note: introducing some new peeps for only this and the next chapter, not many and i had no idea what to name them so, you'll know what i mean if you keep reading

In the Dean's office. . .

On the large desk, Chamo sat behind a laptop while the dean crawled on the floor near the wires of the television.

"Didja figure out what's up with that thing?" The ermine took his eyes away from the computer screen to watch the older man fiddling with wires.

The Dean followed each wire to where it connected. "It appears that it is not the T.V's fault, Chamo-kun. Everything is in it's place."

"Come on! T.V's just don't black out unless they're broken or missin' something." The ermine went back to his computer screen. "Maybe it lost the signal. You know how technology is nowadays. It's unreliable. . ." His small paw clicked the keyboard. "Ooooh, bondage."


"Stop trying to fix that and come check this out! This is much more interesting than a blank T.V."

"We have to keep an eye out on Asuna-chan! We can't let her wander around with such a strong spell over her." The dean pulled at a cord. "This world isn't safe for such a child. Who knows what trouble she could get into!"

"Just ask the big man. I bet he knows what's wrong with it." Chamo grinned at what he saw on the laptop screen. "I bet that pervert didn't lose his signal."

The T.V buzzed before an image of a wondering orange-haired boy appeared on the screen.

Chamo glanced up from his laptop. "Yo! You fixed it. It actually works now. How long did that take?" The ermine looked at the time. "Just two hours not bad for an old man."

They watched the boy slowly walking out of the woods. His hair was messy, there were twigs in it, his face was hidden under his bangs and his clothes looked as if he had slept in them.

The dean stiffened as he studied the boy's appearance. "That isn't the uniform I administered to Asuna-chan."

"What?" Chamo lept off the dean's desk and ran to the couch in front of the T.V. "She changed her clothes? Where did she go? And why does she seem so depressed?" Chamo froze. "Holy fuckin' shit. What the hell is that on her throat? Zoom! ZOOM IN OLD MAN!"

The dean grabbed the remote and desperately began pushing buttons. "Where-"

"You're changing the channel! Zoom in!" Chamo screeched at the top of his tiny lungs. The channel was switched back but the boy had shifted his clothing, and in doing so, he hid the mark on his throat. "Crap."

The dean didn't remove his eyes from the boy on the screen. "Chamo-kun. I feel something bad has happened to our Asuna-chan." The ermine didn't respond. "We have to end our little game."

"You know who's the only one who could reverse this. The bastard said clearly what the consequences were if I went back asking for an antidote." Chamo clenched his teeth. "To hell with that jerk! We'll find our own antidote! Right, Konoe-san!" The older man gave the ermine a weak smile and the ermine pumped his paws into the air. "Let's go!"

After she had escaped Evangeline's cabin, she had walked all around the campus trying to figure out what she was thinking, feeling, and what she was going to do in the future if she stayed as a boy. It had all been easy up to the steamy moment she shared with her female classmate.

She had been determined to turn back to normal.

She had been desperate to return to her female body, to feel the soft skin, to feel the small lumps of her adolescent woman body. That was all she had known since she could remember.

This new body, it wasn't hers.

Was it?

No, it wasn't hers. Her body was soft and thinner. It was shorter by several inches and had two nice formed breasts that she was proud to say were hers.

Her hands went to the part of her chest where, if she were a woman, two lumps of flesh would have been located. Instead her hands met flat, firm muscle. She squeezed the muscle there and she began to panic.

Was this her body?

This couldn't be it. All those memories of being a young girl, growing up alongside Ayaka as a girl, having crushes on boys like a girl. This body couldn't have gone through that, right? She pressed her hand against her chest and felt the rapid heartbeat underneath flesh and bone. This body was alive.

It was hers.


What does it all mean? She grabbed her shorten hair and shook her head. What do all these feelings mean! Why am I like this? I am Asuna, a girl! Yet what Eva-chan and Chisame did to me felt good! And I wanted to keep going! She fell to the floor clutching her stomach. Oh! I feel so sick! Disgust ran through her body making her gag. Why did it feel good! Why! Why! Am I not a girl? A lesbian then? No, I never was into that stuff! Her hands gripped at the cement under her.

Am I not Asuna?

She heard laughter and voices coming near her. I can't deal with people right now!

She stumbled across the pavement and ran away from the noise. She kept running even after the voices disappeared. She pushed her legs forward, forcing herself to run even after her lungs burned within her.

