Okay, I'll be honest, I had this chapter for the longest time, but a lot of stuff distracted me. It was the holidays after all. I really wanted to write a holiday segment too! But I have to stick to the timeline :(. Anyways, part of also why I took so long to post the chapter up was because I didn't really like it. I know how long I've been dragging Luffy's first day of school, and I've re-edited it so many times. But on the bright side! I got everything out of the way now, and I'm really excited to write the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I wrote to Santa, but he didn't bring me anyone One Piece related. :(

Happy late X-mas! Happy New Years! And I hope you guys enjoy reading! Oh and reviews are the perfect late christmas gifts you guys can give me XD!

It seemed that Mother Nature was in a really good mood today. It was the fourth day of November, and yet it was surprisingly warm. The breezes were more refreshing than cold, while the sun in the clear noon sky radiated heat onto the school's beautiful orange field. All in all, the weather was perfect for them to eat at their usual spot.

As the small group of five was making their way outside, Chopper's eyes widened in admiration when he was able to recognize a few sakura trees that decorated the vast school yard.

Earlier this morning, he didn't really pay attention to the window in his office, but he now wish he had. Sure the leaves were more of a reddish hue and the flowers weren't even in bloom, but it was sufficient enough to spark memories of his past.

Luffy paid no attention to the plantation since he was more interested in the wild life. He paused when a butterfly fluttered by them. He dropped his lunch bag and was about to give chase.

Zoro heard the bag hit the floor and glanced at Luffy. "Hey, don't go too far."

Luffy turned back and waved while running forward. "Alright Zoro!" He then started to run after the insect.

"What took you guys so long?" Nami called out in the distance. She had her hands at her sides, while sitting in a bent-knee position under a gigantic sakura tree. Sanji could also be seen sitting beside her.

Upon hearing another person's voice, Chopper wasted no time to poorly hide himself beside Vivi's left leg.

While still walking, Vivi waved and answered the other girl. "Sorry! We just went to the doctor's office, then got our lunches and showed Luffy around a bit." by the end of her sentence, they had finnally reached their destination.

"Huh? Why did you guys go to the doctor's office?" Nami asked.

"You weren't hurt, were you Vivi-Chwan?" Sanji then sauntered to her side and started examining her body.

Waving her hands up in the air, she tried to get some distance from the perverted scrutinizing eyes. "No, I'm fine." Vivi said while sweat dropping.

"Then why did you guys go then?" Nami questioned again.

"Just cause Luffy wanted to" Zoro simply answered with his arms crossed.

"And what about me! Weren't you there to visit me too?" Usopp interjected.

"Oh ya that too." Zoro half-heartedly replied.

"Ah! You don't even care!" Usopp yelled while karate chopping the air.

Sanji smirked while taking a drag at the cigarette he had in his mouth.

"Hm, was Marimo a little too rough this morning."

Zoro snarled at the blond and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"No you crappy ass cook. He," pointing to the running boy behind them. "Wanted to go see his brother."

Angered by how he was roughly pulled, Sanji shoved Zoro's arm away, and started throwing kicks at him. Seeing as they were outside, Nami felt no need to intervene in their rumble this time. She was more interested at what had been said.

"His brother?" Nami quizzically repeated.

She then noticed something trembling next to Vivi's leg.

"Huh? A puppy?" Nami stared questioningly.

Outraged, Chopper instantly abandoned his hiding spot and jumped in front of her.

"I'm not a dog! I'm a reindeer!" He yelled out.

Nami backed away, completely taken aback by the little reindeer's ability of speech.

"I-IT TALKS!" She screamed.

"That was my reaction..." Usopp crossed his arms and sighed.

Vivi giggled. "He's Luffy's brother and the school's new doctor."

Upon hearing Vivi calling him a doctor, Chopper blushed and started scratching at the back of his neck.

"Ehhh? That still makes no sense at all!" Nami exclaimed while Usopp was nodding his head in agreement with his eyes closed.

