Dumbledore was furious. First the apparent construct at the golden's boys trial vanishes in a storm of butterflies, then he finds out Sirius Black went missing at the same time Harry goes away, and the letter to the prophet? It had been too much for him to take all in one day. So his first order of business once the uproar had died down in the courtroom was to apparate straight to the Hogs head and buy a large fire whiskey.
Now the werewolf and the Malfoy heir were missing. Severus was on him every day to find his godson and the Potter boy. Umbridge was being a nuisance, though the complaints about the blood quills were worrying.
But what concerned him the most was the fact that the ball containing the prophecy about Harry and Riddle went missing after the trial. Fudge was going ballistic that the construct that had been used pretty much told them to...well he shuddered to even think of it. No, the thing's exact words were bugger off.
For the first time in years, he drank a bottle of fire whiskey just to get through each day. Now the twins were gone, leaving that swamp which Flitwick refused to get rid of. Rumor had it they were in Japan opening a new joke shop thanks to a mysterious benefactor. The store in Diagon had been open for weeks, and funding the new one.
Things weren't going so well for him this year. Where had it all gone wrong? Harry was supposed to come to Hogwarts, follow orders, marry the Weasly girl and die fighting Tom. It was all so simple and perfectly planned.
It had taken him months to remember the Witch, and her trademark symbol. The one time they had met she had mentioned hitsuzen, or fate. He both hated and feared her.
Now he strongly suspected the boy was with her, or heading towards her. He just couldn't understand why his pawns still hadn't found him. He had given them a general area of where to find the Witch, and they had orders to capture Harry before he went to her shop.
Instead all he got were reports of Sirius and Remus visiting her frequently and being seen drinking with her at bars. Malfoy had been spotted briefly in the area with a boy with obscenely long hair and green eyes, who he thought was her son.
No, he corrected himself, it had to be hers. No one else in the area had that long black hair and wore outlandish yet stylish clothes. Rumor had it that Draco was attending night classes and a nearby muggle high school, but he was unconcerned about that.
The Malfoy heir would have to return soon enough, just to pay for his living expenses. Then Severus would shut up about it.
Severus was reading the latest letter from Draco. He gave his godfather regular reports on his life away from England, and by all indications was actually enjoying himself for a change. He had even made an actual friend in this Ichigo boy, who was a fellow wizard. Ichigo was the main reason Draco had even stayed in the high school, as he helped the pure blood make sense of his muggle homework.
He even liked the sound of this Watanuki character, who could see spirits...and unfortunately attract them. Lucius was actually supportive of Draco's choice to stay in Japan, and said he should make contacts for when he finally came home. Narcissa was silent about the whole thing, as rumor among the Death Eaters was that she was pregnant again, this time with a baby girl.
He just hoped it didn't turn out like Draco had. Though he had to admit that ever since that incident with the Prophet, Draco had mellowed out quite a bit. Apparently Potter's letter had done some good in getting the boy to turn a new leaf.
So now he was writing back to Draco, forwarding messages from his father and mother and misplacing orders from both Dark Lord and headmaster. They couldn't reach him since he had changed his name to the Japanese equivalent of dragon, which happened to be Ryu.
Things were happening now that would change everything. It had been two years since Ichigo cut ties from Britain, and now he was working full time at the shop, learning all the tricks she used to grant wishes. He had officially been named her successor, and he was prepared for almost anything.
There were rumors about Voldemort gathering large amounts of dark creatures in England. This was after a raid on the Ministry itself, in order to gain a prophecy that later turned out to have been taken already. The records stated that someone mentioned had removed it the day of Potter's by now infamous trial.
Morale was at an all time low now in England, since their savior had abandoned them in disgust. Hermione Granger and Ron Weasly had been trying to find pieces of the Dark Lord's soul on the headmaster's orders, and not having much luck apparently. The only one they had found was by pure dumb luck and by the red head tripping on it.
On the other hand...
Ichigo was now a full fledged mage and happier than ever. He had his godfather and uncle with him, both able to walk free in the sun, his favorite rival was now his classmate and was about to graduate soon. Watanuki had started working at the shop in order to get rid of his problem with attracting spirits.
