DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter whatsoever, sadly. Also, the title was taken from a Billy Talent song (plus it is wonderfully cheesy)…though it doesn't necessarily need to be, I suppose. The song just fits the story perfectly. Check it out. They're a wonderful band.

A/N: Ahaha. And so it begins. Let me explain. This is a joke/parody fic mainly focusing on Sirius Black and an OC. Want a bit of background?

My friends and I are utterly Potter-obsessed. We've each seen DH:Pt 1 three times now, twice with each other. One of my friends is one of the biggest Sirius Black fanatics I've ever met. Well, after I saw the movie a couple times, I was inspired to form a few story ideas. They included Neville, Scabior, and even a Voldemort fic. I was getting really excited to write those. I still am. However, at lunch one day my friend and I were musing about Sirius fics, and I was overcome with desire to write one. Mostly for her. I was trying to create a list of plot points, and I came up with the idea to write the cheesiest, most cliché story I could. So we started brainstorming. We've both read our fair share of Harry Potter fics (I've also written them), so we were able to pinpoint many reoccurring themes that are just SO worn out. The list became rather lengthy, but each new bulleted idea became crazier and crazier. The list looked a little something like this (shortened, obviously):

-ROR, naturally


-"real you"

-broom closet

-hook up

So there's a sneak peek into our ideas. It was so fun coming up with them! So just to clarify before you begin reading: THIS IS FOR FUN. I in no way think this is my best writing, my best plot, or my best characters. Plus it is a fanfic, which is utterly nerdy….but I just like writing them to get the creative juices flowing for my actual, serious writing… IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE CLICHÉ. I participated in NaNoWriMo this year. I need a break from hardcore writing. I felt this would be the best way to recover from that intensity of writing an entire NOVEL in one month.

Sorry for the long and drawn out A/N! I felt it was necessary to just give a bit of an introduction Please enjoy, and review if you feel like it. It would be much appreciated!

It's difficult to choose which is the hardest: the beginning of the year at Hogwarts, or the end. It is always sad to say goodbye to a school that's held your secrets for nearly a year, and it is even worse to have to hug your friends goodbye. The months that elapse between the tearful partings and the journey to Platform 9 ¾ are both agonizing and restful. They're needed, though. After months of progressing in our wizarding education, Hogwarts students deserve a break. I know I needed a vacation.

I took the bus to King's Cross Station. My parents didn't live in the UK with me, so it was up to me to figure out how to get around. Luckily the bus stop was not very far from the flat I stayed in, so it was very convenient.

I pulled my trunk behind me. It was rather heavy. I was not a light packer by any means; I always feared that I would leave something essential at home, and that once at Hogwarts I would realize it, and be absolutely devastated. It was an annoyance as I dragged the trunk into the station, but I wouldn't regret it one bit once I was at school.

I would be beginning my sixth year at Hogwarts once I passed through to Platform 9 ¾ -I was now a pro at maneuvering through the busy station. My anticipation only grew as I saw students I recognized, and even more so when a fellow Gryffindor would wave at me. I was proud to be a Gryffindor. Though my parents were both of magical blood, they lived in the United States. They hadn't gone to Hogwarts. In a way, it was very comforting. I didn't have to live up to their standards. I was an independent being at Hogwarts. It didn't matter if I wasn't in the same House as my family, because they'd never been sorted at all.

As I approached the platform, I spotted my best friend. Lily was fussing with her trunk. She was making sure her belongings were secured tightly before attempting the run at the brick wall. I didn't blame her, but it still brought a smile to my face. I'd missed Lily Evans over the summer. Our occasional letters were never the same as speaking in person.

"Oh Lily!" I called out, and she abruptly snapped upwards. She swung her head around, causing her vibrant red hair to fly about. I'd always been a slight bit jealous of her hair—I had dirty blonde hair that fell well past my shoulders. It was pretty, but not as striking as her flaming locks. When she saw me, her green eyes lit up, and a smile stretched across her face.

"Jackie!" She abandoned her trolley and walked briskly towards me. "I missed you this summer!"

"Missed you too, Lil!" I hugged her, and smiled. "I hope we can find a nice compartment."

"Oh, well…" Lily bit her lip and suppressed a smirk. "Um…actually, Jacks, Potter asked if we'd like to sit with him…"

"You mean, with them?" I asked pointedly. "All of them? Potter is bearable…and so is Remus. He's decent. But Black? Man-whore of the school?"

