
Murdoc stood in front of the red bricked building taking a deep breath and letting it out in a sigh. He was nervous and scared at the same time because he was about to meet the woman who gave birth to him forty four years ago. He wanted answers as to why she gave him up and why he was abandoned on his father's doorstep. Hopefully she could give him the answers if she was still in her right mind. He started to think how this all started, a simple question by 2D.


2D and Murdoc were sitting in the study at Point Nemo in silence. 2D was curled up in one of the theater chairs reading a boating magazine, Murdoc was looking at the current issue of Playboy magazine smoking his pipe, thin wisps of smoke coming from it, and Cyborg Noodle was standing next to the piranha tank just waiting for Murdoc to give a command. The weather outside was dark and gray. It kept raining off and on and showed no sign of letting up. 2D sighed and sat the magazine down.

"What are you sighing about over there faceache?" Murdoc didn't even look up from the porn magazine.

"I miss my mum and I know she's worried cause I 'aven't talked to 'er since I came 'ere ya know." he unfolded his legs and gave a good stretch. "maybe if you just let me send 'er an e-mail I can tell 'er that I'm awright."

Murdoc put down the magazine and looked up at 2D with a blank expression for a few seconds before answering.

"fine dullard, since I'm actually in a good mood today, I'll let you send an e-mail to her." he turned to the cyborg. "Noodle, take faceache back down to his room and make sure he sends and e-mail to his mum and his mum only."

"Yes Murdoc." Cyborg Noodle escorted 2D from the room. Murdoc watched the lift doors close and he noticed that his pipe somehow went out in the process of talking to the dullard. "Damn faceache, made my pipe go out..." He opened the left top drawer and pulled out some matches and relighted it. He sat back in his chair and folded his arms. The fact that 2D asked to write to his mom intrigued him a little, and in a way made him curious. Murdoc had met Rachel Tusspot in the hospital back in 1997 after he put the first dent in 2D's skull. To him she was somewhat of an overprotective mother who coddled her son just a bit too much and maybe that's why 2D didn't have much of a backbone, well he, Murdoc, had done a good job of wearing it down over the past ten years so maybe 2D did have one before they ever met. Curiosity getting the better of him, he decided to go down and see how the dullard was coming along. He got up and pressed the down button then waited for the lift to come back up. Within a few minuets it arrived and Murdoc stepped in. He pressed the button labeled "2D ROOM" and the lift decended. When it finally stopped at the right floor Murdoc stepped out, walked down the short corridor and went into 2D's room without knocking. He found 2D sitting in front of his laptop typing away. Cyborg Noodle was standing by the door. Murdoc turned to her.

"Go get me a bottle of rum will ya?" Cyborg Noodle nodded and left out of the room. Murdoc walked over to 2D and sat down at the end of the bed. "So, how's it comin' faceache?"

"Fine. Why did you come down 'ere Murdoc?"

"Because I can." he spotted 2D's cigarettes on the radiator and took one. Murdoc put it between his lips "got a lighter?" 2D stopped typing and reached into his shirt pocket and took out a red lighter and tossed it to the green man who lit it and took a puff.

"Can I ask yew sumfink Murdoc?"

"Yeah, as long as it isn't stupid, cause if it is I'll smack ya."

2D scrunched up his face. He wasn't sure if what he was about to ask was stupid and if it was digging into Murdoc's personal life, but ever since he'd asked to write to his own mom, 2D wondered about what Murdoc's was like or if he had one. "Your mum, wha' wos she like?"

Murdoc looked at his singer then frowned a bit. This wasn't a stupid question so 2D wouldn't get smacked.

"I don't know. I never knew my mother. Everybody knew who my dad was, but nobody quite knew who my mum was."

"'ave you ever tired to find 'er?"

"Why would I? she didn't want me, she dumped me on my dad's doorstep." he took another puff of his cigarette.

"Maybe she 'ad ta give ya up. yew know she might 'ave 'ad you young and couldn't take care of ya so she did the best thing possible which wos to give ya up to ya dad." Murdoc stared at the wall then looked out the corner of his eye at 2D.

"Maybe. why did you ask me that?"

"I wos curious tha's all."

"well don't be." Cyborg Noodle finally came back to the room and handed Murdoc the cold bottle of Captian Morgan. he opened it and took a big swig. "hurry up with that e-mail. I want to practice in an hour." he got up and motioned to the cyborg to follow after him which she did. He stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to his room. When he arrived he sat on the end of his bed. 2D's question had stuck in his mind and now he wondered if his mom was still alive.