When she finally stopped, she found herself in front of the huge world tree. She plopped herself down against a wall, panting from the intense running she pushed her body through. Why can't I just run away from all this? Run away from all these emotions, from this body, from my thoughts. . .


Asuna's head snapped up. The quiet voice shocked her but what shocked her more was whose voice it was. "Zazie! What are you doing here?"

The girl sat cross-legged on top of the marble railing, her uniform skirt barely concealing the triangle between her legs, juggling colorful spheres of glass. She took her eyes off the spheres to gaze at the boy. "What is wrong?"

Asuna glanced away. "I don't know if you'll understand. . ." When she looked back at Zazie, the girl's face was expressionless. Somehow that emotionless expression moved her to speak. "It's just that. . . I feel like I'm not me anymore. I want things now that I have never wanted before and I don't want to want these things!" The boy shook his head wildly. "They disgust me! They repulse me! These feelings-" he grabbed at his chest, "these feelings. . . They make me hate myself!" New tears began to fall from his eyes. "I've cried more these few days then I have ever cried before in my life." He hugged his knees as he sobbed into them. "I don't want to lose myself. . ."

"Tears stream down your face when you lose something you can't replace?" Zazie's face remained expressionless as she continued to juggle.

"Well, I guess I haven't really lost something I can't replace." The boy lifted his face from his knees. "It's just-"

"Tears stream down your face when you try your best but you don't succeed?"

"Well, I haven't tried my best-"

"If you never try then you will never know."

"Are you saying I should accept these feelings?" Asuna gazed at the dancing glass spheres in somewhat of a trance.

"Did I?" Zazie's mouth barely moved.

"Are you saying to do the best with what I have?" The blue and green eyes followed the circular motion of the glittering glass.

"Could it be worse?"

Asuna tore her eyes from Zazie's juggling to gaze at the girl. "Yes, it could be worse, can't it?" She looked down at her hands. "I haven't lost anything I can't replace. I'm still alive and I still have all my friends. And you're right, I haven't tried my best to live through this. I just sorta floated around." She glanced back up at Zazie. "But what about the feelings?"

"Lights with guide you home." The girl caught a glass sphere and tossed it to Asuna. "Happiness is best shared but better yet if shared when you are true to yourself." The ball in Asuna's hands glowed then a small orange bird popped out in a glittering swirl of confetti. It chirped happily then flew away as Asuna followed it with her eyes. "Have a clear mind."

With that, Zazie stood up and disappeared in a cloud of glittery confetti and cotton-candy pink smoke that flowed out from the other juggling glass spheres.

"Huh." Asuna stood up, watching the pink smoke and dusting herself with deliberate care. "I don't understand what the hell happened but. . . somehow I feel better." She stretched and her heart felt lighter. "Yeah! I'll forget about the drama for now and focus on changing back!"

That is the plan starting from now!

She would find out who did this to her, she would make them pay, oh, pay so very much, then she would force them to change her back. There was nothing anyone or anything could do to stop her from achieving her goal.

"Hey, young man!" She didn't turn. She was too engrossed in her thoughts. "Hey, boy! I'm speaking to you!" Someone grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.

It was the security guard.

Since when did Mahora have security guards?

"What are you do here, young man?"

She fidgeted. There were other more important things to focus on right now. She couldn't spare to give the guard her precious time.

"This is the all-girls section of Mahora, son. If you were looking for the boy's section it's a few stops before this one." The security guard eyed her from the bottom of her crinkled pant leg to the top of her disheveled hair antenna. Her appearance was a mess and she could only assume what the security guard thought a boy was doing at the all-girls section of school. "I hope you didn't come here for a different purpose boy because that would greatly disappoint me."

She ignored the guard and stared at a point beyond the older man's head.

The guard gave her a mean eye in an attempt to make her squeal. When the glare failed, the man sighed. "Come I'll escort you over to the train station. It isn't too far from here. Maybe from there, you'll find out where you need to be."

The guard lightly placed a hand on her upper back and lead her away from the main school building. In a sudden daze, she allowed herself to be lead by the stranger. She vaguely heard the guard talking to her as they were walking but she wasn't listening.

Instead, she found herself silently lost within her mind again, meditating over what she had been through, how she should react, and Zazie's bizarre yet comforting advice. What was her plan? From where could she start her manhunt?

