"Bare: Forgotten" – Part 6

Summary and additional notes for this story are in Chapter 11.

Author's Note: Final chapter! Revised to add more lemons…

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Degrassi!


Fiona bit her lip to keep in a moan. She was close. She squirmed as she moved underneath him. She tightened her hold on his back, pulling him down towards her. Taking the hint, Adam leaned down and crashed his mouth onto hers. Their tongues met and caressed with increasing urgency.

Adam could tell she was approaching her climax so he sped up the movements of his hips. The sensations were almost too much to handle. They both moaned and any pretense of being quiet was forgotten.

"Fi!" he grunted. She was slick and wet. She felt amazing as he rubbed himself against her.

They had perfected this activity over the Spring. While it involved him being on top, she could rest easy knowing that there wasn't much lifting, twisting, or bending involved – at least not for his arms, which would affect his chest by extension. His lower half, however, was getting a work out as he moved his arousal against her most sensitive spot.

"Adam!" she moaned. Fiona was experiencing pure bliss at the moment. She loved the fuller body contact this position afforded them.

They held on to each other tightly as they fell over the edge, together.


Ten minutes later, Fiona and Adam shared a guilty look.

They knew it was very selfish to continue hooking up when they had a guest, but in the heat of the moment it they didn't care. Fiona had been naked and touchable, and Adam couldn't resist. Meanwhile, Fiona had been so turned on by their earlier activities that she couldn't help herself. Their release had felt so damn good, and they managed to achieve it relatively quick.

In the afterglow Adam never wanted to let go of his girlfriend's naked body, but after coming down he remembered his best friend was waiting for them in the living room. Despite feeling drained, they both hurriedly got cleaned up and dressed.

When they reached the living room they saw Clare's bags, but she was gone.

"Where do you think she went?" Fiona asked.

Adam shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe she left to get food?" Fiona nodded in agreement. "I'll call Eli and see if he's heard from her," he said decisively.


Eli smirked when he saw who was calling him. "It's Adam," he told Clare. She took another sip of her latte and he chuckled. "Emerged from your love cave?" he answered.

On the other end of the line, Adam furrowed his brows. "What?"

"It's not even Noon yet and I'm hearing from you. Impressive," he teased.

Adam sighed. "Haven't we played Halo until three in the afternoon for the past four weeks?" he quipped. He was tired of getting a hard time about spending time with Fiona. His mother had been nagging him lately that she never sees him – which also wasn't true.

"Ooh, someone's touchy!" Eli smirked. Clare gave him a look. "Anyway, I'm at the Dot with Edwards. Get here soon." With that he closed his phone.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side," Clare joked. The boy had uncomfortable jabs down to an art.

"Hey, I'm on your side," he reminded her.


"Shit," Adam said.

Fiona looked at him concerned. "What is it?"

He looked up at her. "Clare's with Eli and I think they're both pissed at us," he told her.

She grimaced before reaching for his hand. "Come on Romeo, let's go and give our mea culpas."

He nodded. "Yeah."

Fifteen minutes later they arrived at the Dot and entered still holding hands. They immediately spotted Eli and Clare by the window. "Hey guys," they greeted them.

Clare nodded at them diplomatically. Eli could hardly contain his smirk. "Adam. Fiona," he said in a dramatic voice.

The couple shared an apprehensive look, and then grabbed two nearby chairs. After they sat down they both looked at Clare.

"We're really sorry. That was very rude of us," Fiona told her. They messed up and Clare had every right to be mad.

Adam nodded. "Yeah, we feel really shitty. It wasn't cool of us," he said sincerely. Clare was one of his closest friends. She was supportive and caring. He didn't like that she was upset with him, but he understood why.

They both looked at her with sad eyes and Clare sighed. "Well, I'm not going to say it's alright... but I accept your apologies," she told them.

Fiona and Adam nodded. That seemed fair enough. "Thanks Clare," he said relieved.

"Yeah, thank you," Fiona responded. She paused. "So, do you want to come over tonight? We can get started with our plans early," she said in a hopeful tone. It was around noon and the day was young.

Clare considered her words. "If you have plans in place, I'd rather not impose," she said hesitantly.

Fiona and Adam quickly shook their heads. This caused Eli and Clare to erupt in laughter.

"That was too easy," the older boy smirked.

Adam gave him a look before shaking his head. "I guess we deserve that," he acknowledged.

Eli nodded as he initiated a fist bump with Clare. "I think this is going to be a running joke for a long time!" he said excitedly.

Despite themselves, Adam and Fiona laughed.



A/N: Thanks for reading! This is the last chapter of Story Four.
