Title: Appearance Deceiving
Author: Maid Of Many Names
Ranting: PG-13 (may change in later parts)
Disclaimer: It belongs to Tolkein. I'm making no money and don't have any to begin with.

Author's Note: This is *very* AU. I plan on sticking to the movie until the point where Boromir tries to take the ring. From there, events will depart from the books and future movies. I hope people enjoy!

Summary: An unexpected occurrence in Saruman's creation of Uruk-Hai, has some interesting consequences for the fellowship.


His experiment was a success. Out of the fifty birthing chambers, had emerged forty nine Uruk-Hai. Terrible in their perfection of his dark craft, they had bound themselves into an unstoppable force. Saruman knew that his master was pleased with the experiment, but he was not yet satisfied. All off the Uruk-Hai should have emerged by now and yet one chamber remained silent and motionless. His magic told him the creature within was alive and whole. There was no reason he could see for this delay. The slight blot on his perfection was intolerable. Abruptly, he ordered the cringing orcs to cut the flow of life giving nutrients. If the creature within did not respond to the threat, then it was better off dead.

Moments passed and still the chamber was unchanged. As he was about to leave in disgust, there was a ripple within. Saruman murmured with approval. Black claws shredded the membrane that sealed the creature within. As it rose, with its back turned to him, the attendant orcs began to below and howl in distress. Frowning, Saruman wondered if this creature was malformed. Growled out and order to the newly birthed Uruk-Hai in the tongue of Mordor, Saruman let loose a cry of his own as it turned towards him.


Such an event was inconceivable. There were meant to be no female Uruk-Hai. All of his spells and wards were supposed to prevent it. The creation of female Uruk-Hai was not planned for quite some time. With female Uruk-Hai, Sauron might begin to think he did not need Saruman's services. That was something Saruman had planned carefully to avoid. Now those plans were destroyed. In a rage he pointed his staff at the newly born creature and sent it crashing into the wall. If Sauron found out about the female, then he could quickly turn expendable. The faintly pitiful form of the female was now sprawled unceremoniously on the floor. The three attending orcs cringed as he looked at them. They knew their fate. With short bursts of power, the orcs were dead.

Using his power again, Saruman began to guide the unconscious female's body down into the bowls of the tower. Following her levitating form, Saruman considered what to do. With the attending orcs dead, the female's existence was unknown. Carefully, Saruman locked heavy manacles in place. The strong metal chains would keep her in place. At his leisure he could study exactly how the female had come into being. In the mean time, there were far more important things to be concerned with.

* * *

Once comforting and life giving, the wet warmth had turned deadly. Thrashing and struggling, newly discovered limbs shredded the thick membrane that would have slowly smothered away precious life. Lurching upright by instinct, eyes focused on the almost yellow eyes set in deep sockets. Howls of surprise fell from ragged lips. The deep voice of the one instinctively known to be the master, rang forth. Orders in the rough tones of Modor commanded obedience and the newly born creature turned to face its master.


The newly birthed Uruk-Hai blinked in confusion. Was that what it was? Slowly... her... mind was clearing of panic and thought was becoming clear. Of all the knowledge that had been placed in her mind, there contained nothing of being female. As she tried to puzzle out her maker's anger, the surrounding orcs gibbered and snarled. Her thoughts were brought to a halt as the master leveled his crystal tipped staff and an unseen force propelled her into the wall. Her head hitting with a sickening crack, darkness robbed her of consciousness.