Realization hit Vivi. "Oh that's right, he was going to explain that to us." She said.

Chopper coming back to his senses, halted his actions and dropped his gaze on the ground.


Concerned, Vivi said, "You don't have to if you don't want to Chopper."

Chopper raised his head. "No it's fine. It happened a long time ago anyways."

Vivi, Nami and Usopp then huddled together on the ground, their knees wrapped by their arms and hugged tightly to their chests. They looked like eager liggtle kids, waiting for the best story to be ever told. As they patiently sat and waited for the little reindeer to tell its tale, Chopper had his eyes closed and was trying to collect himself. Good and bad mermories were flashing back in his head.

After what seemed like a long minute, he opened his eyes again with a serious look, and then started to speak.

"I used to look like a normal reindeer," bringing up a tiny hoof to point at his nose, "but my nose was the only exception to that. It was always blue and I was always rejected by the other reindeers because of it." He then paused, and looked down. "Even by my own parents..."

The three around him gave a sympathetic look and waited for him to continue on his own.

After a few seconds, Chopper then raised his head to look at them again.

"But one day, a man who was wandering around the woods found me alone, and decided to try his latest experiment on me." Chopper's tone lightening up a little. "My body then changed, and my intelligence matched that of humans."

"He was a doctor." Chopper smiled. "His name was Hiluluk, and he was the one who gave me a name and a new life. He also gave me a place to stay since I was far too different from my herd."

"This is the hat he gave me!" Chopper exclaimed and took off his hat to show them.

He then continued as more fond memories were coming back to him.

"He would always show me what he was working on, and sometimes he would let me help him too."

Chopper raised his head to look at the sakura tree and was about to talk, but he was interruped by yelling.

"You ungrateful shitty Marimo headed bastard!"

"You perverted curly eyebrowed, lame excuse of a cook!"

The three who were recently engrossed by Chopper's story, didn't enjoy the disruption, not one bit. Their irritation grew as more insults flew by. Usopp and Nami being the bolder ones, snapped their heads at the two morons.

"Keep it down over there!" They yelled baring their fangs.

Not paying attention to Usopp, the blonde turned his attention on the girl.

"Alright Nami-Swan!" Sanji, then turned back in Zoro's direction. "Look at what you did, you got Nami-Swan angry"

"Like I give a shit. She's always angry anyways."

"Not always, I'm sure she's happy when she's around m-"

"Sanji! Shut the fuck up!" An angry voice yelled at them again.

Sanji was going to make Zoro pay for making his "love" yell at him, but he was going to do it in silence. They both knew how terrifying the girl can get, and honestly, they were nothing compared to her wrath.

Chopper's eyes never left the tree, but he sweat dropped at the little occurence. 'She's kinda scary...'

"You can continue now Chopper." Nami sweetly said, sounding almost too innocent.

"Y-yea, okay!" He hurriedly said, not wanting to anger the girl himself.

Chopper closed his eyes to collect himself once more. He then opened them to continue his stare at the tree. His next words sounded solemn.

"Doctor Hiluluk had an incurable disease. Other doctors were unable to help him, so that was the reason why he experimented so much with medicine. Sakura based medicine. He was always obsessed with sakura flowers, believing that they could make miracles happen. And I think that what he used on me was made out of that too."

The other three then understood why he wouldn't look away from the tree.

Chopper started tearing. He closed his eyes shut while continuing with his story. Streams were running down his face and the other three knew that something bad had happened.

"I lived with him for two years, and I was five when he died. I had no one else to look after me, so I wandered around. Going from town to town. I no longer had the appearance of a reindeer and I also wasn't human, so I was always chased around and was always called a monster by everyone I met."

Usopp dropped his head in shame, as he felt a pang of guilt. Earlier, he had called him the exact same thing, and now he knew why it hurt the little guy so much.

