Sorry for the late update, wasn't at home last week end... v_v
Thanks for the reviews hinataellis, hitsugayatoshirou1220 & The Dark End^^
Rukia looked at the man who was standing like a vegetable next to them. She sighed annoyed. "What do you want?" She spat.
Ichigo saw her moving her lips but he couldn't hear her. Her lips… Her neck… Her scent… It took all his self-control to not bend down and bite her right away.
Ashido looked at the carrot top quizzically. "Lord Kurosaki, is something wrong?" He asked.
The voice of the man snapped him out of his daze. He looked at Ashido, then at Rukia, and extended his hand to her. "May… May I have this dance?" He stuttered.
Rukia looked at the hand then at its owner. "No, you may not." She simply answered before turning to Ashido.
Ichigo glared at her. Her statement made him regain all his senses. He frowned. "How dare she!" He thought. He grabbed her arm firmly. "I insist." He said lowly.
She frowned and broke free from his grip. "I insist that you insist not." She answered coldly glaring at him.
A vein popped out of his head. "Don't you know who I am?" He shout out of anger.
"I know! You're a stupid arrogant blood sucker!" She shouted back.
"Oh really? You know what? I never insulted you, what's wrong with dancing with me?"
"I don't want to, you can't force me to!" She retorted.
Ichigo was beyond pissed. He turned to Ashido and pointed at Rukia. "Bring her back to her senses!" He shouted.
Rukia grabbed Ashido's sleeve. "Tell him to leave!"
"He won't listen to you!"
"Why is that? He's my friend, you don't even know his name."
Ichigo stood straight. "I know! His name is…is…."
"See! you don't know anything!"
Ichigo ignored her and turned to Ashido. "Is she always an annoying bitch?"
Ashido opened his mouth to retort but… "Don't talk to him!"
"What? He's not allowed to speak? Who do you think you are? The queen of bitches?"
"Yeah, nice to meet you Mr King of fools!"
"Oh, you even gave me a title, but I'm already Lord Kurosaki, still have more title than you midget!"
They were nose to nose, both fuming. None of them noticed that every one was looking at them, but Ashido did. He broke their heads apart. They huffed. "Okay… how about… we leave it there for tonight… Both of you calm down and..."
Ichigo snorted "Tsch, such a waste of time with those peasant." He grumbled before walking away fuming.
"Yeah, run away, sick bastard." Rukia muttered, following him with her eyes.
Seeing that everybody was still looking at them, Ashido took Rukia by the arm and drag her into the crowd while everyone was still whispering about them. Rukia? She didn't care, she was busy mumbling inaudible threat to the carrot top.
Karin was on the balcony, looking at the scene downstairs. She didn't know her brother was such a drama boy. Well, what surprises her the most was that he actually was the one to go to this girl. "And I thought he was gay…" She thought. As the crowd was dispersing, she turned around and leaned her back on the guardrail and sighed. She was finally alone. Yuzu had left her since the beginning, going with her secret boyfriend Hanakari Jinta. "God, Ichi-nii is gonna go wild when he'll learn about those two." She thought smirking. Then she had had to deal with all her annoying suitors who crowed around her drooling. She finally managed to get rid of all of them, so now she could enjoy being alone. That was until...
"Hey beautiful."
She glanced at the man who just arrived next to her and rolled her eyes. "Kouga…" She said icily.
He smirked and gave her a glass that she took. "I'm surprised you're not alone Karin, such a beautiful lady as you..."
"No, I convinced them not to stay around me." She stated.
He laughed. "You're a scary woman Karin."
"Unfortunately, you're not scared of me." She said quietly.
He smirked and moved closer. "Does that make me special?" He whispered in her ear.
She pushed his head away with her hand. "No, that only makes you more annoying than the others." She spat.
He smiled and put his arm around her shoulder. "Karin, you're so mean with me!" He said playfully.
She rolled her eyes "When will this guy get the message? I'm not interested in him!" She thought. "Kouga stop that please." She ordered.
He smirked. "Huh? Stop what?" He asked pretending unknowing.