She pondered over this for a long while, thinking about the potential suspects and what they could have used against her. When she finally snapped out of her daze, she found herself in a classroom sitting at a desk in the middle of the room.

A classroom filled with boys.

"WHAT THE HELL!" She suddenly shouted as she stood up.

Everyone in the room turned to look at her. Brown eyes, black eyes, the occasional blue and green. No abnormal color like those found in her classroom. This seemed like a normal classroom filled with normal classmates.

"Yes, Mr. Kagurazaka?" The pretty female teacher at the front of the class glared at him through silver glasses. "Would you like to comment on the subject?"

Her eyes skimmed the class nervously. Everyone was glaring at her, expect that guy in the corner who looked like he was about to burst out laughing.

"Huh, I- hm- it's very interesting. I was just so surprised to learn something like that happened?" She cringed when she heard her voice squeak at the end. That was the best excuse she could think of?

"You find the directions of tonight's homework interesting?" The woman raised a well-shaped eyebrow. Almost everyone snickered. "Alright then, since you find that so amazing you are rewarded." She tossed a rag on her desk and a few boys laughed. "You stay after class to clean up."

"What!" She croaked.

The teacher drummed her polished fingernails against her large desk. "Want to add another day to that, Mr. Kagurazaka?"

"No, ma'am," she mumbled defeated as she dropped herself back onto her chair. She had no clue as to how she had landed in a classroom full of boys but it was best to avoid any type of attention.

"Psst." A quiet whisper caught her ear. "Hey, new guy!" The voice hissed.

She turned to her left and saw a nice looking boy. "Yeah," she hissed back.

"The Boss wants to talk to you." She blinked in confusion before a folded paper landed on her desk. "Be there or be there." The boy hissed again as he turned back to the chalkboard in an inconspicuous manner.

She stared at the boy then at the paper. What the hell was this supposed to mean? A challenge? Some sort of invitation? Her fingers itched to unravel the small package. Just when she reached for the neat paper, the bell rang and the class quickly emptied. She watched still seated at her desk as everyone raced out the door.

"An invitation from the Superiors, huh?"

That voice surprised her since everyone had already cleared the room. She glanced to where she had heard the voice but found no one.

"Down here." Her eyes went lower and discovered a head full of black hair. They traveled to were the boy's eyes should have been but found a pair of thick glasses instead. "Hey," the little person greeted.

"Hi." She paused for a moment while the surprise left her. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were there."

The little person shrugged. "No biggy. Happens all the time."

She grinned at his carefree attitude before asking, "So, who are the Superiors?"

The little person frowned as he titled his head. "You haven't heard of the Superiors?" He watched her as she shook her head then he stroke his index finger and thumb against his chin pensively. "Hm, must be because you're new. The Superiors are the most popular, best looking, coolest, smartest, most athletic bunch in this place. To get an invitation on your first day here is unheard of. Usually they wait a few days before determining if you're 'Superior' material." The little person studied her, or at least it felt like she was being studied, who could tell beneath those thick lenses? "They must like you a lot."

She cringed at the meaning behind his words. She could deal with fangirls, but fanboys? That was a different matter altogether. "Uh, alright so what do I do now?"

"You open that," he pointed a short finger at the paper, "and without question, do what it says. Or face rejection, not just from the Superiors but the entire male student body." Her eyes widened at that sentence. "It doesn't sound so bad, but it is when it happens to you."

She grasped the folded paper, ready to open it. No one likes being rejected. "Whoa, thanks for the tip. My name's Kagurazaka Asuma by the way."

"I know." She looked at him questioningly. "I was at the main office the same time you were signing in. You bumped into me, remember?" The little person waited for her to recognize their short encounter.

Confusion spread through her fogged brain as she tried to recall that event. Where was she when this had happened? "I'm sorry, I don't-"

The boy cut her off. "Happens all the time."

"Huh." She felt her face heat up with embarrassment. Her first new friend in this strange world and she already made a crappy impression. "So what's your name?"


"Hey, dude!" A tall boy came strutting into the room followed by three other boys. "What's takin' you so long? We've been waitin' forever out there!"

The little person quickly directed his thick lenses toward the group. She also turned to see the newcomers.