But Ichigo wasn't around for teasing him about it. He was actually going to be Hogwarts newest Defense teacher. Lupin wished him the best of luck surviving the year.
When he arrived in England, he couldn't help but feel how down-heartened it was. It was like all the joy was gone. So he walked through London with a warm smile that seemed to brighten people up for some unknown reason. When he walked into the Leaky Cauldron, he bought a whole round of drinks for everyone, and brought some cheer into the place.
He even walked right into the Twin's shop and bought plenty of pranks to pull on the students. Unlike other teachers, he was fun.
"We would like to welcome Professor Ichihara from Japan. Good luck professor," said Dumbledore.
He gave them all a traditional bow, which set off the prank he had prepared for the occasion. Everyone turned into different colored animals or their outfits changed completely. And everyone knew it was his fault, because he was the only one unaffected.
"Just to let you know, I will keep you on your toes with pranks. The Terror Twins have agreed to supply me with them. Be prepared!" without once losing the smile.
(McGonagall and Snape groaned. Just what they needed...a prankster as a teacher!)
His first class, and he already had several pranks set up. If nothing else they would learn situational awareness. Soon the air was filled with fake farts and color changing dust from above. The boys loved it and the girls all glared at him for making their clothes clash horribly. The students already liked him, and the loved him when he mentioned it would be a practical lesson.
A wolf walked in from his office. A few students screamed, since it was very reminiscent of a werewolf.
"As you may know, the Dark Moron is alive and has recruited werewolves. Lupine here has agreed to simulate a werewolf attack. Don't be frightened, as he is a magical construct with none of the werewolf venom in his teeth."
Now the air was filled with pain filled yelps, as Lupine struck at random with precision. He was clearly enjoying himself with this. While they hated the attacks, they did enjoy the lesson.
Several of the girls were already growing crushes on the new teacher as well. By the time Christmas had come, practically every student loved his class. His pranks were light hearted and cheered everyone up with laughter. Even Snape could be seen smiling occasionally. Mainly because Dumbledore was the target of many pranks.
When they came back from vacation, they found something horrifying. Someone (they all suspected Professor Ichihara) had painted on the side of the castle...normally this wouldn't give them nightmares, but it was BARNEY in the HEADMASTER'S robes!
The year passed uneventfully, if you didn't count the remaining two of the former Golden Trio coming back to class. They had been very unsuccessful, and were tired of being hunted. Soon instead of Dumbledore being pranked almost daily, they were.
For some reason everyone believed that the Professor's wolf was to blame for those.
He was massing his forces for an assault on the castle. If for no other reason than to take out the old man and those brats who had tried to destroy his horcruxes. He was unconcerned about the new teacher, since he was the DADA it was unlikely he would survive anyway.
Snape mentioned the assault planned in an unspecified location, and everyone thought he meant Diagon Alley and Gringotts. Only one teacher believed different. He gathered his forces in case he was right. The black mutt living in his office and the werewolf taking refuge in the come and go room had collected his allies from all around England and France.
The werewolf packs and Veela were ready to fight, as were the centaurs. They were all camped out in the forest, preparing for battle.
They would come at midnight, when half the castle was asleep. Ichihara was the first one to the scene at the gates. He ordered the doors locked and closed, and had the seventh years and prefects hide all the youngest years in the supposedly hidden chamber inside Myrtle's bathroom. He had prepared a long staircase into there, and opened the passage.
He had cleaned it thoroughly, getting rid of the dead snake and remodeling the chamber itself. It was now fully stocked with food, water and sleeping bags.
The prefects lead anyone third year and lower into the room, and stayed there until the battle was over.
Fourth years were with Madam Pomphrey, to help with the wounded sure to come.
Fifth years were learning new spells beyond their grade from Seventh years, and Sixth years were at watch on every window below the fourth floor. Snape was told to start brewing healing potions a week ago, and now had far too many in stock. He knew if there was an actual attack like the DADA said there would be, then they would need all they could get their hands on.
