I am the worst.

Hello everyone. I'm so sorry. Life was happening and then not happening so motivation wasn't happening. I've said happening too many times now. But I'm back for an update. I cannot guarantee when the next one will be or how good this one is because I've felt like negative desire to write and forcing myself to get back into it. Also, I reread my last couple chapters and I'm so sorry for all those terrible mistakes. It's so bad!

Anyway, let's start the show!


In hindsight, falling asleep outside shouldn't have been possible. The ground was lumpy and hard, the grass was itchy on my bare legs, and it wasn't exactly warm out. So, when I woke up to water hitting my face, I was real surprised.

"Sasuke." I groaned out his name since my throat felt thick. Apparently outside air isn't always great for breathing.

When I opened my eyes, I took in our sleeping positions. I was facing towards him with my arms under my head as a pillow. He was on his back facing the sky still, but the hand that had been holding mine was around me. Asleep us realized how cold it was, but didn't bother to get up and go inside.

"Sasuke!" I hissed loudly this time. The combination of that and the droplets finally got him to open his eyes. "It's starting to rain."

"Your powers of observation are incredible." His voice came out scratchy as well. He rubbed his face with his free hand.

My arms had fallen asleep under my head so I moved myself closer. I plopped my head on his chest and sighed at the rush of blood going back into my limbs.

"Suppose we should go back inside." I heard his heart beating and the echo of my voice. His chuckle made my head bounce up and down. "Also, I can't believe no one bothered to come and get us."

"Maybe they assumed we were consummating our engagement." His hand was still over his eyes so I only could make out his stupid smirk.

"Shut up!" I flicked his nose, the pins and needles making the motion take way more effort than it should have.

We both laughed and that seemed to draw the ire of nature. Thunder drowned out our laughter and the clouds opened a torrential downpour on us. Sasuke let out a string of curses before yanking us both up. I complained when he grabbed my barely alive arms, but he ignored me. We ran towards the house, disturbing puddles that had quickly formed from the arriving storm. By the time we got inside we were both soaking wet and dripping onto the floor.

The dawn sky was barely illuminating the house. We could make out shapes in the darkness and I put my hand over Sasuke's mouth. He looked at me like I was ridiculous. I was, but the shapes on the couch had me shocked.

There on the couch were Ino and Gaara. She was on the inside, half on Gaara, half on the couch. His arms around her and her head tucked under his chin.

I struck Sasuke's chest several times, quietly. "I knew it!" I mouthed the words at him and he rolled his eyes.

Before I could soak in anymore of the thrill of my being right, he grabbed me under my legs and ran through the main room. When he set me down I was dizzy enough that it took me a second to realize we were in his room. The door shut, sealing in any noise.

"I totally called that!" I yelled and jumped up and down. So much crap had been going on that this one good thing brightened up everything.

"Yeah, you look like a child." He messed up my hair as he walked past. Just to rub it in.

"But I'm so happy for them!" Suddenly the room started to tilt at the edges. "And dizzy."

Sasuke was behind me before I even knew I'd lost my footing. Sleeping outside followed by cold rain, followed by excitement, all of which followed a stressful day had taken its toll.

"Anzu, you okay?" I'd seen many emotions on the boy who used to be an intentionally blank slate's face. Fear, I'd even seen before, but this was a different kind. It felt weird to look at.

"I'm good. I'm good. Just cold." I got back on my feet and moved away. I gestured at the door, "I should finally get to my own bed."

"Here." He put one of his black shirts in my arms. I didn't notice him grabbing it in all my excitement. "To sleep in. Since your shirt is soaking wet."

"Right. Thanks." I looked at him. This person who had been one of the first faces I saw. Albeit an angry one. One of the two that went into the ultimate danger with me. Who was stuck in an impossible situation with me. His hair was plastered on his face and it made him look too vulnerable. Naruto felt like a brother to me, he and I were almost close enough family tree-wise to be siblings. I told myself Sasuke was the same, but he wasn't. That thought hit me in the gut in a way that made the room feel too small.

I walked to the door and turned to see he was where I'd left him.

"Goodnight." I stood half in the room, half out.

"More like goodmorning." He half smiled.