Vivi and Nami were both disgusted that anyone would do such a thing. To such a cute little guy too! He's obviously harmless!

"I used to hate humans. I was always scared of them and I couldn't trust them anymore."

Chopper then cheered up a bit. He opened his eyes to look at where his brother was and smiled.

The other three saw this and looked at the boy who was still trying to catch that damned butterfly. Usopp and Nami sweat dropped.

"Until I met Luffy and Ace." Chopper closed his eyes, mentally reminiscing the good times they shared. And if possible, his smile became even bigger. "I became their brother and lived with them ever since!"

The trio all smiled at the overjoyed reindeer. It seemed he had a happy ending to his story.

Only one question remained though, and the curious red head decided to ask him about it.

"But then, how did you become a doctor? I doubt you had any help from him" Nami pointed at the running boy and sweat dropped.

"Oh, doctor Kureha, an old lady who was living with us at that time, taught me everything she knew after I begged her and told her why I wanted to be a doctor so badly. It turned out she used to be an old friend of Hiluluk's."

Nami's and Vivi's eyes widened in surprise.

"You were taught by THE doctor Kureha?" Vivi voiced out.

"Who's doctor Kureha?" Usopp asked.

Nami bonked him on his head.

"You idiot! She's probably the best doctor of our time! She's super famous!"

Usopp rubbed the lump on his head and then stared at Chopper.

"But then why would she be living with you guys?"

"Huh?" Nami brought a finger to her chin at the realization. "That's true..." Nami said.

Their inquisitive gazes then returned on Chopper, waiting for an explanation.

Chopper then became nervous. Before coming to Fuuscha City, Ace had told them that it would be like an adventure, and that they couldn't reveal too much of themselves. If people knew about their previous life, their adventure would come to an end. None of them wanted to ruin the fun, so Chopper and Luffy had both promised to their older brother that they wouldn't.

Chopper then decided to at least say something truthful.

"She was a friend of our grandfather. She stayed a night once after getting drunk, and decided to live with us when I asked her to teach me." He nervously said.

"Hm, your grandfather is probably well respected too, to know someone like her." Nami stated.

"What's his name?" Vivi asked.

The panicking reindeer felt like there was no way out. He could not reveal their grandfather's name at all costs. Of course they didn't know his, Luffy's and Ace's names, but grandpa Garp was a completely different story. He had to lie. But he knew he was a horrible liar.

"I-I-It w-was G-G-"

"Hey! Luffy! Chopper!" someone yelled out, cutting off what Chopper was about to say.

Zoro and Sanji finally stopped fighting. Luffy let the butterfly fly away, and all eyes turned in the direction where the voice came from.

"Ace!" Luffy and Chopper said in unison.

Luffy did not hesitate to tackle his older brother to the ground, and constrict the living daylights out of him.

Chopper was more than relieved at Ace's appearance. He had no idea what was going to come out of his mouth, and he had feared that everything would come to an end all because of him.

He turned to the three sitting in front of him."Well that's the end of my story!" he hurriedly said and ran to join Luffy's tormenting.

Zoro's body tensed and he half glared at Luffy's position on top of Ace. 'They're brothers.' he told himself, wanting to calm down. 'Nothing but brothers. Nothing but fucking brothers...' It was then that Zoro saw luffy rubbing his face in the crook of Ace's neck, just like a purring cat. 'Nothing but fucking brothers who love each other a hell of a lot!' Zoro inwardly yelled. He wasn't the slightest bit calm at all.

Sanji noticed the look Zoro sent Ace and smirked. 'Interesting,' he took out another cigarette, lit it, and took a drag from it. 'Looks like the shitty swordsman finally found someone he's interested in'. He heard the low growl coming from the man he was just thinking about. 'He's quite possessive too' he noted while chuckling.

Zoro wouldn't be able to hear the laughing blond anyways, he was too preoccupied at the moment pretending to have telekinetic powers and mentally detach the brothers from each other.

