Me: OH MY GOD! Two months! I'm really sorry I kept you guys waiting this long. As you can probably tell, the times I update are pretty discombobulated. Mostly because I'm lazy and secondly, I've been busy painting and doing work for Science Olympiad.

Drew: I knew it, you were lazy!

Me: I know! I get it from my dad

May: You mean the man who sleeps on the couch every day?

Me: Yup, good old dad. Well, I've finished the pictures I've drawn for this fic and I'll post the link on my profile. And remember, I have a poll! And read my other stories!

Drew: tsk, tsk, shameless self-promotion!

Me: Hey! Oh well, I don't own Tangled or Pokemon. Read and Review! I don't want this to be like Katzen Blut! (shoves the failure fic in the corner)

May: On with the fic!


May released the thief from her locks and he swerved his head back and forth. May scoffed. "You'll never find your precious satchel. Ever."

"Okay," Draco crossed his arms and stood up. He shifted his weight to one leg, bending the other, "what do I have to do to get out of this deal?"

May rolled her eyes. "Take me to see the floating light; I thought we discussed this already."

Draco put and a smirk and leaned towards her. "Yeah, but that's not the only thing that'll get me out of it, right?"

May put on a questioned look, as if she didn't get what he was saying. "No, it's the only way."

He leaned in closer. "Okay, how about we roll around in the hay, get a bedroom and make it lickety split, and I'm free to go, hm?"

"Wait, what? What are you talking about?"

Draco blinked his eyes. He uncrossed his arms and stared unbelievably at her. "You mean... you don't know?"

May slowly shook her head left and right. Draco sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Alright, alright, I guess I have no choice." He headed towards the window, taking his two arrows from the floor. He turned around. "Are you sure you don't kn-"

"Yes," May interrupted.

Draco leaped out, striking his arrows against the tower. He looked through the window. "You coming?" he asked.

May anxiously nodded, putting her hair on the black hook and frying pan under her arms. She stared out the window; she was terrified, yet excited. She glanced below her feet, to the ground below. Draco was already halfway down, striking the arrows into the tower to keep him from falling down.

"Look at the world, so close and I'm half-way to it. Look at it all, so big, do I even dare?" she asked nervously. "Look at me; there at last," she looked back to her lantern painting, "I just have to do it. Should I?" she stared at the painting and saw herself yearning, no, craving for something more in her life. "No, here I go!"

May looked to Beautifly for reassurance. Once the pokemon nodded, May leaped out the window, holding onto her golden locks. Draco pressed himself against the tower as she slid past him. She spun around, obviously enjoying the adrenaline rush, until she reached the ground.

Just a few inches above the grass below, she precariously hung. Her sapphire eyes grew with amazement. Thoughts raced throughout her head, "What would it feel like? What would Mother think? What would I think?"

She carefully touched the ground with her toe. A spark of excitement spread throughout her body. She, then, placed her whole foot on the ground, then her other foot. Her toes squirmed, feeling the grass for the first time. The dew and dirt felt cool underneath her calloused feet. She slipped down to the ground, chest facing down. She crossed her arms in front of her face and placed her head on her hands. "Just smell the grass, the dirt, just like I'd dreamed they'd be."

She admired a nearby daisy, the simple, delicate plant bent in the breeze. "Just feel the summer breeze," she stood up and let the warm, soft wind brush against her body, "the way it's calling me."

May twirled around and stepped into something cold, and soothing. She looked down to see a stream flowing past her feet. "For the first time ever, I'm completely free!" She bent down, scooped the liquid into her hand and tossed it over her head.

She scanned the area until her eyes rested upon a large, black hole, a cave, the exit. The long-haired maiden subconsciously started to walk towards it. "I could go running," she walked a bit faster, "and racing," and faster, "and dancing," she began to run, "chasing," she ran through the cave, "hair flying, heart pounding, splashing and reeling and finally feeling," May sprinted out of the pitch black cave, through the ivy green wall, hair trailing behind, "now's when my life begins!"

Starlys and Pidgeys flew from nearby trees as May spread her arms out, closing her eyes and ending her song. She hugged herself, unable to contain her excitement

"I can't believe I did this!" she shouted. Her voice dropped to a whisper. She spoke in disbelief, "I can't believe I did this..." Energy bubbled through her veins once more, like hot cider. "I can't believe I did this!"

She bit her nails. "Mother would be so furious." She turned to Beautifly who had faithfully remained by her side. "Well, what she won't know won't kill her, right?" Beautifly shrugged a bit.

Draco emerged from cave just in time to see the blond girl on the the fetal position...rocking back and forth. She said to herself, "Oh my god, this would kill her!"

She began to run around, like a maniac, kicking leaves as she went. Spreading her arms out like a bird, she shouted, "This is so fun!" she stopped by a tree and placed her head against the wood. "That's it, I'm going back."

Optimism burst through her body again, she began to cart-wheel around. "I am never going back!" She slipped and rolled down a soft, grassy hill. May's hair wrapped around her body. She giggled like a a young girl.

Moments later, she was face down in a field of flowers. Her voice was muffled by the
vegetation as she screamed, "I am a despicable human being!" her depression disappeared and she swung herself around a tree by her own hair, feet kicking in every direction. "Best day ever!"

