The Juubi Reborn

To all Naruto fans out there let it be thoroughly known that I DO NOT own Naruto that right goes to Kishimoto-san.

Sakura will not be a ego-tistic dimwitted bitch in fact she may be in the harem that is undecided as of yet.

(Harem decision's will be in the AN(authors Note)

Well time to start the chapter hope you like it

'Talk' human speech

'Talk' human thoughts

'Talk' flashback speech

'Talk' flashback thoughts

'Talk' demon/god speech

'Talk' demon/god thoughts


The village known as Konoha gakure No sato lays in ruins before two entities. One with an orange mask with a swirl toward one eye revealing the 'Eternal Mangekyou Sharigan' dressed in a black cloak with red clouds adorned upon it is high up in the air breathing very heavily holding his left arm as blood flows from it. A tall blonde wearing only black 'ANBU' pants because his shirt and jacket were torn to pieces showing his scarred up body is clutching the bottom left half of his ribs as they bleed also is breathing heavily keeping in pattern with the orange-masked figure as he is having a discussion with his hostess the Kyuubi No Kitsune (Yes the Kyuubi is a girl got a problem….No? Didn't think so)

"When should I activate the jutsu?" Naruto asks the Kyuubi

"Wait until he attacks you since he cant really move he will end up using a Katon jutsu on you" said the red-headed goddess of the fox

"Alright" stated the blonde as he waited for the final attack already forming mysterious hand-signs in his head.

Then he felt this enormous energy serge from around him as the other eight bijuu form together as he to felt a large amount of energy being drained from him as he hears a girlish shriek from within as the kyuubi in her fox form is released from it's body and fuses with the other bijuu. Then that's when it happened.. An entity that made the kyuubi's power seem like a pebble on the street corner. Not exactly god power but close enough to make the weak die just by feeling it's presence.

The Juubi has been reborn…

The blonde and the orange-masked man both froze at the sight of such an entity as it's aura began to strangle the masked-man

"KUSO!" yelled the masked man in pure rage

"W-what's the matter Madara Uchiha the power too much for you" mocked the blonde to the newly-named Madara Uchiha as he too began to slightly tremble.

Madara let out an evil chuckle as he began to form hand-signs faster than the human eye can keep up with as he shouted.

"Akuma no yugo gijutsu!"(1) yelled Madara as he began to fuse his power with the juubi but just as the last of his power was drained he felt a pulse go through his heart as he looked over at the blonde holding up the dragon hand sign as the juubi and his own power being sealed away into the blonde boy before him. But due to the effect the blonde's appearance began to change as his hair change from sun kissed-blonde to a raven-blue hair, but the most dramatic change was in his eyes as they gained three tomoes and they also took the form of the rinnegan as the eyes gained a purple background. After the changes were complete the sheer power of the blonde's chakra set off a chakra explosion destroying any and everything in a 100 mile radius…

-White world between life and death-

Naruto lies there suspended in the air as a giant shadow figure stands before him. Naruto begins to stir as he would fall back into the sleep if not for the booming voice that demanded for him to awaken. When Naruto has fully awoken he stares directly at the heavenly being known as the Shinigami.

"S-shinigami-sama?" Naruto stutters in fear.

"Do not worry young one I am no here to take your soul." Shinigami speaks in a calm but still scary voice.

"Then what do you want?" Naruto asks briefly forgetting his fear of the entity before him.

"I have come to make a deal with you" The ever powerful being states at the puzzled look on the blonde's face.

"What kind of deal?" Naruto asks quizzically.

"I'll let you start your life over in exchange for your loyalty…but you will have to go under a new name since your appearance is different and that you are the jinchiruki of the Juubi no hybrid" Says Shinigami.

"And if I reject?" Naruto asks albeit scared to death.

"I eat your soul and seal you away so you won't be able to see your dead loved ones" States Shinigami obviously not pleased with the blonde's suggestion.

Naruto gulps and ponders the pros and the cons of the offer but the pros outweigh the cons so he accepts the Shinigami's offer.

"So what shall my name be in my new life?" Naruto asks

"Your name shall be Arashi Kazuma" States the Shinigami proud of his quick wits and the ability to come up with cool names.

"But be warned there will be a girl version of you in this dimension but remember she or anyone else will not be related to you so if you fall for someone go for it" The Shinigami says as he holds up the victory sign while in his head his chibi version is dancing around.

"Oh and for your dojutsu it will be known as the Shinigan(2)…so do we have a deal Naruto?" Says the Shinigami.

"Yes we have a deal Shinigami-sama" Says a relieved blonde.

"Very well then… Farewell Naruto Uzumaki we will speak again soon" The Shinigami then raises his hands as a blue aura is released from them knocking the young blonde out for what seems to be ages.


Well there goes the first chapter hope you like it. Sorry if it is confusing but bare with me this will be a true storyline with A LOT of OOC-ness

Harem List so far:


Ten ten



OOC girls





Well that is the harem so far please give me more suggestions

Thanks again for reading

Ja Ne!