The Floo was locked down, except for the one in Dumbledore's office. Just as he had seen in his vision, the familiar masks and robes apparated into Hogsmeade. The masks were worn and clearly old. They had gouges from spells.
And HE was there. Voldemort.
Dumbledore wanted to go out there and start firing spells. But Ichigo took full control, and everyone instinctively followed his lead instead. He sent Ginny to the Astronomy tower to set off the fireworks he had up there. Believing he knew what he was doing, she went up and set them off all at once.
The Death Eaters laughed at the sight...until the arrows began flying from the forest. And it was a full moon, which they had chosen so their werewolf allies would be at full power.
But Ichigo had recruited more than they had, and his had taken the potion before hand. Which meant they were wolves with human minds. They had more advantage over those who let their wild side take over. A tawny wolf lead the packs, alongside a very familiar ebony wolf.
Soon the enemy was screaming as the wolves struck the first blow. When the giants arrived, they almost attacked the castle...until Ichigo came out, staff blazing. His power crackled around him like pure lightning, and the giants fled. They knew a true sorcerer when they saw one.
The Veela started throwing fireballs, setting robes alight.
The seventh years followed the orders Ichihara gave them, to attack from a distance, and not engage up close. Sixth years directed the attacks from above, with the light of several 'lumos' spells showing the way. Fifth years were behind the seventh, striking right after they did.
Fourth years began ferrying potions in a line directly from the hospital wing.
Dementors made an appearance as well, but were destroyed by Ichihara's patronus.
Butterflies illuminated the scene, showing the Death Eaters losing badly. Between the werewolves and the spells from the castle, they were not gaining any ground. Finally Voldemort started to approach. And the strangest thing happened.
The werewolves retreated completely, heading to the forest before a single spell was cast. The students went inside the castle and took cover before he could get close enough to hit them. The Veela and Vampires disappeared.
What was going on? Why had they stopped? Every Death Eater was more worried about the sudden lack of action over the fighting from moments before. Something was going on.
Then the castle doors opened, revealing a figure standing tall. There was just one problem. It wasn't Dumbledore or any of the teachers.
It was the new Defense teacher, still wearing the Asian style robes. His staff was at his side, along with a strange boy with wolf ears. Then they noticed something. The boy bore a striking resemblance to Potter!
"Lupine, you bear a grievance with this...creature?"
"Yes master," said the boy. That was Potter's voice.
"You may settle the grievance. But this man's life is mine to judge."
"Hai, master."
The Potter look a like took off at a lope, and struck their dark master.
"A pity that I never gave him werewolf venom."
The strange boy growled at Voldemort, a low sound that filled them with fear.
"That was for the blood you took, and the trouble you gave me first year."
That THING was Potter?
"I wish the olde magick allowed me to claim things through that construct I sent here seven years ago. Alas, I must deal with you in person."
The construct from the Ministry...that was his doing? He was the one who humiliated them by taking the prophecy?
"Who are you?" hissed Voldemort.
"My name is Ichigo Ichihara, formerly Harry James Potter. I am the adopted son and successor of Yuko Ichihara, the Time Space Witch. Adopted at the same year you murdered my parents and vanished, she has trained me in her ways. Do you still wish to confront me? I have already been accepted by the Guardian Spirit of the Potter Family."
This was Potter? And was he serious about what he said? Guardian spirits rarely accepted anyone these days.
A shape began to appear behind the teacher. It had midnight black wings, illuminated by the moonlight. A whinny was heard, very reminiscent of a horse.
A black Pegasus, rarer than the normal breed, and clearly a thorough breed. It went straight to the man and nudged him. The aura around it was powerful, almost overwhelming to any who stood there. It's eyes and hooves were like liquid silver.
It was obviously a powerful spirit...and it answered to him alone.
They heard a gasp, and saw Dumbledore looking shocked.
"The Potter family spirit. I have never knew anyone could tame that beast! Even James couldn't control it!"
Ichigo's staff started to glow with an inner light. A statue made of a red stone illuminated the ground all the way to Voldemort. The statue was of a horse, and was set in gold runes at the base. Silver runes went down the staff, off set by green hues.