Nami and Vivi were whispering to each other while Usopp listened. They completely forgot what Chopper was about to say.

"So the younger brother is the cutest thing in the world." Vivi said with her hands on her knees, leaning forward a little to stare intently at the hug fest.

"The middle one is cute and hot. Extremely attractive!" the other girl said in the same position.

They both looked at Ace, and said together.

"And the older one is pure hotness!"

"And the great Usopp-Sama is-"

Nami punched him away, while still locking her gaze on the pile of sexiness.

"Lu! Choppy! Get off me!" Ace said as he tried his hardest to free himself.

"But Ace I don't wanna" Luffy whined.

"Me neither!" Chopper joined.

Ace noticed that Luffy's lunch bag was on the ground and it still looked full.

"Did you guys even eat yet? There's only ten minutes left of your break!"

"Oh that's right! A butterfly distracted me! I'm sooo hungry too. Stupid butterfly!"

Luffy got off Ace and went to grab the bag he dropped earlier.

Everyone was now grouping up and sitting under the tree.

"Hi I'm Luffy's and Chopper's older brother, Ace. Nice to meet you all." He said while his hand was up in salute.

"Ya, both Luffy and Chopper mentioned you. I'm Vivi." Vivi said and smiled.

While the others were introducing themselves, Luffy was opening his lunch bag.

"Y-you're not gonna eat all of that right?" Usopp asked, noticing the kid had about eight sandwiches that were overly stuffed with meat.

Luffy frowned and looked at Usopp.

"Of course I am. What a dumb question"

Everybody's eyes, except the brothers, widened.

'Imposible, he's so small looking' Usopp thought.

'He better not waste any food' Sanji mentally warned.

'How can anyone eat that much?' Nami wondered.

Luffy then noticed that Ace's lunch bag wasn't in sight.

"Hey Ace, you didn't bring anything, aren't you going to eat?" Luffy asked.

"Naw, I already ate before coming."

Realization hit Luffy.

"Why are you here anyways?"

"What do you mean why? I can't visit? I was worried about you this whole morning. Of course, I knew Chopper would be fine, but you, you're a completely different story." Ace said with his arms crossed. "My brother hasn't caused you guys any trouble did he?" he asked everyone else.

The group then muttered a few no's.

Ace sighed and closed his eyes.

"That's good. It's hard you know, when one of your brothers is a little bit on the slow side." he said while waving his head from side to side.

The group chuckled a little at that.

"Now that's rude." Luffy pouted. "I meant why are you here at my school? Aren't you supposed to be at yours"

Ace was about to answer, but Nami butted in.

"Luffy this is only one side of the whole school."


Leaning back a little with her hands on her sides, Nami furrowed one of her eyebrows while raising the other one. "Before you registered here, didn't you know anything about the school?"

"Nop. Ace wanted to keep the whole thing a surprise."

"Well this is only the high school side of Tom's University." she said, while bringing her arms back up to cross them.

"Then this place must be really huuuuuggeee!" Luffy exclaimed with his eyes wide.

"But why would a university have a high school side?" Chopper curiously asked.

It was then Usopp's turn to answer.

"They say that Tom's workers built the whole school themselves in honor of Tom when he passed away. And they were only two! But they wanted the whole school to be worthy enough to bear the name of the greatest carpenter ever."

"They even chose the right location." Sanji added as he looked around the beautiful field.

"Ya, and one them even became the school's main principal. His name is Iceburg and he mostly stays in the university side. Tom's wife, Kokoro, is the second principal and she stays here in the high school side." Usopp continued.

"Uh-Huh!" Luffy nodded vigorously, actually paying attention. The only reason being because he thought the whole thing was pretty cool that only two people built the whole school.

"The other worker, Cutty Flam, changed his name and opened his own company called Galley-La." Sanji said.

"Cutty Flam?" Chopper said while blinking his huge eyes. "Maybe that's Franky, he owns Galley-La doesn't he?"

