Title: Jealousy
Rating: PG

Words: 298
Summary: Alanna after randomly seeing Delia and Jon together.

A/N: I haven't read the books in awhile so do forgive me if this seems a bit OOC for Alanna.

Disclaimer: Song of the Lioness® is copyright Tamora Pierce. This fan fiction is provided for entertainment purposes and in respect to Tamora Pierce.

Alanna stormed into her chambers. She bolted the door behind her and then made her way over to the one that connected her quarters to Jonathan's making sure that that would be locked as well. The young women did not want to deal with the prick of a prince any time soon.

Her heart felt heavy. She felt annoyed. She wanted to just walk up to the damn whore and punch her in the face. She wished she was not being so stupid. Those were all the thoughts that went through Alanna's mind.

Back there in the hallway she had seen those two together. The sight of them together sickened her. They had been leaning up against the stone wall. The squire saw the prince's fingers caressed the side of Delia's face. As she walked pass the two she had seen Jonathon's lips move to form words for Delia. Alanna's mind would have probably replayed the words right now if she had heard them. Probably promises of sweet nothings.

She let out a snort.

'It isn't like I want him to whisper such foolishness to me anyways.' Yes, that is what she told herself. She needed to convince herself of that.

'Besides Jon is the prince and I am his squire,' she thought.

She tried telling herself that over and over again. Her violet eyes flickered to the ground for a second. They were dark and held none of their usual brightness. In that brief second you could see something wet glisten in the corner of one of the red head's eye. A tear that was held back. Not a tear of sadness, though. This tear was more one of anger and jealousy. Yes, the young woman was jealous of not being able to capture a man's attention.