Suddenly Voldemort brought up his wand, and practically screamed, "Avada Kedevra!"
The sickly green light headed straight for him. Not moving, he brought up the staff and said clearly, "Spiritus Cleansus. Magika Inferim."
The spells struck each other, one canceling the killing curse out. Suddenly a golden light appeared between the two casters, filled with phoenix song. Ichigo smirked, easily able to hold onto his staff while Voldemort struggled to hold onto the wand.
"I didn't need the wood, only the core. This staff is from a holy tree off of a temple built on a pure line. It was blessed by the gods themselves. Your paltry wand has become tainted, and will bear you no longer."
The wand began to buck wildly in his grasp. It began to break apart, leaving only the core. The feather flew to it's brother, becoming one with the staff. Voldemort fell first, his wand useless.
"I claim by right of conquest the magick you possess. You will no longer be able to come back by means of darke rituals or foul spells. You are now a lowly squib, unable to cast even a simple charm."
Voldemort howled in denial. But he could feel his very magic slip away from him. He futilely tried to grasp even the smallest amount, but it was all in vain.
"Kill me!"
"Neither can live while the other survives. That was the prophecy. But there are many kinds of living and surviving alone is no simple feat. To live is to survive, and you must do just that, without your magic. I on the other hand, will go back to my real life and live peacefully granting wishes for a suitable price."
That was when the Aurors FINALLY appeared. Late as always. They watched as Voldemort cried in loss for his magic. Ichigo apparated, leaving Lupin to retake his post as teacher for the rest of the year.
But not before he had the rest of the students come out of the chamber and into the great hall. Once they were cleared out, he turned to the statue of Slytherin.
"Awaken Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four."
The head slide away, revealing another room. Inside was a portrait of the man himself, sleeping.
"I know you're awake Salazar. Quit pretending."
"Are you my latest heir?"
"I defeated your pathetic excuse of an heir and claimed his magick by right of conquest. He's no more than a squib now."
"Is this the same one who corrupted Azriel?"
"If Azriel is the basilisk, then yes."
"Then good. I don't approve of fools who cannot even gain control of the guardian spirit without corrupting it's nature."
"That was your family guardian?"
"I suppose that construct of yours killed it? Since it was your soul in it at the time, you may be able to claim it."
"Do you want to come with me? You won't have to live in this dark place anymore."
Salazar smiled. So Ichigo sent him and everything in there to his room. Then he turned to the empty chamber, and brought out the soul of Azriel. It hissed, and tried to glare at him to death.
He hissed back, laughing.
It slithered onto his staff, and became one with the wood. He left the castle, never to return.
The party was huge, as Remus arrived later. They were celebrating the final defeat of the Dark Idiot, and Ichigo's victory. Yuko was very pleased at how he handled the whole thing, and how he got rid of the idiot without actually killing him.
It meant he was finally ready to take her 'special' test. He had never left his home dimension before, and the way he handled Voldemort...
She told him the next morning once the hangover passed. He looked thrilled, then came in with an old manga book.
"Can I go here first?"
She looked at the title, and smiled. It figured he would pick the one that she took his name from. So he enlisted the twins for help, getting packed.
His backpack was full with supplies, his staff, and a few other things he had been working on. He waited until she sent him off before she told him to true purpose of the tests.
The first task was to complete a request without any help from her or the helpers.
"Everyone we have a new transfer today, treat him well!"
"Watashi wa Ichihara. Yoroshiku."
The boy wearing the school uniform was odd. Why didn't he give his first name too? And what was with the long hair?
The new kid sat next to Kurosaki, who greeted him. It was doubtful he would remember the guy's name. By the time lunch rolled around, the new guy was seen on the roof with Ichigo and the others.
"So what's your first name?"
"Ask me another question that I may answer."
"Dude what's with the long hair? Isn't that against school rules?"
"Yes, but I told them it was for my mother. What I never told them was she's still alive."
"Is that a tattoo?" said Keigo.