"Old man Franky?" Luffy asked.

"Yea... You know him?" Usopp asked, while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yea, that pervy guy is Aunt Robin's husband."

Usopp, Nami, Vivi and Sanji's eyes widened at that bit of information.

"Robin is your aunt?" Nami asked.

"The beautiful Robin-Chwan is related to you?" Sanji added while clasping his hands together.

"Yea! Well, she knew my Father." Luffy said but then had a thoughtful look on. "Even though I've never seen him." he quietly muttered to himself.

"She's the one who helped us get into the school, and convinced the principal to let me be the doctor here." Chopper added.

Ace was wondering if too much was being known, but he brushed it off as fine.

"Ya, she's like our aunt." Ace said.

"O-okay." Nami said and then continued where Usopp left off. "Well even though the school is Fuuscha city's best, entry here is affordable. That's because Iceburg believes that he would have built the school for nothing, if only a few people came."

"But then, how could he afford to pay for all the staff members and the school's expenses too?" Chopper smartly asked.

"The whole school is supported by Franky's Galley-La company. Fixing, plumbing, wiring, and all that kinda stuff since they literally do everything. They're even the ones who provide the electricity. And all that at no cost because of the brotherly bond that Franky and Iceburg share. The school has no financial worries and neither does Galley-La since it's the city's power supplier." Nami answered.

"Makes sense" Ace said.

Nami then pointed in the direction where six huge buildings were.

"That's the dormitory side. It's also pretty cheap, even though it's more like a suite. The three buildings at the left is the girls side, and the three right next to them on the right is the men's side."

"Cool! Do you guys live in the dorms?" Luffy asked.

"Ya." Vivi smiled. "The only requirement to have a dorm room is that you need a roommate. I'm Nami's."

"I'm Sanji's!" Usopp added.

"I wanted to be with Nami-swan and Vivi-chwan" Sanji whined.

"How about you Zoro?"

Zoro was fast asleep. Nobody had noticed when he had dozed off. Nami answered for Zoro.

"He doesn't live in the dorms. He's barely able to afford the entry and he still owes money for his school fees and stuff. He lives on his own too so it's hard for him."

Luffy looked at Zoro's peaceful looking face.

"I'll ask him if he wants to be my roommate later." Luffy said.

Nami put her hands to her sides and frowned.

"Didn't you hear me? I just told you that he wouldn't be able to pay for it each month."

"Doesn't matter, I'll still ask him." Luffy persisted.

"Hehhh, how stubborn." Nami incredulousy remarked.

"Ace, it's fine right? If Zoro's my roommate?" Luffy asked his brother.

"Ya sure, just remember to ask him first." Ace answered.

"But then what about me?" Chopper asked while giving Ace his huge puppy eyes.

"You could be my roommate Chopper." Ace said while petting his brothers back.

"Well actually, I don't think Chopper is allowed to have a dorm room since he's part of the staff... But... I think that pets are allowed..." Vivi butted in.

"I am not a pet!" wailed Chopper.

"Don't worry Chopper. I'm sure we could sneak you in. Shishishi!" Luffy said.

"Okay!" Chopper instantly brightened up and smiled.

"Then I guess I'll have to find myself a roommate too." Ace smiled.

The bell signalling the end of their lunch break rang. They now had 15 extra minutes to get their stuff and get to class.

Vivi noticed that Luffy wasn't finished eating.

"Oh no! You didn't even get to finish your lunch Luf- "

Almost as fast as lightning, all the remaining sandwiches completely vanished.

"Where they all go? They were just there!" yelled Usopp with his eyes as wide as saucers.

"I ate them duh." Luffy said.

"All five of those huge sandwiches? That was fast!" Nami's eyes as equally as huge.

They were all astounded. Sanji was the only one to see how Luffy completely vacuumed his food.