Karin frowned. "He's damn annoying!" "You KNOW what! Your arm on my shoulder and all your flirt as well!"
He put his hand under her chin, lifting her head. "But Karin, try to understand me, I can't help it, you look stunning tonight."
"Yeah, that's great, but now, let go of me!" She stated firmly.
"You know, I'm not lying, I really think you're the most beautiful vampire, even more than you sister… Oh, you put your hair dow tonight."
She cocked her eyebrow. "And so what?"
"You look, a hell sexier like that." He whispered in her ears while playing with her hair.
A vein popped out of her head. "Okay, that's it, this bastard won't understand anyway…"
"Kouga-sama?" They both looked up to see a white haired boy standing in front of her. The boy coughed. "Sorry to disturb you, Kouga-sama, but Byakuya-sama and the Kuchiki-elders are looking for you. Should I inform them that you're busy?"
Kouga (finally) let go of Karin and stood up. He dusted off his pants. "No need, it's okay, I'm coming." He turned to Karin and smiled "Bye, Karin, I see you as soon as the Elders don't need me anymore." He said softly before leaving making Karin grimace.
Toushirou watched his master leaving before turning to Karin. He assisted to most of the scene and clearly saw that she was displeased. Seeing her glaring at him, burning with anger, he smirked. "Seems that I saved you… again, Karin." He said with a chuckle before following Kouga.
Karin stayed behind, burning with anger. "This arrogant bastard! I didn't need him to begin with! God, I don't even know wether I prefer the flirtatious dumb ass or the arrogant little bastard!"
"How dare she, how dare she, how dare she! Who does she think she is? And who does she think HE is? He was Lord Kurosaki for god sake! How dare she answer back like that!" He was pacing fuming, through the crowd. He saw his friends and begun to head toward them when he bumped into someone.
"Oh, sorry Kurosaki-kun, you were walking so fast that I didn't have the time to step away."
Ichigo's nostril flared. He looked at his shirt spilled with wine and close his eyes. "Temper Ichigo, temper, you know it's your weakness." He repeated in his head. Then he looked at the man who was in front of him breathing slowly, trying to calm down. "Is that… Aizen if I recall… Don't worry about it. I'm the one who shouldn't rush so fast without caring about my guests."
Aizen smiled. "Oh, don't worry about that, I know that you're a bit…tense… from your previous encounter." He stated. Ichigo frowned. "It was with Kuchiki Rukia-chan, wasn't it?" His eyes narrowed to slits when he pronounced the name Rukia.
Ichigo noticed it. "Yeah, you're right…" He answered carefully.
"She's a quite impressive woman, isn't she? Have you met her before?"
Ichigo glared at the man. "That's none of your business" He wanted to say but he wanted to stay diplomatic, things that he had failed to do since the beginning. "No, but she's the sister of Kuchiki Byakuya, who's a great friend of mine."
Aizen closed his eyes, still smiling. "I see… I know you don't like to be pampered but can I give you an advice?"
Ichigo frowned. "Go on, wether I follow it or not, it won't hurt." He said cautiously.
Aizen moved closer to Ichigo. "You'd better stay away from that woman." He whispered in his ear.
Ichigo's eyes widened. He immediately took a step away from Aizen. "Wh…What?" He stuttered.
Aizen smiled. "Well, Kurosaki-kun it's a pretty nice evening, congratulations, your ball is a success." He said cheerily before walking away.
Ichigo stayed there speechless. The voice Aizen had when he whispered… It freaked him out, it was cold, icy, totally opposite as his usual voice. Sweat was dropping from his brow. When he recovered from his shocked, he walked swiftly away. Now he was sure. He HAD to talk to Kuchiki Rukia.
Karin stayed at the same spot during all the ball. Balls annoyed her anyway.
"Are you rooting here or what?"
She jumped at the voice and turned around. "Wh…What are you doing here?" She shouted.
Toushiro sighed, came right next to her and leaned on the guardrail as well. He looked at her as she watched him frowning. He lifted his eyebrow. "What? Were you expecting Kouga?" He teased her.
"Hell no, but I wasn't expecting you either." She spat.
