War. I've heard many words in my 30 years on this planet, but none have ever struck me like that one. What is the purpose of war? To settle problems between two parties? I'd hardly call it that. War may solve problems, but only temporarily. The reason I joined this war was for protection; to save what I loved and what I had once worked for.

I have always known the world to be a dark, bleak place. I spent my childhood alone and hopeless. It was a constant struggle. But somehow, I managed to pull through for the sake of my people. My world was under constant destruction due to a monster known as this Iblis. When I was fourteen, I my friend Blaze discovered the secret to defeating the Iblis. Of course, this came with a price. As a result, Blaze sealed Iblis inside of her and gave her life for her people, including myself. I was in shock after this happened. I had to cope with two extreme feelings at once: the feeling of my world being saved and the feeling of losing the person I cared most for. Those few days after the defeat of Iblis were filled with numbness. I tried to push away the death of Blaze by constantly exploring my new world, but I couldn't stop thinking about her. She was my partner and best friend since we were seven years old. I began to feel despair despite all of the hope surrounding me. A few weeks later, I found Blaze unconscious in the middle of a forest. I couldn't believe my eyes at first! I ran to her and helped her- it was really Blaze!

Blaze told me about how she was sent to a lava-like planet after what I thought was her death. She told me that using her pyrokinesis and the lava, she was able to take the Iblis out of her body and put it into the lava planet, where it could grow naturally and not cause destruction. She told me how it took her weeks to discover how to come back, and doing so took so much energy away from her that she passed out upon arrival. I didn't really care for what she was telling me; I was just glad to have her back.

However, things got bad fast. Worlds around us noticed our newfound prosperity and wanted to capture us for their own. Blaze and I found ourselves once again risking our lives to save others. By the time we were both fifteen, there were rumor of a war starting. I remember one conversation with Blaze...

"Silver, there's been rumors that our world is going to go to war with the ones that have been attacking us. Have you heard about this?"

"What? I'm tired of fighting! This will never end. I thought when Iblis was defeated, we would have peace. I suppose a hero's work is never done, right?"

"Mine is."

"Blaze... you can't be serious! We agreed, long ago, to protect the world at any cost. Even if Iblis is gone, that vow still exists!"

"I... I don't know..."

Months passed while Blaze still clung onto that uncertainty. She would still fight in battles, but she would only attack as defense. I was under the impression she was only fighting so that she could keep an eye on me. I wanted to confront her about that at the next battle, but the next battle didn't arrive. A few more months passed of peace, and those were some of the best. Everyone went around with the belief that we were finally living in peace. But they were wrong.

A few short days after my sixteenth birthday, a war was declared on three of our neighboring worlds. I remember Blaze's face when I told her the news. She urged me to not enter the war. She told me if I did, she would join too. I didn't want Blaze to enter the war. I cared too much for her safety to allow her to do this. But I knew I was still putting Blaze's safety at risk if I didn't enter the war. So I decided to do the unthinkable: I entered without telling Blaze. After I entered, I was told that I had two days until I had to leave. I made sure to spend those last two days with Blaze, and to tell right before I left. I knew it would do some serious damage to her, but I couldn't just leave without telling her. That would destroy her.

That last night with Blaze was the best and the worst night of my life. I'll never forget what happened... not a single detail of it.

"Blaze, I have something to tell you..."

Blaze's face lit up almost immediately. "Yes?" She moved herself closer to me.

"I..I-I love you," I said. Yes, I did. But those weren't the words I was looking for.

"Oh, Silver!" she exclaimed, much to my surprise. "I've been waiting to hear those words from you for a very long time!" Before I could react, Blaze started to kiss me. I found myself kissing her back. I got lost in the moment. Two hours later, it dawned on me that I had to tell her. I sat up and looked at Blaze laying next to me. I really didn't want to do this. I shook her gently. "Blaze," I whispered.

"Yes, Silver?" she asked. I looked into her eyes and felt guilt creep into me. I was such a jerk.

"What I said earlier... I didn't mean it."

Her happy expression melted almost instantaneously. "You... You don't love me?"

"No! Of course not, you know I love you. More than you realize. That's why..."

"Silver..." she pressed on. She started to look nervous.

"That's why," I said as I took a deep breath, "I joined the war."

Her expression changed from horror, to fear, to sadness, then to anger. "What? Silver- I- no- why? How could you!" She started to cry. I went to hug her but she pushed me away. "Silver, why would you do this!" she sobbed.

"Blaze, listen," I tried to say, but she turned away. I grabbed her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes. I saw sadness and there. I had to look down momentarily. "Blaze, I did to protect everyone. You know me. I can't sit around and do nothing why injustice is happening. But most of all, I did it for you. I care about you, Blaze, and I want to protect you."

"Then why didn't you tell me sooner!" she snapped. "When do you leave?"

"6am tomorrow morning," I replied slowly. Blaze slapped me across the face.

"Silver I can't believe you! I might never see you again, and you don't let me know until now!" Blaze began to cry even harder. "Why didn't you tell me? We could have joined together!"

"Blaze, do you really think I would let you enter that war and risk your life? Never. I want you to stay here, where I know you will be safe. And yes, you might never see me again. But that's the price we both have to pay. I'm so sorry, Blaze."

Blaze sat up and opened her dresser. She pulled out a picture and handed it to me. "Keep it," she said. It was a picture of us behind a waterfall, the first one we ever saw. She thought the moment was special, so she insisted that we take a picture. I smiled remember her asking me to take the shot using my telekinesis.

"Why are you giving me this?" I asked her.

"So you never forget me," she said.

"You know I'll never do that. I glanced at the clock- it was 4am. Two hours. Blaze seemed to notice this too.

"I guess you have to go home... and get ready," she choked.

"Yeah." I walked over to her; she just sat there with a dead look in her eyes. I felt like the most awful person in the world. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, but it did nothing. I knew what I had to do. "Goodbye, Blaze," I said. I tried to ook strong despite the fact that my voice choking up. Blaze noticed this too and turned her head so that she wouldn't have to look at the pain in my eyes. "'I'll always love you," I said as I walked out her room. I was about to walk out the door when I heard her burst out crying. I knew that was the last thing I would ever hear from her.

I have not seen or heard from Blaze since that day fifteen years ago. I really miss her... and I still love her.

I wonder if she feels the same about me as well.