At The Campfire

Sitting in the shadows with the flicker of the flames were the only light but the two people didn't really care for they were together. They were sitting on a log furthest away from everyone else at the back of the group of camper. The Apollo kids were leading the campers of Camp Half-Blood in the sing-along with their guitars and other instruments.

Sitting on the log was a daughter of Ares, Clarisse La Rue and a son of Hermes, Chris Rodriguez. They didn't sing with the other campers they just sat in silence pretending to be listening to the other campers sing. But the truth is that they were sneaking glance out of the corner of their eyes at one another then blushing whenever they noticed the other looking at them. They'd been doing this for at least twenty minutes when Chris broke the silence between them:

"So…" he whispered to Clarisse "Clary," he said which made Clarisse frown because she simply hated that nickname, but she didn't mind Chris calling her it (don't tell her I told you or else she'll kill me and you!) "You looked very pretty tonight."

Clarisse blushed bright red and mumbled a "Thanks" before turning her face away from him hoping he wouldn't notice her blush. But he did.

"What do you think of…" he paused for a second looking for they right word to come up with "…this?" as he moved his arm across the campfire and campers.

"It's alright. Nothing great, a bit boring really." Said Clarisse and mental adding: at the moment.

Chris smirked at her before moving closer to where she sat with her knees tucked under her chin and chuckled under his breath. He put his arm around her shoulders pull her closer to him making her blush even more. "And what, Clary, would make it interesting?"

Clarisse smiled mischievously, her blush completely gone now "Well you could shut up; it would make it easier to do this."

"Do wha-" but before he could finish his question Clarisse had crushed her lips on his. He was surprised at first but after a few seconds he relaxed and deepened the kiss. To Chris' dismay Clarisse pulled away a little too soon.

Clarisse laughed at him for he was doing his famous lost-puppy-dog-look. So she put her arms around him giving him a sideways hug. A smile began to spread across his face. She leaned her head on his shoulder taking her arms from around him so that she could hold his hand instead.

They both started singing at the same time, each with a large smile on their faces. They sang along loudly and out of tune with the other campers. The same song that the Hermes cabin always choose:

"I know a song that'll get on your nerves,
Get on your nerves, get on your nerve,
I know a song that'll get on your nerves,
Get on your, get on your nerves…"

I'll say it again; REVIEW! ... PLEASE REVIEW! :D thanks xx

A/N: hiya! please tell me waht you think of this because its my first fanfic about Chrisse and the first one I've ever finished so please, please, please review!