirky characters (I especially love cute lil' Funghi!) so I wrote what I think would be on the dedication page for when the "Touch List" was published.

My life, is simplistic. From day one I always knew I was going to be a detective, just like papa.

When he passed, it was upsetting; my whole childhood was centered around my papa, his life and adventures in the world (and not to mention all the toys he brought me home).

But none the less I just kept moving.

Penelope and Chloe helped too, more than they know actually. Penelope's fun innocent self and Chloe's competitiveness always kept me smiling.

Most people would call me a calm reserved slightly sarcastic person. Because that's just who I am. Being a detective made me happy, exploring all these new things, touching all sorts of funky stuff; it's all so perfect.

Though even more I love helping all of my friends. It really makes me feel like something more then just the child of "The Great Observing Detective". That I'm really doing my own work and living my own life as (stupidly named by the way) "The Touch Detective".

Through Life we will all reach certain trials. Scary things, things that a 13 year old girl shouldn't be going through. Thieves, saboteur's, kidnappings, even the occasional weird encounter from another world.

But I'd like to think if papa was watching me solve cases using my own strength, he would feel pride for me, knowing I grew into being a detective, in my very own unique way.

Of course I didn't get their without help. So I dedicate this book, The Touch List by Mackenzie Osawa to my the most dearest people in my life.

To Penelope: For her amazing cheerfulness in any situation, that never ceases to amaze me.

To Chloe: For her hyper antics that always make me laugh.

To Cromwell: For raising me like his own.

To Funghi: For being my loyal companion.

To Lindsey: For changing her ways

To Inspector Daria: For trying her best to be her best

To Colleen: For all the support she showed Silver.

To Silver: For his sweet innocent love for Colleen, despite the differences they face.

To Friday: For sticking it to the mean conductor.

To Beatrice: For being like a kind mother to every one she meets.

To Granny: For her kind touch to the town.

To The Fossil Hunter: For showing us all of the knowledge that lies in the past

To Daisy: For being the cool, reliable person she is.

To The Corn Stalker: For in the end, being brave and helping us home.

To Katrina: For giving me advice (that never seems to make sense until the end)

To Antoinette: For her creative, crazy ways with food.

To all the people of Burtons Ville: For showing me kindness and a true home town

And…. To Connor: For being very sweet to me (I'll keep your secret, promise)

A/N: Soooooo…. What do you think Connors secret is hmmmmm?

I named the town Burton Ville after the fact the game graphics were inspired by him (he's the guy who wrote "Alice in Wonderland" original

Review for any questions comments or anything at all.

P.S, like Mack's dads detective name? I think the whole observing thing rubbed off on her ;).