"Oh, come on." Lily berated teasingly. "Sure, he's flirtatious, but I'm sure he means no harm by it. Potter on the other hand…well. He's a bit…"

"Desperate." I answered with a chuckle. "He'd do anything to have you, Lil. I'm surprised you agreed to sit with them. Are you finally softening up for him? I know how upset you get when they pull pranks on that Snape boy."

"I still don't forgive him for that." Lily said darkly. "However, he asked politely, and I would have felt like it was in bad manners to turn him down." Lily looked away, and I could have sworn there was a light blush on her cheeks.

"I guess it's settled then." I sighed. "We're sitting with them, then?"

"Yes, if you agree to be civil."

"Is it really that deplorable of me to think it's disgusting of Black to have any girl that throws themself at him?" I questioned. Lily had begun to walk back to her trolley, and I followed.

"Well, no. Just try and keep your opinion to yourself. I want to start this term off right."

I shook my head and gripped the handle on my own cart. Lily ran at the wall first, and I trailed her shortly after. In the blink of an eye, the large scarlet train was before me. The smoke was billowing in the air, and an unstoppable grin took over my face. The sight of the large train never ceased to amaze me. It was a symbol of freedom for me. I loved Hogwarts, and each train ride was the beginning of a new journey.

Lily and I dropped of our trunks, taking with us only our robes to change into. On the way onto the train we saw a few housemates, and we stopped to have a brief chat. I tried to expel the thought from my mind that next year would be the last time I'd ever set foot on this platform, unless I had kids in the future. It was difficult not to dwell on it, though.

"Let's go, Jackie." Lily tugged on my arm and directed me towards the stairs. I really was overreacting. I pouted a bit, but allowed her to steer me to the compartment. It was the same compartment the quartet always sat in, so it wasn't hard to find. When Lily slid the frosted glass door open, James Potter leapt onto his feet, as though the actions were somehow connected—cause and effect.

"Lily!" He nearly shouted. "I'm glad you came!"

Sirius snorted, and Remus smiled gently. "He was freaking out. 'She's not coming, guys!'" Sirius imitated. His gray eyes were dancing with amusement.

James glared at his best friend.

"Have a seat," Remus Lupin gestured to the empty spaces on the bench. James nodded at him, and sat back down in his spot.

Lily took a seat once she was invited to, but I hesitated. I still was not comfortable with the predicament Lily had put me in. Though I dared not look at him, I knew Sirius was watching me as I deliberated whether to sit or not. I lay my hands underneath my skirt and sat down. Then I folded my hands in my lap and allowed myself to steal a fleeting glance at Black. He had one of his eyebrows arched in my direction, an expression of amused curiosity on his face.

In the corner of the compartment, Peter Pettigrew was curled up sleep. I was secretly glad of this. I had always thought he was an awkward kid, and I found it difficult to communicate with him. At least Sirius Black was easy to hold a conversation with.

"So," I trailed… "Are you three excited about this year?"

James and Sirius looked at each other conspiratorially, and Remus shook his head ruefully.

"Very much so." James grinned impishly.

"Let's just say we've got a lot of good ideas up our sleeves…"

Lily shook her head in disdain, but didn't vocalize her protest. Both she and Remus were prefects; it was doubtless that she would have to answer to some of their planned pranks.

"And how did you do on your OWLs?" It was a feeble attempt at conversation, but I was trying to be polite, like I'd promised Lily.

"Very good." Remus answered. "I got a couple Os, and the rest were Es."

"Same." Lily and I chorused simultaneously. We giggled. We had earned our grades; we'd studied very hard, and spent many late nights pouring over books trying to absorb as much information as possible.

"What about you two?" I directed at Potter and Black. Their laughter was probably heard by the entire train. "What?" I demanded.

"Our grades weren't up to your standards. What do you expect? We didn't pull all-nighters in the common room with our noses pressed into the books! Although, Sirius did manage to scrape a couple decent marks. He's gifted at Defense."

"But you're a clever student, James." Lily offered, and James looked thrilled. It was either because she had complimented him without including a slight, or because she had said 'James' instead of 'Potter.' It was obvious that Lily had taken a new approach to dealing with James Potter—tolerate him with civility, as she expected me to do with Sirius.

The rest of the ride went by with few awkward moments. It was a pleasant departure from what I was expecting. Remus and I had much in common where academics and literature were concerned, so I spent most of the trip speaking with him. There was something very genuine about Remus that I always had found endearing. The summer had seemed to age him a few years, but it made him more human. In a world where magic was dominate and often skewed perceptions, normalcy was hard to come by.

A/N: I hate introductory chapters XD Review please?