They were a strange looking bunch. The first was a tall, attractive tanned boy with wild, spiky brown hair and dark gray eyes. A really, really tall redhead was standing behind him with two shorter boys next to him. The two shorter boys seemed to be twins. The four of them made up a mismatched group, a clear indication that they were the misfits of school.

"Oh, Asuma, these are my friends. Guys meet Asu-"

The first boy who spoke finished the little person's sentence with a growl. "Kagurazaka Asuma. Yeah, we heard about this ass."

She frowned at the boy. He may look pretty but he was so rude. "How?"

The really, really tall red head replied. "You're the talk of the campus, Kagurazaka-san. Everyone has already heard of you and your eyes."

She blinked. "My eyes?"

The red head nodded. "No one else has such unique eyes."

The rude boy slapped her desk. "Don't talk so nice about this bastard! He's gonna be one of them!"

"Ah, yes, the Superiors sent you an invitation." The red head smiled. "What time are you to be there?"

"What are all you doing here!" The female teacher had returned and was standing at the door of the classroom. "Everyone out!"

All the boys quickly made their way out of the room with low grumbles spilling out of the rude boy. She also stood up to leave but the teacher stopped her by grabbing her elbow.

"Not you, Kagurazaka. You have a punishment to fulfill." The woman's voice sent a chill down her spine. It was as if the teacher had said that sentence with a hidden meaning behind it.

After spending fifteen minutes of cleaning and rearranging desks under a sharp stare, the woman finally allowed her to leave. She walked around the teacher as she stood in her way, the teacher's glittering brown eyes stalking her as she left the room.

She shuddered as she shut the classroom door.

No matter where she went, the females were all the same eager bunch.

"Asuma." She glanced around the empty hallway and saw no one. "Down here, dude."

Her eyes flew downward. There was that little ball of black hair. "Hey! I didn't see you there." She rubbed the back of her neck in an embarrassing gesture while the short boy just shrugged.

"I thought since you're new, I'd take you to the dorms. Follow." The little person made a hand signal before walking away from her toward the exit. With wide strides, she quickly reached his side. "The Dean sent me a note saying you'd be rooming with my roommate and I." He held the exit door open for her to pass through. She sent a questioning glance at the small boy next to her. His thick lenses reflected the light of the afternoon sun outside. "You're asking yourself how the hell does everyone know things about you when you just got here and probably don't even know this information yourself?"

Her blue and green eyes widen in surprise at how this little short guy read her mind. "How-?"

"We're very nosy here, Asuma." They walked quickly along the stone path through the grassy field in front of the school building. "Word travels really fast around this place. Faster than your average all-boys school. We're like a bunch of gossiping, middle-aged women sitting around a table with wine glasses in their hands. Without girls, the guys here got nothing better to do than gossip and demean others." They walked for a few minutes in silence until they reached another building. "So, here we are. Come I'll show you our room."

In an empty classroom a group of twelve young boys lounged lazily in desks. A beautiful blond boy with brilliant green eyes sat at the front of the class in the teacher's desk. He rested his angelic face in his palm as the fingers of his other hand quickly drummed the wooden surface.

The ticks of the clock resounded loudly in the silent room.

Someone in the group yawned.

That was when the blond boy slammed his hand on the desk. "Where the hell is the new guy!" He turned his glowering green eyes at another boy cowering in the corner. "You, new slave! Are you sure he received the letter?" The pretty boy desperately nodded his head. The blond growled and the boy shrank back.

"Chill, boss." Another boy, a handsome brunette laying on a desk with his legs hanging over the edge spoke up. "He'll be here. The newb probably got lost."

The blond released a forced breath in an attempt to calm himself. He was unaccustomed to waiting. He was always handed whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted.

The silence returned to the room and the ticking of the clock took over.

The blond closed his eyes to wait.

The sound of footsteps in the hall outside made his eyes snap open. He eagerly leaned forward on the teacher desk. His movement caught the attention of the whole group.

Finally his new member would enter the picture. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't anticipating his arrival. When he first glimpsed the boy in the main office, he labeled him as strange, as if he was sleep walking. Afterward, he studied the boys features and found that he was exotically beautiful. Orange hair, different colored eyes, a sickly pale-tanned shade of skin, the boy was a breath of fresh air. He saw him and he wanted him. That boy would complete his little circle of handsome people.

The footsteps drew closer and he found himself leaning towards the door.

The sounds came closer and closer until they were right at the door.

