Author's Note: I am so so, so deeply apologetic for letting you guys down like this. Life and college kind of put this story on the back burner. Fear not, I am here to stay! This chapter will cover some of the events from The Waterbending Scroll with a few minor changes of course. Thanks. As always CC and Comments welcome.
Chapter 8:
I was stretching because I had just awoken from a deep sleep. A sleep of many storms and heavy winds blowing me off my course. The moon was still out. I could feel its celestial energy giving me bursts of energy. The clouds were heavy, drifting slowly covering some of the stars. It was beautiful when it was calm like this but I guess that's why it's called the calm before the storm.
We camped out twenty feet away from a river bank. The water was calling me and frankly I need to exercise my talents before I got rusty. The most bending I did these days were to apprehend a couple thieves and wiping Aang into shape so he can later become a master bender. Even that wasn't going too well at the moment. Sokka, Aang, and Katara all lay sleeping peacefully around me. I slowly got out of my sleeping back and crept away from the camping site, hoping not to step on anyone or wake anyone up.
Once I reached the river banks I removed my robe and undid my braid. I could feel the rivers current begging me to move with it. It was intoxicating. I began to bend the water in small balls surrounding me. They floated around me and cloaked in sweet serenity. I heard footsteps from behind me, coming from the bushes. I paused and made two water shards ready to attack whomever the stranger was.
"It's just me." Sokka said. His bronze chest was beautiful against the moonlight and his ebony skin was even more breathtaking considering he only sleeps in his boxers. "I just wanted some water. Don't mind me."
I did mind him actually. I had no idea what to say to him anymore. He was so easy to accept me into the group even if Katara still shot death glares at me every chance she got. Aang was well Aang, light headed and a boy who couldn't be mean to his worst enemy. Yet here Sokka was accepting me with open arms and I had been the one to toy with his emotions back at the Southern Water Tribe. I couldn't forgive myself for that, so how could he even begin to ask okay with me?
I kept bending and practicing basic water bending forms to warm up. It helped me to distract myself from my thoughts and Sokka of course. His voice cut through any kind of distraction I was trying to create for myself.
"Hey, listen. My sister is giving you a hard time now but it's just she's naturally protective of people she cares about. Once she warms up to you it'll be okay, you know," He sipped water from his cupped hands then continued to speak. "Soon you can talk about girl stuff or something."
"I'll try to appeal to Mother Katara as best I can. Thanks." I said as I sat on the wet on grass. He smirked and head back towards the campsite.
I fell back and felt the wetness against my bare back. At least I had two thirds of the team liking me. How could I possibly make Mother Superior come around?
We came across a shipping town nearby. We needed to stop and gather supplies. We got hounded by a total con man who I could tell swindled people out of their money for what I can only imagine is a bunch of crap he calls rare. While my other three travel companions browsed around his con shack I could see Katara eyeing a scroll with her big blue eyes. That was a genuine water bending scroll. How did this pirate even get that unless he stole it? Whatever the case may be as much as that scroll probably didn't belong to him Katara was eyeing like it was supposed to be hers.
Aang and Katara had been practicing their bending together, which wasn't anything bad but she wasn't a natural like Aang was. I watched the two try basic moves that I had taught Aang one morning and in the time it took Aang to master and improve upon the move Katara was still struggle with the proper formation. I watched her practice all night once. If anything was certain she had the heart to be a great bender.
"No wonder they were trying to hack us up! You stole their waterbending scroll!" Sokka declared as we reached the campgrounds
"Little Miss Superior stole from the pirates. How admirable of you." I said in a sarcastic tone. She glared at me and continued talking to Sokka.
"I prefer to think of it as high risk trading." Katara stated opening the scroll to see some of its contents. "Besides they stole it from some waterbender."
"Yea high risk trading that almost got us kill Katara! Take the scroll back! I don't care how much you want to reclaim it or learn bending. It isn't yours." I was irritated with her. How could she jeopardize everyone else's lives for her own training? At this rate we would never be friends.
"These are real waterbending forms. You know how crucial it is for Aang to learn waterbending!" Katara stressed the real part as if I wasn't a waterbending master capable of teaching Aang those techniques and many more advanced forms. Aang only smiled, being totally oblivious to the fact that his girl crush stole not for him but for her own benefit.
I rolled my eyes, "Yea sure, not like he has a perfectly good teacher but I forgot it's for Aang. I'll remember you said that Katara."
"Whatever." Sokka stated walking off
"Well, what's done is done. We have it, we might as well learn from it." Aang said in an upbeat tone. Aang, the only kid I know who could make breaking the law into a positive. Aang and Katara both laughed and smiled, probably eager to start "training".
Since stealing the scroll Katara had been practicing nonstop. I knew the move very well. The scroll outlined the steps to make a water whip and Aang had got it. Katara on the other hand was frustrated with Aang's natural ability to pick up moves so quickly. When we'd be trying to sleep at night Katara would be on the river's bank practicing the water whip. This night was no different. I spent some time tossing and turning in my sleeping bag trying to drift off. I was just beginning to fall asleep when I heard Katara's scream, followed by the sound of a familiar voice. My eyes snapped open and I headed towards the river.
It was Zuko and some pirates. I thought I had heard his voice in a sleeping daze but it was really him. He had Katara tied to a tree. I hid behind the bushes to access the situation, I didn't want to get ambushed. I just wanted to get Katara out of harms way.
"Tell me where he is and I won't hurt you or your brother." Zuko declared leaning in close to Katara's ear. I cringed at the fact that he was so close to another woman.
