The Netherworld, realm of the fallen souls. The land has always been separated from the realm of the living through a simple border. But no one ever seemed to bother with the ghastly realm. It's land, ruled without a sole leader, changed one faithful day when the daughter of the Saigyouji family, Yuyuko, became the Princess of the Netherworld. Although not a true ruler, the souls have accepted her as their leader. But before her tale in the land of the dead, the story of her life.

The young girl, only in her early teenage years, walked through her family's garden. She loved flowers and plants of all kinds, mainly the cherry blossom trees. And there was always one she walked to at least once a day. This large tree was unlike the others. Instead of thin and covered in petals, it was thick like a normal tree and bare of all color except for it's bark. "Why are you like this? Why not bloom like the other trees? It is spring after all." The girl said, moving a bit of her brown hair behind her ear as the wind kicked up gently.

"Yuyuko? Where are you?" A voice from the distance said, light and happy.

Yuyuko turned around. "Hm? Who's looking for me?" She asked herself, hurrying over to the voice. "Who is it?"

She hurried along the path, slowing down as she met a few familiar faces. "Mother, did you call me?" She asked, smiling.

Yuyuko's mother nodded. "We have someone for you to meet." She said, extending her arm towards a middle-aged man. He had silver eyes, a short white beard and silver hair tied in thin ponytail that started at the base of his neck. His clothing was simple: white and green robes, small ghost like wisps decorated it. He carried two swords, a long sword in it's sheath hanging across his back, and a short sword across his waist. But the most interesting feature about him was the fact that a small, milky white ghost hovered around him in a circle, leaving a small trail behind it from a wispy tail. Yuyuko eyed the man, taken by the appearance and mainly the fact that she had never seen a ghost follow a person unless they would haunt them.

"Yuyuko, this is Youki Konpaku and he has agreed to be our gardener. He is also a very talented swordsman and if you would like, he would be more than glad to teach you." Yuyuko's mother,Hikari, explained.

Yuyuko blinked. "But...girls don't take swordsmanship lessons, they?" She asked, tilting her hand in a slight confusion. She was raised to be a proper young woman and this went against what she was normally taught.

"Lady Saigyouji, may I tell something you your daughter?" Youki asked, his voice gruff, yet held a lighter side to it.

"Of course you may. Trying to get her to take the lessons?" Hikari asked, giggling lightly.

"I might be able to, but Miss Yuyuko seems very stern in not learning the ways of the sword. It is no insult to me, not everyone is called by the blade. I do know of one girl who took to the sword." He said to Yuyuko, who was still confused.

"You do? Who is she?"

"My granddaughter, Youmu. She's learning how to use the sword, although she is at a very young age."

Yuyuko nodded lightly. "She is? Is it because you're her grandfather?" She asked.

Youki chuckled lightly. "That could be a reason, but she would never come right out with it. She's a shy child."

"Oh...I see. Can I meet her one day?" Yuyuko asked.

Hikari giggled again. "In due time Yuyuko, in due time. But right now, let's get inside. We should leave Youki to get used to the fields and grounds."

Yuyuko hurried over and nodded. "Okay Mother." She said, smiling.