3 - Lust

Cuddy opened the front door and stepped into the hall. She put the car keys on the hall table and looked around for her boyfriend, who apparently wasn't there.
"House, where are you?"
"Where do you think I am, oh my love goddess?"
"Last time you said those words you were referring to a hooker." She said as she walked towards their bedroom, stopping at Rachel's door to quickly look in and check on her daughter.
"House! Stop comparing me to a prostitute!" Cuddy entered the room with an angry face, looking ready to slap the man.
"You're mine. Just mine," he pouted.
"I'm not a whore!" she exclaimed.
"Think about it. We come back from work, we have sex. We have dinner, we have sex. We wash the dishes…well, you wash the dishes, and we have sex. We turn on the TV and we..."
"I get it."

Cuddy walked towards the bathroom and leaned on the doorframe to take her shoes off, when she spotted something on the bed.
"Why there are handcuffs on our bed?"
"I was thinking that perhaps you were getting bored by our 'routine'...you know, me on top, you on top, you on the table, you on..."
"Okay, okay...you're in the mood, huh?"
He simply nodded.
"When aren't you in the mood for sex? Anyway...don't even think about handcuffing me to the bed, I've already told you that!"
"Cuddy, why do you keep saying such things when what you really want to say is 'Yes, please, House! Tie me up with those cuffs!"
"The last time you bound me to the bed I had to wear sweaters during the hottest week of summer because I had bruises all around my wrists. I'm not going to do that again!"
"I didn't hear you complaining!"
"That's irrelevant! It was sex after all, you can't complain about sex! No handcuffs House!"
"So nice tonight, aren't we?" he said, walking towards her and hugging her gently.
"It's all your fault." she jabbed her index finger into his chest, "I was about to have mind-blowing sex with you but you spoiled my plan with those handcuffs."
"You're the one who spoiled all the fun with not wanting to try them!"
"Oh c'mon! Why are you so into the idea of me being tied up?"
"Because it's hot. You're hot. And if we mix the two things together we get a nuclear bomb."
She sighed.
"I know 'that' look." he said "I got ya!"

Cuddy smiled and lifted herself on her tiptoes to kiss him, grabbing his shirt collar and drawing him down with her onto the bed. He smiled and tried to balance his weight so as not to fall on the woman and hurt her. She took the handcuffs in her hands, while his were ravenously exploring her body. Cuddy kissed him again passionately again while her hands kept working on the cuffs. Without even knowing how, House found himself handcuffed to the bed half naked. He looked at Cuddy in surprise.

She gave him her infamous smirk and declared "I got ya!"