He smirked. "Oh, really, and who exactly were you expecting?" He asked playfully.
She sighed "No one, I wanted to be alone." She whispered.
He stared at her for a while before looking absently at the ceiling. "You know, you often want to be alone for someone who was upset at her brother cause he wanted to be alone…" He pointed out.
She stood straight. "It's not the same."
He raised his eyebrow, looking at her. "Really? Why not?"
She sighed. "Shouldn't you be with the Kuchikis?" She asked suddenly trying to change the subject.
"No, I think it's a family matter, and I'm not a Kuchiki."
"So you came here trying to annoy me to spend time." She snarled.
He tilted his head to both side and yawned. "Actually not, I was heading to the entrance door and you were on my way." He said absent-mindedly.
She cocked her eyebrow. "Oh, and why did you want to go to the entrance door?"
He blinked at her. "Well… Isn't it obvious? The entrance door also happens to be the exit door. I hate balls. The sooner I'm out of it, the better I will be. And the nearer to the door Ill be, the sooner I'll get out of it." He explained.
She burst out of laugh. "You're a funny guy!"
He cocked his eyebrow skeptically. "Really? You're the first to tell me that." He said.
She wiped a tear in the corner of her eyes. "Why do you hate balls so much?"
He looked up. "Well, it's annoying, you have to dance, greet people you know, and as the Kuchikis know everyone, it means everyone. Such a pain in the ass…" He sighed. He looked at her. "What about you?" She looked at him quizzically. "Why do you hate balls so much?"
She sigh. "Well… As you said, you have to dance… God I hate dancing!"
He chuckled. "Yeah, I totally agree with you, who invented such a stupid thing?" He said rolling his eyes.
She laughed a little. "Well, that and, everyone wants to talk to you since you're a Kurosaki. And guys come all around me drooling, trying to flirt with me just because I'm a Kurosaki." She said sadly.
He stared at her before looking away. "Guys like… Kouga?"
"Yeah, but he's the worst! Usually guys run away when I begin to talk harshly but him? He just go on as if I never said anything…" She complained.
"Perhaps…" He begun. She looked at him wondering. "Perhaps he really likes you…" He finished quickly.
"I beg your pardon?"
He scratched the back of his head. "well… Perhaps he likes you for who you are, and not for you being a Kurosaki, perhaps that's why he doesn't give up so easily…" He mentally slapped himself. "What am I doing? Am I trying to set up with Kouga or something? Why am I even defending Kouga anyway?" He thought.
She blinked at him. She knew he was lying cause one of her several gifts was to feel people's feelings and she could tell that he was definitely lying right now. "Kouga Kuchiki…Really? Are you sure we're talking about the same guy?" She asked skeptically.
He grumbled. "Yeah..."
Okay, now she was pissed. Why did he want to set her up with this jerk?
Ichigo was watching her. It was easy to find her since each time they were in the same room, her scent was overwhelming him. He just waited for her to be alone. Now was his chance. He used flash steps to appear right next to her.
Rukia immediately gasped when she saw him. "What the hell…" She begun to shout.
He clamped his hand on his mouth, pushing his body against her. "For god sake…SHUT UP!" He said rolling his eyes. He glanced around. No one saw him. Great. He lifted her and put her on his shoulder like a bag of potatoes and left using flash steps before she could scream and get noticed.
He arrived on the balcony of his room. He landed on the floor smoothly. He took a glance at the raven haired woman on his shoulder who was struggling, hitting her tiny fist on his back. God, she smelled good.
"Let go of me, let go of me you fool!" She shouted.
He smirked. "As you want." He said teasing as he threw her away.
She managed to regained her balance and landed on her feet, but slipped across a few meters because of Ichigo's strength.
He stood in front of her arms crossed over his chest. He smirked as he saw her glaring at him. "Sorry but I have to keep you away from me." He said seriously.
She rolled her eyes and stood up. "Says the man who just abducted me." She said sarcastically. She looked around her. "Where are we?" She asked emotionlessly.
"On the balcony of my room, I wanted to speak to you…alone…" He answered.
