Kura: NEW STORY! ^^

Amu: No…T^T

Kura: This isn't about Shugo Chara…

Amu: I love it already! ^^

Kura: …

Amu: The summary?

Kura: Oh, yeah!

A war between the Angles and Demons have been going on for years…centuries…they fought with their Alices…bring destruction everywhere…but what would happen if a fire-casting Demon fell in love with a kind, peace-loving Angel that all the Top Angels think of as dangerous?

Amu: Okay, what the heck is this supposed to be about?

Kura: It's on Gakuen Alice! ^^

Amu: …

Kura: So…START! ^^





It has been a hundred years since the war has started.


Angels had rules; to never kill, even if it is a Demon and they are doing wrong to humans. Angels must never kill or punishment is to burn in the everlasting fire in the pits of hell.


Demons had similar rules; to never kill an Angel. Even a human must be spared. The only time they can kill is if the human is evil for the Angels will allow the human to either repent or die and land in hell. Never can the Demons kill an innocent.


All three races, including the humans, have a strange power known as Alices.

The humans use them for different purposes as they work to make livings. They help others or fill their satisfying wants.

Angles and Demons are different. And both use them for completely different purposes.

The Angels has had enough with the demons, always pulling pranks with their Alices, disrupting the peace they had made in the human world with the Alices they use and yet didn't do a thing, following the rules until a single young Demon has killed an innocent human child.

The Angels, who had witnessed the devious act, enraged and blinded in their fury, has sought out the same demon and killed him, leaving nothing but his ashes behind.

The demons then grew angry and instantly destroyed the Angels that killed their fellow friend.

And so, the war has started.

The Angels had then started to ignore their number one rule. They would not stop until the world is justified and the Demons are completely gone.

The Demons were the same, feeling that the universe was apparently too small for both to live in.

For years, they have fought in the human world without the humans actually knowing what is happening.

But because of the war, humans too, have started to die.

Angels have seen this but their anger only grew, thinking that the Demons are now killing the humans on purpose.


For long, Angels have blamed the Demons, not knowing the real reason of the innocent child's death long ago.

Because the real reason was far from what they had thought was true.

For that Demon had taken pity upon the child, trying to help it live.

The child was an 11 year old girl. She had hated life. She had wanted to die.

But the Demon had soon fallen in love with her and tried to show her the joys of life. To show her that the world isn't only the darkness that she had thought of it as.

And she had killed herself. The Demon only tried to stop her. Meanwhile, the Angels who had spotted this had misunderstood.

And yet, the soul of the killed Demon could never rest until this problem was solved, knowing that the cause of this was his fault for loving a human.

And so, its soul wished for a way to heal the problem.

So soon…a prophecy was made; from both sides, each to have a hero and to finish the war.

But none knew the real content of the prophecy except for…

Igarashi Kaoru: a strong, shoulder-length raven haired Demon woman who is known to have the Memory Manipulation Alice with crimson eyes. Though she is feared through-out Heaven, only one Angel knew of her kind heart.

Azumi Yuka: a kind Angel with silky brown hair and amber eyes. She is known to be resisting fighting against the Demons, trying to bring the races together and become friends. Her Alice was the Teleportation Alice.

Both met each other, Kaoru in a mission to kill the Angels around the area, Yuka had just found her without meaning too.

Both became friends and quickly found out the reason of the child's death long ago. The Demon's soul was brought to them by a priestess to tell them of the real story.

The priestess was a strong independent woman who knew what was happening. She had powers to tell of the future and told Kaoru and Yuka the prophecy she had made.

"An Angel/Demon will be born on the same year, one with the powers of destruction, the other with the power to protect and but steal. They will become heroes of their race, not ending the war with one gone, but ending the war with their love."

Kaoru and Yuka, shocked by this, have not told a single soul of the prophecy they had heard.

But a selfish Demon and foolish Angel overheard them and told everybody of only the contents they have heard.

And so…the Angels and Demons await the day for their "heroes" to come and finish the war with their side in victory…



"…I can't believe those two idiots just decided to eavesdrop on us!"

Yuka sighed as her Demon friend, Kaoru kicked a rock into the river.

"I'm sure they didn't mean it Kaoru."

"Ya, they did! I'm sure you believe that too!"


Kaoru sweat dropped at her friend.

"Don't worry, they only heard parts of the prophecy." The two turned to see Nadeshiko, the priestess. She had long dark blue hair and blue eyes.

"Priestess Nadeshiko!" They both cried.

Nadeshiko smiled. "I thought I told you to just call me Nade."

The other two smiled.

"So, Nade-chan, who do you think are the children who will be the ones in the prophecy?" Yuka asked.

Nade's eyes glinted knowingly. "You two will find out one day!"

Kaoru groaned. "Come on!"


"Meanie…" Yuka pouted.

Nade laughed.

Kaoru sighed and fell onto the grass, her black wings disappearing. "Man…I wish this never happened…"

Yuka fell down besides her. "I know…"

Nade giggled and fell down besides them. "It's was your guys ancestors fault in the first place."

"No it wasn't! It was that girl that killed herself!" Kaoru said, laughing.

