A/N: This is for you KefuTina (and everyone else who's discovered the wonderfulness of this pairing).
They were grateful for the rare moment of peace, for the moment to catch their breath and not worry about the endless waves of manikins. Squall didn't really like traveling with others, especially not this self-important hero figurehead; but lately he had found that traveling alone was too dangerous, not necessarily for himself, but to be there when the others needed him -which they always did.
"What is that?" the Warrior of Light asked, his indifferent expression cracking ever-so-slightly. Squall was taken off guard by the question, unused to him saying anything that didn't have to do with the light, Cosmos, or their current struggle. He frowned and looked to where the Warrior was looking. He pulled the item out of his back pocket and held it up.
"This nasty feather?"
"Yes, how did it come into your possession?"
Squall didn't answer at first, as he looked between the feather and the other hero. "Bartz gave it to me, not that it matters to you—"
"Why would he give it to you? It has obvious value." The Warrior of Light narrowed his eyes a fraction at the feather; it was a very powerful magical item, there was no doubt of that.
"How should I know? It's not like I asked for it. I told him I didn't want it, but you can imagine how little that would do to stop him." The Warrior of Light watched Squall as spoke, noticing how even though his words were harsh his gaze softened at the feather. He is their leader, he knows everything that goes on; he knew how Bartz was careless and got himself kidnapped, and he knew how once Squall –usually the angry lion who cares for no one- learned of this, went racing off with the little monkey to save him.
But the Warrior of Light wasn't jealous, oh no. Who said anything about jealousy? Not him, that's for sure. He definitely didn't care, he had more important things to worry about…even if he couldn't remember what those things were just then.
Finals are killing me _ But only one more week left! So thank you, you wonderful readers, for your continued patience with me.
Tidus/Terra lovin' for KingWaspinator next time!