The meeting was going pretty decently so far. Parker was being a good kid and Hannah had seemed to calm down a little as Bones walked into the room and suggested that Parker set the table. Ever since Hannah arrived at the apartment, the feeling in the air turned from carefree to completely awkward; not being helped by Bones' silence and Parker's nosy questions.

"So Hannah, are you going to marry my dad?"

"Parker," Booth gave him a menacing glance.

Hannah calmly replied, "Well, we don't have any plans of that thus far."

"Thank God," Parker mumbled in response followed by yet another warning stare from Booth. Brennan didn't know what to say during the length of the conversation. She felt like an intruder in her own home so she decided to stay quiet.

"You look like all of Dad's old girlfriends. Well, except for Cam. I used to think that Daddy and Dr. Bones were going to get married, but then Daddy went to war and came back with you," Parker went on, Hannah looking confused, "I'm going to get some grape juice."

A collective sigh of relief came from the trio of adults and Booth was staring across the table at Bones. When they heard Parker go into the bathroom, Booth and Bones, going with their instincts, filled the awkward silence with talk about the on-going case while Hannah seemed pre-occupied with her own thoughts.

Wait, so Seeley has a type? What happened between Temperance and Seeley before he left for war?

Parker came out of the bathroom and took an extra long time getting some of Dr. Bones' organic grape juice. He decided to give the adults some time to stew. That's when he saw a warning on the grape juice bottle. WARNING: MAY PERMANENTLY STAIN CLOTHING. Lightbulb. Parker filled the grape juice up to the edge of the glass and untied one of his shoe laces. He slowly made his decent to the dining room where he greeted Hannah with a 'trip' and a face full of organic grape juice. Hannah looked up and realized that her white shirt was stained and her makeup was dripping a little bit.

"Oh! I am so sorry! My shoelace was untied I tripped!" apologized Parker.

"It's fine, it was an accident," replied Hannah. Then Brennan showed Hannah the way to the bathroom and Booth helped Parker clean up the mess.

"Bud, what's wrong? You haven't been acting like yourself lately?" questioned Booth.

"I'm sorry Dad; I just miss hanging out with you because you are always with Hannah."

"Okay, tomorrow, after church we can have some man to man time. Just you and me Bud, okay?" Booth offered. Suddenly, he realized how much he had been neglecting his son over Hannah since he came back from war.

"That sounds great Dad!"

Great. Now I can have my Dad all to myself and plant some sabotage on Hannah.

Hannah and Brennan reemerged from the hallway. Hannah was wearing one of Brennan's old shirts and her makeup was removed. Booth couldn't help but notice that when her makeup was removed, Hannah didn't seem as pretty.

Unlike Bones: She looks even better without makeup.

The rest of the meal was uneventful. (Besides more warning stares from Booth as Parker threw peas at Hannah.) The adults chattered on for the next half an hour. In the while, Parker was silent and stirring up yet another plan of sabotage in his mind.

When, the meal finally ended Brennan and Booth cleaned the table while Parker and Hannah spent some 'quality' time together cleaning dishes.

"You don't know who I am so you don't trust me. Maybe you hate me a little, or even a lot. I might be trying to steal your dad. Wouldn't it be better if you knew for sure what was going on?" started Hannah, "So you have a real reason to hate me. So here I am: Ask me anything you want anything at all."

"Do you sleep with my dad?"


"If you got married, what would I have to call you?"

"Hannah, that's my name."

"Do you have any questions for me?" questioned the boy.

"What's your middle name?"


"Were your father and Temperance really going to get married?"

"I'm not sure but I know that he is very in love with her. They keep on telling me that they aren't dating but Angela tells me that Daddy is getting sexed up with Bones. I thought she was going to be my new mom."

"Oh," replied Hannah. The dishes were just finished being washed and Booth had walked in just in time to hear the ending of Parker's last sentence. New mom? Who?

When Parker, Booth, and Hannah finally made their departure home from Bones' apartment, Brennan was not sure what had just happened. Had the conversations gone good or bad? Under most circumstances she would have asked Booth.

At Booth's apartment, Parker showered and washed all of the chlorine out of his hair. Meanwhile Booth watched ESPN and Hannah proofed read her new article before e-mailing it out to her editor. Later that night, when Parker was tucked in and 'sleeping,' Hannah and Booth laid together in bed. Neither one of the pair realized that Parker was listening in to their conversation with a glass cup in his adjacent room.

"So Seeley… I'm just wondering, not that this would make a difference in our relationship: Did you sleep with Temperance?"

"No I never did. Why are you wondering?"

"Did you date her?"

"No! No!" denied Seeley a just a forcefully enough to arise some suspicion from Hannah.

Depending on what time zone you live in; I kept my promise and technically published this before midnight :) Review please?