WARNING: This chapter is slightly morbid and contains gruesome suicide. If you are squeamish I suggest you message me to see how this story ended or skip to the end of the chapter.
So, the choice was made. But wouldn't doing this make him an awful person? No, this would make him more than awful.
But he couldn't help it. Sora was HIS and his alone. He wasn't about to let him go, even if it cost the brunette's life. That jealousy in his heart, when confronted with this situation, seemed to grow tenfold.
It was dark. It was terrible, but he couldn't give that darling boy up. Sora would die by his own hand. But Vanitas didn't know when and didn't know how. And on the inside it hurt his ghostly heart to know that either way, Sora wouldn't be in his life.
Because he had killed him. Vanitas was a murderer. A selfish murderer.
&-Two Days Later
So the nightmares continued for both of them. Sora cried and screamed and begged him not to go, but there was nothing Vanitas could do about it. So, his lover in his arms despite the fact that he couldn't hold him, Vanitas disappeared. And when all was said and done, after he had vanished, Sora remained. And he was all alone again with no one by his side.
It seemed that way to him at least. But in reality, Vanitas was still watching over him. He was just invisible. And he watched Sora quiver and bawl until his throat was raw. Despite the fact that he shouldn't have been able to cry, a single, frustrated tear fell down his cheek. He wiped it away hurriedly. Crying wasn't him. Crying was for the weak, the helpless. The ones that needed protecting. It just wasn't his nature.
He leaned his head down, kissing Sora's crown softly. Feeling the ice-cold touch, Sora looked up and around, his eyes puffy and red. But there wasn't anything to be seen. He knew that this time, Vanitas wouldn't be coming back. This time, he could end it all without being interrupted.
He stood up on two shaky legs and went to the kitchen. On top of the fridge, there was the extremely sharp box cutter that Vanitas had always kept for emergencies. Sora took the blade in his hand and sat on that bed again, just like last time. He looked down and felt the weight of it. The metal was so heavy. And when he flicked out the blade, it seemed to blind him with its reflectiveness.
He testily pressed the edge to his thumb to see crimson immediately bloom in a straight, perfect line. It wouldn't be quick or painless. That wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to feel it. Sora squeezed his eyes shut and raised the box cutter to the top of the inside of his arm.
Vanitas watched in horror as Sora dragged the sharp edge down to the beginning of his hand, screaming in pain all the while.
Sora gasped loudly as he did the same to his other arm. Holy F-fuck…! He hadn't been expecting this to hurt so badly. It wasn't the same as when Vanitas would hurt him. The pain hadn't been this intense. He curled into the fetal position, his blood staining the space all around him. After a few minutes, he was feeling more than a little lightheaded. The pain was muted and the whole world felt like it was floating around him. He could have sworn he saw a girl, too.
She had the prettiest blonde hair and big blue eyes. .
"Poor thing." She whispered, looking into those dimming sapphire pools. "I'm sorry you've been put through so much pain, Sora. It'll all be over soon, alright?"
Sora's mouth opened a little. He wanted so badly to speak, to ask if she was his guardian angel. Was she God? Was he going to heaven? Where was Vani? But he couldn't get those cords in his throat to vibrate. He just didn't have the strength.
"Vanitas? That's you, right?"
"Yeah, unfortunately. Jesus, I'm such a fucking asshole." Vanitas couldn't keep his voice from shaking.
"He's thinking about you. He's so scared… He just wants you to hold him."
"To hold him, huh?" Vanitas thought back to the night when he had gotten his body back.
"Can you hold me, y'know, like you used to?"
That was all he had ever wanted. Sora craved Vanitas' affection and attention. Until now, Vanitas had barely even noticed it.
And then, with his eyes blank, covered in blood, Sora stopped breathing.
"He's dead. He's dead…"
&-That next week
"Vanitas!" Kairi sang, appearing in his PD once again. Vanitas turned to her, his mouth full of butter and syrup. He swallowed before glaring at her.
"What the fuck do you want?"
"I've got someone here you'll want to see is all."
"I don't want to see anyone. Get the hell out of here." Vanitas snarled, turning to the short stack once again.
"But Vani! It took me forever to learn how to transport to this PD!" The sweet voice thundered through his PD. And to Vanitas, it sounded like angels singing… How ironic.
And there, eyes shining and alive, hair as out of control as ever, stood Sora's spirit. He was smiling so hard, Vanitas thought his face would split in two. And those gaping cuts on his arms were nothing more than faded scars. He stood up, jaw on the floor.
"It's… it's really you!" Before he knew it, those skinny little arms were wrapped around his torso. "I knew it! I knew I would see you again! Oh, Vanitas… I love you!" Sora tangled his fingers into Vanitas hair and gave him a deep and passionate kiss, letting him know just how much he had missed him. After he pulled away, Vanitas gave Kairi a questioning look.
"You were the last person he thought about, remember? See, there's always a loophole." She stuck her tongue out at him. "And now, since you're both of the same world, there isn't anything keeping you from interacting like normal humans." She was gone after that, leaving the two to continue their reunion.
"I have questions."
"Then ask." Vanitas snorted.
"Did you come to me after you died because I was the last person you thought of?"
"Did you think of me because… you love me?"
"Y-yeah, I guess." Vanitas refused to let himself blush.
"Okay… well she did say we could interact like normal people, right?"
"She did."
"Okay! Wanna… y'know… do it?" Sora gave him an adorably mischievous look.
Vanitas let out a deliciously evil laugh.
"Fuck, yeah!"
And for the first time, Vanitas truly made love to him. He was gentle with Sora's body. His touches were soft, his kisses were unhurried. And, of course he didn't use any form of 'punishment' on him (Just for tonight). And afterward, Vanitas held him and whispered his feelings in his ear.
"Sorry I'm such an ass all the time. I'll never let anyone touch you ever again… 'Cause you're mine. Even if we're both dead as shit, you're still mine. And I'm not gonna let anyone but me hurt you anymore. Not even you. Understand? I fucking love you, Sora. And I swear to God I'll kill your ass a second time if you forget it. Know why?
Because even after all this, I'm still here, you idiot. And I'm not going anywhere."
And the two lay there, wrapped in each other with an entire afterlife ahead of them.
Wow! Okay, so I would love to thank each and every one of you for your support. I loved all the reviews and PM's I got and all the views. I hope the ending satisfied everyone. ^^ I know, I know, there isn't much VanOra here. I'll be glad to write more for them, if you would like me to.
So thank you once more and I hope everyone had a great time reading this story!