As everyone got up to leave, Chopper transformed into a more deer like form, and was about to gallop away, but Usopp's yell stopped him.

"You could transform?"

Once again, everyone's eyes, except for the brothers and the still sleeping Zoro, were huge, but this time they were on Chopper.

"Oh yea, I forgot to mention that. I have seven different forms. This is my walking point, and the one earlier, which is normally the one I'm always in, is my brain point. I'll show you guys all my other forms some other time though." With that said, Chopper hurried to leave.

Shortly after, Usopp, Nami and Vivi then walked off too while sweat dropping and thinking about how weird the brothers were. They knew that Sanji would be in Zoro's and Luffy's next class, so it was up to him to guide them there.

A sinister plan came to Sanji's mind, when he had glanced at the still sleeping person. He then looked at Luffy and flashed a devious smirk.

"Hey Luffy, why don't you wake Zoro up?"

Ace instantly felt uneasy when he had caught the look the blond sent to his brother.

"Sure!" Luffy responded, before jumping in front of Zoro and then crouching down. His hands reached out to grip the young man's shoulders and proceeded to vigorously shake him.

Zoro was forcefully awoken from his slumber and brought back to reality. To say he was furious was probably a huge understatement. Murderous intent consumed him as he snapped his eyes open in pure rage, and ferociously pinned the person down. He would be more than glad to fulfill their death wish.

Seconds passed by, as nothing happened. Normally, someone dumb enough to disturb his sleep would already be dead by now. Yet, he froze when he realized who the person was.

Luffy's discarded hands reached out to the other male's chest to push him off, but his fingers then curled and grasped the man's shirt instead. His eyes were shut tight at the bruising force Zoro had on his shoulders. It was weird, normally Luffy wasn't so easy to hurt. He let out a pained moan.

'Shit', Zoro instantly noticed what he was doing to the squirming boy and how suggestive the scene was. Here he was again, caught in another awkward position, with the same kid, in the same day. Zoro grabbed one of the hands at his shirt and got up, bringing the boy with him.

Zoro's face was flushed red. He closed his eyes as he tried to will his blush down, only to look incredibly angry.

"I'm... sorry." He uttered.

"Huh? Oh, it's alright." Luffy said with a smile on his face.

Sanji's evil smirk returned full blown. His suspicions about the swordsman's feelings towards the new kid were a hundred percent confirmed. Not only did he spare the kid after so rudely awakening him, but he also apologized. That never happened before! He definitely likes the kid for sure.

Ace also sensed the same thing as Sanji, it was as plain as day that the green haired guy took a liking to his brother. His overprotective feelings arose as he sent Zoro a dirty look. Luffy was a very attractive person, Ace knew that, but he also attracted trouble and that's what worries him. It was silly though, he knew Luffy could handle himself, and he knew that Luffy could probably take on Zoro if he needed to, but he wasn't just going to forget what happened to his brother when he had been too naive.

Wanting to distance his brother a bit from Zoro, Ace dug his hand into his right pocket, and pulled it back out.

"Hey Luffy, I got some candy. You want some?"

"Of course I want some!" Luffy then jumped to his brother's side.

"Here" Ace dropped the peppermint into Luffy's awaiting hands, and then gave him a serious look. "You shouldn't wake someone up like that its rude." Ace reprimanded. Not that he cared if it was rude or not, but he just didn't want something like that to occur again.

"But Sanji wanted me to wake him up." Luffy whined.

Ace place his right hand on Luffy's head.

"Ya, true, but you didn't have to shake the guy up like that."

"But then how am I supposed to wake him up?" Luffy crossed his arms, and pouted.

The conversation was turning into an argument, and it was starting to annoy Ace.

"Well, I don't know, shouldn't you get to class? You wasted enough time already." his tone sounding irritated.

"And what about you?" Luffy accused.

"Tsk idiot, my schedule is different from yours, I still got an hour left in my break"

"Eh? That's not fair, I have to wait for Zoro, he has my schedule and Aunt Robin told me to stay with him for the whole day."