I closed the door softly and took a deep breath before heading for my own room.

"Goodmorning." The voice came from beside me. I knew from my sore back and side that I had not gotten enough time to sleep in my own bed. I opened my eyes to Ino's big blue ones staring at me.

"No." I pulled the blanket over my head.

"Hey! Come on! It's breakfast! Everyone is here!" Ino sang those things like they were good news. She starting pulling on the blanket. "I have so much to tell you about! After you and Sasuke disappeared, which I let happen cause I know you two are going through a lot."

"Let happen?" I poked my face out from under the blanket to look at her. She was sitting with her legs underneath her, pouting.

"Well, I know how you feel about Sai and it's awkward for you three now so being alone with Sasuke isn't super great." Ino looked as uncomfortable as the statement she just made.

"We're literally getting married." I sighed and sat up, letting the blanket fall around me. "Besides I'm not sure how I feel about Sai. Or anyone. Or anything. I just know that I'm in a crappy situation with Sasuke and we're the only people we can talk to about it. As much as I love you and Sakura, neither of you know what this is like."

"I get it, I'm sorry. That was dumb of me. I just want you to be happy." She grabbed my hands in hers. "Like I am. Which is deliriously happy!"

"I know. I saw when Sasuke and I finally came inside." I saw her smile falter a bit at my lack of excitement. "And I will be properly squealy and excited once caffeinated."

"Totally. Totally got it!" She let go of my hands and jumped off the bed. "I need to get back to the disaster that is my team of cooks in the kitchen. So you get up and go get Sasuke cause he is the last one asleep and you are the only one he may tolerate this morning."

"He definitely would not appreciate your methods of wakeup. I know I don't." I grabbed the pillow and threw it at her. She deflected it and pouted more before getting up and stomping out the door.

The room was blissfully quiet once she shut the door. I made my way to the mirror to take a look at the night's damage. My hair was loose and falling out of the bun I'd thrown it into. My skin looked pale and shadows had taken up residence under my eyes. I poked my cheek to make some color come to it, but nothing. I shrugged, this would do for now.

Sasuke's shirt had been big enough to sleep with no pants on, but for public I slipped on some gray sweat pants, which had once belonged to Naruto. He really needed to stop throwing his laundry in with mine and expecting me to wash it and actually give it back.

I made my way stiffly to Sasuke's room, the two sets of stairs being the worst. My back was killing me and I couldn't wait to guilt Ino or Sakura into helping me out. My head felt heavy too, thanks to lack of sleep and the rain.

I clumsily waved my hand to let myself in and blinked till I could make everything out. Sasuke had drawn the curtains so the room remained dark as if it was night. His clothes were on the ground, still wet it seemed. The person I was searching for was right where I expected him to be.

Sasuke was sleeping on his back, his hair was sprawled all around him. His arms were stretched out. It looked more like he'd been hit so hard he'd been knocked unconscious rather than just being asleep. His blanket came only to his waist so it was clear that he was not wearing a shirt.

For a moment, I was stuck. I'd never seen all the scars on him like this. Each clearly outlined in the dark. It made me sad for him. I wondered how many he'd gotten fighting his friends.

I shuffled over to his bed side and sat down.


"Come on, if I have to get up, then you have to get up."

"Is that the rule?"

"Ino said so."

"Fine." I nodded, getting ready to get back up when an arm shot out and gabbed mine.

Before I could react, I was being held against his side. His arm around me and my head on his chest, same as the night before.

"Now, you are no longer up." I didn't have to see his face to know he was doing that smirk.

I could have pulled away. Gotten up anyway.

"Brilliant loophole." I moved closer to the warmth and impending sleepiness. I closed my eyes. "A hundred percent on board with this plan."

"I thought so." His arm changed from a grip on my elbow to resting on my shoulder.

Ino would have to wait.

Oh my gosh! That went better than expected. Hopefully. Anyway, I'm gonna try and upload soon again. I mostly have to figure out what's going on next because obviously, I'm setting up something, right? Maybe. Ugh, again I'm the worst.

There was more editing this time around and hopefully that makes it better to read. I'm so happy you've stuck with me on this and hopefully you enjoyed this update as much as I did writing it.