He felt how everyone in the room held their breath, with the exception of the one sleeping.

He twisted his slender fingers in anticipation of seeing that pretty face again.

But the door never opened and the footsteps passed their classroom until they faded into the distance.

The ticking of the clock returned and everyone was waiting for the reaction of their boss. He was frozen with disbelief. That boy had made him wait and in the end he didn't show up? No one did that!

He stood up, knocking his chair over in the process and slamming both palms down on the teacher's desk. "Go find him now! Split up into two and get me that bastard!" He pointed at the door and glared at all the boys sprinting out of the room. "I don't care how you bring him to me, just get him back here alive!"

"So, let me get this straight." She glanced at the five sitting cross-legged around a small coffee table. "You guys are the rejects of this school."

Four out of the five boys nodded. The last one, the one she had began calling Rudy, refused to make eye contact with her.

"I can understand Glasses," she mention toward the short boy wearing glasses, "the Twins," she looked at the two boys sitting next to Glasses, "maybe even Big G," she looked at the really tall red head, "but why is Rudy a reject?" She sent the boy in question a quizzical look. Even if the boy was rude, he was really easy on the eyes. "He seems like the type those Superiors would want."

Rudy snorted as he stood up and left the room through the front door.

Glasses watched the boy leave and then answered her question. "He had always wanted to be in that clique but it wasn't until last year that he was finally invited. Unfortunately, he was late to the meeting by two minutes and the leader of the group branded him a reject. With no where to go, we took him in." Glasses sighed. "He was so broken and with everyone shunning him, it worsened his situation."

She felt herself deflate.

Maybe Rudy had a reason to be rude. Maybe those Superior bastards made him into the withdrawn boy he was. She shouldn't have allowed her anger to control her. She shouldn't have given that boy such a name. "I should go apologize." She stood up and Glasses followed her.

"Asuma, don't worry. It's him that should apologize. He just got jealous that you were invited."

She chuckled nervously. "Na, I gave all you guys those lame nicknames. I should apologized to everyone. I don't know any of you enough to call you like that." She bowed respectfully. "I'm sorry. Maybe a proper introduction would help?"

Glasses opened his mouth just as the door was kicked down.

"Kagurazaka!" They all turned to the entrance where two boys were wrestling with Rudy. He was trapped in a head lock by one boy while the other punched his stomach. "Run!" He managed to spit out.

She felt wind slap her face as Big G ran to help his comrade.

"Asuma." She glanced down at Glasses. The shorter boy directed his big lenses at the floor. "You forgot the invitation, huh?"

"Invitation?" She whispered to herself. "What invita-"

Suddenly it dawned on her.

That pretty boy that gave her that envelope after class!

Reality came back to her.

At the entrance, Rudy and Big G were attempting to wrestle the two newcomers, attempting because, well, they were losing. Behind her, the twins cowered under the bed. In the bathroom, Glasses' weird roommate had managed to barricade himself without a single person seeing him. And right next to her was Glasses, his lenses watching the lame brawl play out, frowning and already guessing as to who the victors would be.

She glanced at the fighters just in time to see Big G take one to the jaw.

Something burned in the pit of her stomach.

The red head was tall and appeared menacing but he was a gentle soul.

She dashed forward, evaded a fast punch and swung her leg high, kicking the boy attacking Rudy in the chest. The other boy broke away from Big G and watched his companion stumble backwards into the wall from the force of the kick and blackout. He looked at her with a surprised expression on his good-looking face. The boy froze for a single moment before attacking her. She easily dodged the punch and swept her leg low, across the other boys ankles. He was knocked down to his knees and she forced him onto his stomach with her foot.

"Who sent you here!" She felt everyone's shocked gazes on her dominate figure.

The boy she was stepping on coughed. "Y- you're still asking?"

Glasses walked to them and picked up a cell phone on the floor. "Looks like they called reinforcements before bustin' in here. We're gonna have some more visitors."

Rudy stood next to her, rubbing his stomach. "That was one hell of a kick, Kagurazaka. Where'd you learn to fight like that?"

"Kagurazaka Asuma!"

Rudy spun around, facing the new opponents. "Looks like they're here early, you ready, Kagurazaka?"

Without stepping off her prisoner, she slowly turned her head toward the doorway. There stood an impossibly beautiful blond boy. His small pink lips curled into an eager snarl. His green eyes glowed as they stared at her. His whole body tensed as if he was ready to pounce.