"Go jump in the river!" Katara yelled at him indignantly
"Try to understand. I need to capture him to restore something I've lost, my honor." She turned her head away as Zuko put his lips up to her ear. Even after all this time Zuko didn't think he was good enough. I didn't make him feel good enough. "Perhaps in exchange I can restore something you've lost." He dangles the necklace around her neck. It was a traditional Water Tribe engagement necklace. Suddenly I felt a weight around my neck where my brother's necklace used to be. I guess Katara and I have something in common with Zuko having both of our necklaces. He dangled it in front of her like it was prize. It enraged me, he knew how important that is. Katara's eyes got wide and glassy.
"My mothers necklace!"
"Enough with the necklace." The angry pirate stated
While Zuko and the pirate argued over the necklace I try to get close enough to untie her, but was shortly discovered when Zuko ordered the pirates to search the woods for Aang. I sprung into action using water whips to keep the pirates away but they quickly surrounded me, not that that as a huge issue. I had been outnumber before, but never outnumbered and blinded by a smoke bomb. I suddenly felt my hands become constrained, as I struggle to fight them despite not being able to see.
So here we all were. Team Avatar completely and totally defeated by some lowlife pirates. Katara and I are tied together on the same tree and our two other remaining members are both tied up and being held by pirates. Our track record is getting pretty bad here. Sokka tied to struggle with the ropes as Zuko accolade the pirates for doing a great job.
"You know this is all your fault Katara." I whispered to Katara trying to get a hand free from the bindings.
"I know." She murmured apologetically.
"Don't worry. I'm going to get us out of this." I continue to struggle with the rope hoping I could get at least my pinky free to do some bending.
"Give me the boy." Zuko demanded to the pirate captain. I continue to wiggle a bit and loosen my binding around my hands a small amount but still not enough to free myself
"You give us the scroll." The pirate captain demanded back as Zuko dangled the scroll. I really hoped this deal wasn't about to happen. I need just another moment to get my hand free. It looked like I wasn't going to spare that time.
"You're really gonna hand over the Avatar for a stupid piece of parchment?" Sokka coaxed the pirate. Oh thank Tui for Sokka's wit. It would buy me enough time to get my whole hand free and cut the ropes.
As Zuko and the pirates begin to turn on each other and argue about the trade I nudge Katara. "I'm going to break us free with bending. Don't react too much when I do. If all goes well Zuko and the pirates will take each other out." Katara nodded as I finally got my hand free. I pull some moisture from the air and slice my hands free, making sure the rope doesn't fall to the ground. I cut Katara's rope too and shoot Sokka a look. He nods knowing that I have this under control.
The pirates turns to leave as Zuko says, "You'll regret breaking a deal with me." He signals his men to start attacking them.
"Let's get them free!" I say as the pirates throw out two smoke bombs blanketing the area.
"I can't see." I say blindly feeling around for the others.
"Aang are you here!" I hear Sokka yell through the fog.
"Sokka!" I yelled
"Crystal!" he yells back
"Follow each other's voices!" I hear Aang's voice near. I feel wind generated and the dust clears. I can see everyone now and I was happy to see them all, but this was no time for a reunion. We were right in the middle of raging firebenders and angry pirates. We had to get out of here. Katara wruns towards to ship and begs for me to help her push it in the water. I quickly push and pull the water around the ship to make it rise. Soon enough the ship is in the water and ready to go. Sokka, Aang, Katara, and I quickly board the ship to escape.
As the shifts slowly down the river some prates jump onto the ship. I begin to water whip them off into the water below. I see three of them closing in on Katara. She struggles to get her form right.
As I continue to whip the pirates that begin surrounding her away I figured I'd help her out about, "When you move your arms move your whole body. Shift your weight a bit more."
I whip the second pirate off the ship as Katara takes my advice. She shifts her weight and whipped the last pirate directly in the face. It was a perfect water whip. I smiled as I saw Katara's accomplished look on her face.
"Hey, you did the water whip!" Aang congratulated.
She turned to me in appreciation, "I couldn't have done it without your help Crystal."
Our bonding moment was completely ruined when we found out that the river flowed directly into a water fall. Zuko was tailing us as well so there was nowhere to go. He rammed his boat into our ship.
"Jump!" Sokka ordered. All four of us jumped from the waterfall and onto Appa's back. While on Appa I looked back as we flew away. Zuko looked frustrated as his boat went over the edge of the waterfall. I frowned as I watched him looked completely upset and defeated. Part of me wanted to go back, but was grateful I didn't have to fight Zuko directly today. At least I could still pretend that we weren't enemies, no matter how far from lovers we had become.
I was taken out of my thoughts when Katara began speaking, "Hey you guys I'm really sorry for all of this. I shouldn't have done something so reckless. I'm sorry Aang for being so mean to you. It just seemed like you were so naturally good at waterbending without even trying." Katara turned to me next. "You and Sokka were right about the scroll I shouldn't have stolen it and thanks for being here today. You really save the day."
I smiled at her and accepted her apology. "It's fine Katara. If you ever need help with your bending ask me next time, okay? I'm way better than any scroll anyway."
She nods, "Yea, that scroll was pretty stupid."
"Is that how you really feel?" Sokka raised his eyebrows and teased Katara by pulling out the scroll. Katara quickly snatches the scroll from Sokka and declares that she'll never steal again… unless it's from pirates. We all laughed as we flew through the sky on Appa.
I was beginning to feel like an actual member of this group like they trusted me. It felt good to have people around me that didn't want to use me for their own agendas. It felt good to have people care about me for me and not what I could do for them. It felt good to have friends. Maybe I was right for picking the Avatar over Zuko, but my heart still dreaded the day when we would have to be on opposite sides of the battlefield.
Author's Note: That's it! How do you guys feel about this chapter? How long before Crystal's comfort with Team Avatar is ruined by Zuko? I know it's been such a long time but I'll keep updating. Maybe next time we'll get some awesome bending action! ~Bre