"Nuh uh! It was the Demon's fault for falling for the girl!" Yuka said.

Nade stayed silent. Then she said, "Guys, that Demon doesn't appreciate you saying it was his fault that this all happened."

"But he admitted it!" Kaoru said playfully.

"Yeah, but he said he doesn't want anybody else but him saying it."

"Stubborn isn't he?" Yuka asked.

"Yup! Yes you are! Don't you dare disagree with me Kuro!" Nade said.

"Wait…Kuro? I swear…I heard that name before…" Kaoru said, closing her eyes.

Nade rolled her eyes. "That's because I told you of him and his name when I first met the both of you!"


"Baka." Yuka said, giggling.

"Oh, shut it!"

The girls laughed.

Nearby, a Demon soul groaned. "…Angels…Demons…Humans…every single girl in this damn forsaken world is annoying!"

"That means you're calling the girl you love annoying!" Nade said.


Nade rolled her eyes and retold what Kuro said, making the girls laugh.

"I don't get you at all Koaru…" Yuka said, looking at Kaoru.

Kaoru grinned. "What do ya mean Yuka? All I did was make out with the man. No harm, no foul."

"You are such a pervert Kaoru…"


Yuka sighed as Kaoru laughed.

"I just wished you would stick to one guy."

Kaoru scoffed. "I'd rather kiss a hundred human men than kiss a single Demon man." She said, growling slightly at the word Demon.

"You act as though you're not a Demon."

"Maybe I wasn't supposed to be but fate decided to be cruel."


"Anyway, what about you? Who interest you?" Kaoru said, her lips turning into a sly smile.

Yuka pouted slightly as a blush appeared. "None of your business!"

Kaoru groaned. "What about that guy…umm…Yukihira?"

Yuka embarrassed face turned to one full of hatred. "I hate him! He's awful! He stopped my attempts to escape that stupid school for us Angels…"

"Why were you trying escape?"

"Cause the people there are corrupted and are involving everybody else in their plan to have a world rid of Demons…except, you know, my friends, like Narumi and others."

Kaoru sighed. "I wonder when those idiots will finally understand everything…that everything they're doing is completely pointless…"

Yuka shrugged.

"Azumi-san, what are you doing here?" The two girls turned to see a man with a kind aura around him. Then he saw Kaoru and blinked. "Azumi-san, who is that?"

"None of your business!" Yuka cried, glaring at the man.

"I'm Kaoru. I'm guessing that you are Yukihira Izumi." Kaoru said, smiling, Yuka looked at her in alarm.

"Well…yes…why…do you know me…?"

"Because Yuka talks about you."


"KAORU!" Yuka grabbed her best friend and quickly ran away from a confused Izumi with Kaoru laughing heartily.

"I…I can't believe it…" Yuka muttered. Kaoru gently patted her friends back with an assuring smiled.

"Don't worry Yuka, it's not that bad."

"YES IT IS! I FELL IN LOVE WITH THE MAN I HATE!" Yuka cried, tears streaming down her pale cheeks.

Kaoru blinked. "…Huh…?"

Nade giggled. "Oh dear…that's what I was supposed to tell you…not the other thing…"

Yuka frowned. "…What did you tell her?"

"That you gained two new Alices."


Nade held up her hands. "In my defense, you never said which to tell her. You just told me both at the same time and I thought that the Alice thing was more important."


Kaoru placed a hand on Yuka's shoulder. "Is that true Yuka…?"

Yuka looked down sadly. "...Yeah…" She whispered. Kaoru smiled.

"What's so bad about that then?"

"…I…I have the same Alice as one of the children in the prophecy! W-What if…what if the Top Angel's think I'm the one? I'm not! I know that much!"

Nade knelt down besides her friend. "Don't worry Yuk-chan…you have two of them…you don't have the Alice to protect…only the Stealing and Insertion…there's no need to worry…" She said, smiling softly.

"…Y-You…you think so…?"

Nade smiled. "I know so…"



The two friends cried as each of their races tried separating them. A fight had started when a few Demons and Angels went after their "comrades" to see why they always left for the human world...and they saw the two together...as friends...

Nadeshiko watched with sadness in her temple home, tears falling down her cheeks.

"…This war…must stop…to even break apart such a friendship…" She whispered softly. Kura, the Demon Soul nodded.

"I wish…I had never fell in love with that girl…"

"It's not your fault Kuro…love works in such strange ways…like how Kaoru fell in love with another Demon when she said she would never and Yuka falling in love with the number one person she hated…At least the two they love…at least they know that this war should end as well…otherwise..."

"Otherwise…?" Kuro looked at Nade with curiosity.

Nade looked up at the moon, listening to the yells and screams heard below. "…Otherwise…the prophecy wouldn't come true…"

Kuro's eyes widened. "Wait, you mean that-"

"Yes…Hyuuga Natsume and…Yukihira Mikan…" Nade whispered softly. "Let us hope that they will meet soon…"

Kaoru: What was that?

Kura: And ending.

Natsume: What kinda stupid ending is that?

Kura: …Meanie…

Natsume: Tch.

Kura: I hope this story is a bit enjoyable! ^^ Please review! BYE!