She shivered unintentionally.

Something about this boy was so frighteningly familiar.

Suddenly, the blond boy's dark aura left and he grinned. "So we finally meet face to face." He stepped over the unconscious body of his subordinate with the grace of a feline and walked slowly toward her. "I was coming here to punish you for purposely disobeying my wishes but with the impressive display of strength I just witnessed, I have decided to give you one last chance."

She heard Rudy growl. "You have no business here, Yukihiro. Leave!"

"Yukihiro?" She whispered to herself, disrupting the argument between them. "As in the family Yukihiro!"

"Why yes." The blond boy pulled at the collar of his neat school jacket. "I see my family name is as famous as ever."

She nearly choked on her next words, "You're- you're related to Yukihiro Ayaka?"

"My cousin?" The light blush on the boy's face turned an angry red. "What is that dreadful witch to you?"

Dear Lord, there are two of them!

Rudy stepped forward. "Look, Yukihiro, Kagurazaka clearly has no intention of joining your gay squad. So get the hell out!"

"Well, Kagurazaka? Are you refusing me?" The Yukihiro's piercing green eyes bore into hers. The way he looked at her made her feel like hiding underneath a mile of earth.

She glanced at Glasses.

The boy don't look back.

The rejects had been nothing but kind to her. They were the only ones to speak to her without looking at her as if she was some sort of alien. The popular kids on the other hand, she glanced at Big G's swollen jaw and Rudy's disheveled clothing, they were just plain mean.

So the choice was made easy for her.

"I- I think I'll stay where I am."

The blond snarled lowly. "You'll regret this, Kagurazaka."

He turned around and the crowd of boys that had gathered broke away to allow him passage.

"Yeah! Leave!" Rudy stomped across the boys on the floor as he walked to the entrance. Glasses tried to reach his jacket but failed to grab him. "Go back to that rat hole where you came from, dirty bastard Yukihiro!"

Everyone gasped and began to whisper. The blond stopped walking and turned slightly. His angry green eyes intimidated Rudy enough to hide behind the only one not flinching back, her.

"Your group against mine, Kagurazaka. Tomorrow we battle. You win, I let your loser friends go free without punishment. We win," he licked his lips, "you join our group as my personal slave and the rest of your junkies are dog food for my men." The whispering began again as the Yukihiro jerked his head as a signal for his group to retreat. The handsome boys among the crowd separated and walked passed the blond.

The Yukihiro gave one last look at her before turning to leave as well.

Glasses clicked his tongue as he watched the gossiping crowd of boys dispersed. "We're totally screwed now." The short boy went to a book self and then walked toward Rudy. He then swiped the back of Rudy's head with a ruler. "You ass."

Behind her, she heard the twins laughing as Rudy messaged his head, the bathroom door open enough for Glasses' weird roommate to peek through and, as the tension began to slowly leave, she starting laughing, too.

Around midnight. . .

She stirred slightly under her blankets.

Something had woken her up.

What had interrupted her dreamless sleep? Was it the strange new bed? Or was it the pressure on her chest that she had been feeling since she entered her new dorm? That heavy feeling that she had recognized as home sickness.

She blinked slowly and focused her tired eyes.

A hair-covered face stared back at her.

The heavy feeling wasn't from home sickness. That heaviness was from someone literally laying on her chest.

She barely had enough understanding of who it was to not scream her head off.

Glasses' weird roommate!

"Um, hello, Kagurazaka-san. I'm sorry to wake you." The weird roommate paused and she could see the bottom of his face turning red. "But I had wanted to ask you if- if we could be fr- friends?" She stared open-eyed at the strange boy. She was speechless. "You see, I've never had such a pretty friend before and I'd- I'd like you to be my first."

"Uh, o- okay," she managed to stutter out.

The boy smiled. "Thank you, Kagurazaka-san. Oh, may I call you Asuma-kun?"

She nodded her head slowly, still in shock.

"Goodnight then, Asuma-kun." And the boy crawled off her.

With her gaze lost in the dark ceiling of her new room, she spent a few moments allowing her mind to puzzle over what just happened before quickly losing consciousness again.

tell me someone caught that cold play reference. looks like zazie is a fan.
na, i was listening to that song as i typed this chapter and well, the lyrics are pretty deep
and how bout those names? creative, huh?