Her melancholy behavior appeared once more. May sat on the forest floor next to a rock, crying like a fountain. She cupped her face in her hands. Draco, obviously a bit uncomfortable with the mood swinging girl, strode over. He knelt down and squatted next to her. He cleared his throat. "Now, I'm just stabbing in the dark here, but you seem to be a little at war with yourself."

May sniffled and looked at the green-hued thief. He continued, "Now, from what I pickup, this is a classic teenage runaway scenario. Over controlling mother, guilty about leaving, happy about leaving, but let me tell you this. Adventure, a little rebellion, that's good, healthy, even!"

She rubbed her fist against her nose. "Really?"

"Will it break her heart? Yes. Crush her soul? Of course!"

May began to nervously twist a small portion of her hair. "Break her heart?"

Draco smoothly replied, "Like glass."

"Crush her soul?"

"Like a grape." He picked a berry from her hair and crushed it to emphasize his point.

"You're right!"

Draco smirked. "You know what? I'm letting out of the deal."

May stopped crying at once and stood up. "Wait-what?"

"Yup," Draco grabbed Beautifly and her frying pan and placed each on her head and in her hand, respectively, "here's your Butterfree and your pan." He put his arm around her. "I'll guide you back to your tower, you show me where my crown is and voila!" he twirled his hand with a flourish. "We part as unlikely friends and I skip into the sunset, whistling and clicking my heels as you admire at me from your tower."

May twirled around and pointed her pan at his face. He held his hands up in surrender. She warned, "Don't make me do this."

Nearby, a bush rustled. May gasped and clambered onto Draco's back. She climbed onto his shoulders and perched with her legs around his neck; body leaned forward and hands around his forehead. "Is it thugs? Ruffians? Have they come for my hair?"

May gazed at the bush, careful not to make a move. A Buneary hopped out and sniffed at Draco's boots. Draco whispered, "Be careful, it can probably smell fear."

May hopped down, her face blushing with red. "Sorry, I guess I'm a bit jumpy."

He leaned towards her. "Probably best if we avoided ruffians and thugs, right?"

She eagerly nodded.

Draco smiled. "You hungry? I know a great place to eat, the Snugly Skitty!"

Rapidash sniffed around, attempting to catch Draco Stallion's scent. He looked upon a tree in front of him. Nailed to it was a wanted poster. The face looked exactly like the person he was tracking...except...the nose. It seemed to be too upturned. Rapidash used his hoof to cover the nose. Once realizing it was Draco, Rapidash's mane flared out, causing the wanted poster, and several leaves, to catch on fire.

Suddenly, a twig snapped from behind. Rapidash zoomed to a hiding spot behind a rock. After waiting for a few seconds, Rapidash leaped over the to face the intruder. It turned out to be not Draco, but a middle-aged woman with grey-blue hair. She wore a yellow dress and black robes.

She gasped, then calmed down. "Oh, a palace horse. Hm, where's your rider?" Karen's face dropped with realization. "Oh no, May. They must've gotten her!"

She darted to the tower, as quickly as she could, leaving a very confused pokemon behind.

Karen sprinted down the route she had been taking for years. The same thoughts raced as fast as herself, "May, May, May, May, May, May."

Once at the foot of the tower, Karen attempted to contain her worried tone. "May, let down your hair!" she sang. No one answered. "May?"

Karen panicked and ran to the back of the tower. She tore stones away from the wall and revealed a secret entrance. She entered and looked around. It was hollow and had several, wooden, flights of stairs leading to the top of the tower. Karen climbed each of the steps, going as fast as she could, even skipping numerous steps.

When she got to the top of the tower, Karen screamed, "May! May, where are you?"

She searched in her room, then May's, then behind the curtains, then under the beds, then in the closet, then under the sheets, then under the tables. She scoured every area of the tower. Finally, Karen gave up, collapsed on the floor, and broke down crying. "My little Flower, I knew I shouldn't have left you alone."

A gleam of light crossed her line of sight. It came from beneath a step on a staircase. Karen crawled over to the stairs and threw off the wooden board of the first step. There, sat a brown, leather satchel a tiara. Karen lifted the crown for closer inspection, then realized whom the crown had belonged to. She dropped it, as if it were a squirming rodent.

She reached into the satchel and pulled out a piece of parchment paper, a wanted paper. She scowled and clawed at a tile on the floor. Karen pulled the ceramic square out and threw it aside. Hidden, was a brown apricot ball and jeweled dagger.

She picked up the ball and threw it into the air. And large, black-red hound emerged from the apricot. A set of horns twisted out of his head and a skull was imprinted on his chest. He looked as if he was a guardian of hell himself. "Hello, Houndoom." she scratched his head. "I know, I haven't let you out in in a while, but I need you to do something. Do you remember May?"

Houndoom vigorously nodded, recollecting the fond memories of playing, protecting and guarding the baby girl. Karen held up the wanted poster. "Well, this man took her, and we need to get her back." Houndoom growled and his teeth bore. He raised his chin into the air and howled. Karen recognized this behavior: blood lust. She held up her index finger. "No, no, you can only lead me to him." She smiled, sadistically, picking up her knife and fingering it through her hand. "I want to kill Draco Stallion myself."

Me: Cliffhanger!

Drew: I thought it was too short

Me: No one cares about what you think

Drew: Tell that to my fangirls

Me: Oh well, the usual, READ AND REVIEW!