While the brothers were talking, the two others were whispering to each other. It was then Sanji overheard something interesting and then appeared right next to the brothers.

"Oh? So that means you have to attend Zoro's kendo class after school too right?" Sanji butted in.

"Heh? Zoro's takes kendo class here?" Luffy curiously asked.

"Of course, don't you know that Zoro is one of our school's top swordsman?"

'Fucking prick, mind your own business' Zoro inwardly hissed, as he thought back to the conversation he just had with the blond. He wanted nothing more than to wring his hands around the blonde's neck and strangle the crap out of him.


When Luffy left to go claim his candy, Zoro regained himself and noticed Sanji quietly chuckling to himself. Probably from the humiliating scene he was just in.

"What's so damn funny?" He lowly hissed.

Sanji then stopped laughing and looked towards the other male.

"Lighten up you shit head, I'm merely helping you." The blond man then replied.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I was the one who told him to wake you up." Sanji then smirked. "It's obvious that you're attracted to this kid, I'm simply giving you my assistance."

Zoro's eyes widened as he froze when he heard that one word. Attracted? He quickly regained himself to carefully think about the rest of the blonde's sentence. It was way too suspicious. Something was definitely off, why would the Curly-Brow ever help him? Sure the guy gave him food when he couldn't afford none but it wasn't really considered help, it was more because his morals forced him to. The guy would feed any person who was hungry whenever he would come across them. So what were his real motives?

"What the hell for? What are you up to?"

Sanji had a huge sadistic smirk on. Sure in the back of his mind, he really did want to help his "friend", but he would never outrightly admit that. In truth, what really drove his actions were the awkward facial expressions the swordsman would put on. He's never seen the other display such a huge range of emotions in one day, and the reactions to each one of them hinted that they were all new. It was completely hilarious to him, and like a form of payback to alot of things, he just wanted to torture him soooo bad.

"Hmn, like I have to tell you." He smirked at the scowl the other sported and then continued. "I'll help you break the ice, but you're on your own after that." His face then turned half sadistic and half serious. "If you haven't noticed, you're not the only one who's interested in him." He laughed to himself a bit. "Even I find the kid attractive, and I'm straight."

Zoro dangerously growled at the blond, while Sanji merely chuckled. It was then Sanji heard Luffy mentioning something about staying with the moss head for a day. He left the glowering male and strode to the others.

End Flashback

"Really? I knew Zoro was cool!"

Sanji's next words were a struggle for him, as he spoke them through gritted teeth.

"Yes... Very... Cool..."

"Okay I really can't wait!" Luffy exclaimed while bouncing up and down. He really wanted to see just how good Zoro was.

Ace really disliked the current situation. The blond was being suspicious, and Luffy would stay after school, just for the green haired guy.

Sanji chuckled.

"I can see that, but for now, let's get going to class." Sanji then started walking off in the direction of the school building. "You and that Marimo head there," without looking back, he raised his right arm and pointed with his thumb out in Zoro's direction, "are in my next biology class."

"Oh okay," Luffy paused to look back at Zoro, "Cmon Zoro let's go."

"Yea yea, I'm coming." Zoro rudely let out. His mind was still in a huge jumbled up mess and he was incredibly irritated.

"I'm coming too. I'll just see you off to your class and then leave." Ace casually said, trying not give away what he really felt. He was being wary of the other two, and didn't want Luffy alone with both of them.

A negative air surrounded them as they walked off, Luffy though, was completely oblivious to it. Sanji was completely wrapped up in his sadistic thoughts, Ace was being overly protective and distrusted both the blond and the swordsman, and Zoro was beginning to have a massive migraine.

The green haired swordsman brought his hand up to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose, while his eyes were shut. He tried to force it down and calm himself, but it wasn't working too well at all.

He let out a frustrated sigh.

'This is going to be a long day'