"It's my mother's symbol. I got it to bring good luck."
"When's your birthday?" asked Tatsuki.
"July thirty first."
"What's with the pendant?" asked Ichigo.
"Its a magic circle. I can cast spells with it. I usually use it to divine where I last put my wallet though."
Soon lunch was over, and the day ended peacefully. Though Ichigo did notice that even though the new kid walked with them, he acted as though he could see something they weren't. When they passed a spirit of a child, the new guy actually looked straight at it. Ichigo slowed to talk to him.
"You see ghosts too?"
"I'm used to seeing spirits on a regular basis. Human souls are nothing noteworthy to me."
Ichigo had to admit, he was a bit relieved. At least there was someone else who could see them. Then he noticed the weird kid who had been staring at the new guy for five minutes.
He grinned.
"Hikari, come on out here. He's not going to bite...much."
That was when Ichigo saw the ears and tail.
"Meet Hikari. He's like my little brother."
"We're both orphans. I rescued him after his parents died, and he calls me Nii-san."
Ichihara picked the strange kid up and put him on his shoulders. The boy disappeared and a snake like fox appeared.
"He still working on his transformations. But it was a very good effort Hikari! You kept it up until you were on my shoulders!"
The little fox-thing nuzzled up to him, happy with the praise. Ichigo shrugged it off, having seen weirder souls. He also found where Ichihara lived, and it was only a couple blocks from the clinic.
Two transfer in one week? And why was the new girl glaring at them? That is, until she spotted Ichihara. She lit right up and looked like she was about to pounce on the guy. The weirdest thing about her was the double image he kept seeing. Like she wasn't actually human.
It was lunch, and they finally found out Ichihara's first name.
"ICHIGO! Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"
Ame-san was loud when she was mad. And did she mean him?
She pounced on...Ichihara? He bore with it in good humor, like he was used to far worse.
"Who told you I left, Ame-chan?"
"I had to find out from that mutt of a godfather. And I had to get him drunk first!"
Ichihara laughed.
"So you're name's Ichigo Ichihara?"
"Yeah, and when I learned your name was Ichigo, I thought it would be better not to mention it. To prevent confusion as to who people were talking to."
That...actually made sense.
Ichigo learned another thing about Ichihara. He had the ability to turn the souls of the departed into butterflies. When he asked why he did that, all the boy would say was that he was helping them to pass on to the next life. He told Ichigo about other types of spirits called Shinigami.
Which is how he first learned about those who ferry the dead between this world and what his new friend called the 'far shore'. And after the incident with the skateboarders and the girl, Ichihara appeared to be waiting for something.
It happened again, another bombing. The only confusing thing was the lack of explosives of any kind.
Ichigo met up with Ichihara that morning, and he had some flowers for the dead girl. So he was with Ichigo when they first saw the monster. And her.
Seeing what Ichihara called a shinigami for the first time was...we disappointing. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it sure wasn't some chick in samurai get-up complete with katana! Ichihara had actually laughed when he mentioned that, saying that most shinigami look like normal people.
Then the whole night went to hell when the same chick from before showed up in HIS room! She was really surprised when he kicked her...or maybe it was the fact that he could actually see her. It all went downhill even more when another monster showed up.
Imagine the shinigami's surprise when Ichihara (and the girl most assumed was his girlfriend, Ame) showed up as well. Ichihara freed Yuzu from the grip of the beast, but only protected her from further harm. Eventually Ichigo had to get stabbed with the sword in order to kill it. After that he forgot what happened.
After Ichigo passed out from shock...
"Who are you? And how can you see me?" demanded the girl.
Ame huffed, annoyed with the other girl's tone.
"You can hear me too? What on Earth is going on?"
The boy smirked, his hair blowing in the breeze.
"I am Ichigo Ichihara, though some call me Midori instead. This is Ame Warashi, or Ame-chan to the mortals. As for why we can see you, I happen to be able to deal with spirits daily, and a soul ferrier is no more than a ningen who happens to have the ability to pass between the barrier."
They left soon after, and Urahara came by. With a gigai she could use until she regained her powers.