She snorted. "What a shame, I don't talk to jerks." She spat.
He looked at her infuriated. "Why do you hate me?" He shouted.
"Well, I think it's obvious! You've just kidnapped me! Why should I be thankful to you? Since I knew about you, you're making my life miserable! You're make me attend a vampire meeting, you make me go to this stupid ball, you kidnap me! If you were at least nice! But no, you come late, not even apologizing, and walk like you own the place!" She shouted.
"But I own the place!" He retorted.
She blinked a few time, her face flushed of embarrassment. "Y…Yeah, but I was right about everything else!"
He sighed. "God, you're damn annoying! Why did I bring you here?"
She looked at him thinking he was making fun of her, but seeing him being serious, she frowned. "What is this question? I should be the one asking you that!" She shouted.
"Why you? Why not any over chicks downstairs? What is so special about you?" He shouted desperately.
Rukia looked at him a bit moved. "I'm afraid I don't understand what you're talking about." She whispered looking away.
"Just answer me!" He shouted.
"How am I supposed to answer you! YOU are supposed to answer me! You just show up like that, asking me to the dance, then kidnap me without saying anything! You didn't even let me saying anything! Why did you bring me here?" She shouted out of anger.
He looked away frowning. "I…I…" He sighed, he had to tell her sooner or later after all. "I was the one that saved you that night."
Her eyes widened. He didn't have to tell which night he was talking about. They both knew, the night that shook up their lives. "Y…You…" She pointed furiously at him. "That was you! You bastard! Since you saved me.." She begun while moving closer to him.
He frowned. "Don't come near…" He muttered between his teeth.
She stopped and put her hands on her hips. She jerked her head. "What are you scared?" She snickered.
He glared at her. "No…" He muttered.
She threw her hands up. "So why?"
"You…" He gulped. "You…you kinda…" She rolled her eyes. "You kinda smell!" He said quickly.
She arched her eyebrow. "What? Are you telling me that I stink?" She asked suspiciously.
"Well, huh…" "No, it's the total opposite, but I can't tell her that." He thought. He gulped then lowered his head. "Huh…yeah…maybe…" He finally let out, not knowing what to say.
A vein popped out of her head. "That's it." She said before heading dangerously near him.
Before she could reach him, he used shunpo to go behind her and pinned her violently on the outdoor wall. She widened her eyes and look at him in horror. He leaned closer to her. "THAT'S why I didn't want you to come near." He whispered huskily in her ear.
She glared at him defiantly. "What now, are you gonna bite me?" She dared him. But seeing he didn't answer, she begun to struggle but he tightened his grip on her.
He looked intently at her and smirked. "Who's scared now?" She didn't lowered her eyes still glaring at him. He finally let go of her and made a step away keeping his hands up. "I'm sorry I barely can control myself when you're in the same room as me…" He said apologetically. She rubbed her wrists. He looked at them and lowered his gaze. "Sorry about that…" He paused then turned around showing his back to her and looked at the sky. "You know, I don't even know why I saved you in the first place… That's why I'm trying to understand… why you're haunting my head, why you're haunting my dreams…" He whispered.
"Your dreams…" She repeated. "No, it can't be him" she thought… But she had to be sure. She walked toward him and took his hand making him turn around. He looked at her frowning worryingly. "Say it…these words…" She whispered.
He frowned. "Which words?"
She looked at him. "Don't worry, I'm here."
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Yep, he definitely knew these words. He lowered his gaze and melted his eyes into hers. "Don't worry, I'm here." He said before putting her in an embrace. He didn't know why he acted like that, so cheesy, so gently, so romantic… It wasn't him. He didn't think, he just did it.
Her head was firmly pressed to his chest. She was shaking. "That's not possible…He can not possibly be this man…." She repeated in him chest not noticing that the said man was hugging her. "I…." She whispered before looking at his face. His eyes, his scent, his touch. That was when she lose her senses. She cupped his face in her hands loving it closer to hers. His lips. She begun to kiss him passionately.
The scene where Ichigo asked Rukia for a dance is the scene who inspired me the whole story^^
Make my day and review^^