A is for Aipom

Hikari is finding that Aipom are hard to catch. But, is Jun's heart even harder?

"Aipom!" yelled the Aipom, as it used it's tail to swing thew the forest.

Heavy footsteps and hard breathing from behind could be heard. The footsteps slowed down as the girl fell to the ground, completely out of breath.

"Next time, Aipom, next time, I'll catch you," she wheezed.

"Failed again, huh? If it were me, we wouldn't be having this problem, now would we? I'm obviously a gazillion times better than you or anyone here!" gloated Jun. He walked up behind her, grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, really, Jun? Well, if you're sooo good, you wouldn't mind helping me, now would you?"

"H-helping you? As in helping you catch an Aipom?" He took a step back. Hikari wouldn't say something like that. Not that Hikari.

She nodded her head.

"Y-you want me to help you catch an Aipom?" he asked again, reassuring himself of what he said.

"Yes, Jun, I want you to help me. Catching Aipoms are very hard. They're tricky little buggers," she said, reaching her hand out to the boy.

"Alrighty! The greatest trainer ever, Jun, will show you just how to catch Aipom!" he quickly exclaimed, dashing off to catch the Aipom, acting as if he had never seen her hand.

"Thanks, Jun," she hissed. "You're the best! Just go run ahead of me, while leaving me sitting on the freezing ground," she complained, lifting herself up.

A hand grabbed her arm and pulled her up. "Of course I wouldn't leave you," he mumbled, a slight blush on his face.

Her heart fluttered for a moment as an almost invisible blush appeared on her face as well. "Well, we come to catch an Aipom."

"So, let's go catch an Aipom."

Her smile was the okay as the two ran off after the Aipom. No branches nor logs halted them in their quest to find the pokemon. A loud snap of a branch quickly indicated to the two trainers exactly where the pokemon they were searching for was. Before either had an exact location their feet were already moving in the direction of the sound.

She flung a branch out of her way and her vision was cured, she could see the pokemon. And the sight made her stop dead in her tracks, a gasp of horror escaping her mouth.

It was wounded, lying on the ground squeaking. It had obviously been in a very hard fight.

She smiled sympathetically at it. "I think I'll need to help it. But, it really somehow reminds me of you, Jun. How it's trying its best not to show weakness or pain, trying to rely on its own strength. It really is just like you."

A pair of hands wrapped around the girl from the back. Her heart pounded madly as she tried to speak against the action.

"You know me all too well, but, maybe you don't know me as well you might have thought."

"Is that a challenge?"

"I'll be the first to say–"

"I like you," she said, cutting the boy off. She turning around and smiled at him.

"Well, I might not have won this one, but there are plenty more to win in the future!"

-The End-