
"Ma-rie, you better be out of there in 20 seconds or else," Lee yelled as she banged on the bathroom door. "I need to use the can! You've been in there all afternoon dolling yourself up. "

"I'll be out in a second!" Marie said as she applied her lipstick. "Is Kevin here yet?"

"No, That bum isn't here!" Lee said as she barged through the door as Marie unlocked it."Now move !I got to pee." Lee then shut the door before Marie could get out of the door way.

"He's not a Bum Lee," May shouted , "Like Eddy." Marie laughed as she saw May's face."Four months pregnant my foot, we know it happen before the Christmas party ," May grumbled as she sat on the couch. Marie gave her a smile.

"I can't believe he's this late," Marie said as she looked out the window. She then looked down at her dark pink sweater and demon skirt. "Do I look ok May?"

"You sure do , Marie" May gasped. "Kevin won't be able to take his eyes off you the whole weekend. The two giggled , "Hey, where's your bag?"

"Oh, It's up stairs , let me run and get it." Marie said as she rushed up stairs, "May, Remember the car show passes for you and Ed are on the dresser up here."

"Thanks!" May hollered. "Ed was really excited when I told him." Just then there was a knock at the door. "Marie, he's here!"

"I'm coming!" Marie said as she threw a old shirt into her overnight bag. She then headed down stairs. Halfway down she saw Kevin wearing a collar shirt and dress pants holding a bundle wrapped in paper."Hi," She sighed as their hands touch. He then greeted her with a kiss. "What took you so long? "

"Sorry, I had to go across town to get you these," Kevin said nervously. He then handed the bundle to Marie. "It was the only flower shop that had them."

"They're beautiful" Marie gasped as she saw the blue roses as she unwrapped the paper. "How did you find these?"

"I ah, someone said that this shop had genetically engineered blue roses." Kevin said as Marie placed them in water.

"Did you tell double-D who they were for?" Marie asked as she giggled.

"Nah, never came up." Kevin shrugged.

"Those are Nice," Lee blurted out as she walked up behind Kevin.

"You guys almost look nice enough for prom," May said .

"Well this is our big weekend. With the car being entered and all, and since we didn't go to prom," Marie said as she picked up her bag and leaned against Kevin as he put his arm around her. "We decided to make this like ours."

"I still can't believe our shop teacher entered our car in the city's car show." Kevin Laughed.

"You two deserve it," Lee stated as she waddle in and sat at the kitchen table.

"Yeah," May added, "You worked on it for the whole semester!"

"We've been at it for the past few semesters actually," Marie laughed.

"Hey, We better go, our Dinner reservations are in an hour. Plus we need to get the car in place and check in to the hotel by the center," Kevin said he started to break away from Marie. Marie grabbed her bag and hugged her sisters. "Downtown is bad to drive in."

"See you tomorrow May," Marie said as she headed out the door. "You're sure you don't want to go Lee?"

"Yeah yeah," Lee said as she plopped herself on the couch. "I can't walk that much anymore,"

"Wonder why , Lee" Marie said under her breath as Her and Kevin left. She then Looked around, "Where did you park the car?"

"I parked it out side of the trailer park," Kevin said, " I didn't want it to get messed up since it rained."

"Good thinking," Marie sighed , "I was hoping you might."

"So lee, is Keeping the kid?" Kevin asked as they got into the car.

"She'd tossed up the idea for adoption, but, mom wants her to keep it. Eddy doesn't want anything to do with her now." Marie said.

"His parents are still pissed," Kevin joked. "Mom thinks it's ironic after what dad said that one night." Kevin then laughed, "Did you hear about Double-D and Trish?"

"Breaking up over their acceptance letters?" Marie laughed. "Yeah, I heard . the whole hall did."

"What happen? Ed was trying to tell me."

Marie then almost burst out laughing, "Ok, Well she got accepted into her first pick, which was also his . But he got rejected from there and got accepted into his second choice. She was excited and was trying to tell him. Out of the blue, He tells her that his school was better and "why would she need that high of an education after marring," he totally started to act all 50s .. ugh It reminded me how he talked to me a year ago."

"Stupid!"Kevin grumbled , "Anyone deserves better than him."

"I don't know," Marie sighed, "Trish came back , and told him that she planned on dumping him their sophomore year anyway, Saying 'Why would I want someone tying me down when I studied abroad.' Double-D wanted to do that his jr. year . I think she was speeding the pace up just to get on his nerves." She then shook her head and laughed.

"There," she said looking out the window and pointed to a more than half decent trailer that was in the corner of the trailerpark. "The Park manager said that might be a trailer we can have,"

"Not bad," Kevin said as he looked at it. "The shop said I can work in the garage after school gets out, They know I'll get certified by then, since our final is the certification test."

"Lou might give me advancement on my pay if I decide to get it. He knows I'm good for hours," Marie added.

"Ever think about being an artist?" Kevin asked.

"I like the desk work, Finding new designs and such." She laughed , "Plus, IF I do get my certification it'll give me more. I don't know."

"Whatever you decide is Fine." Kevin laughed. The both sat in silence for a moment, Kevin then gave her a sly look,"What?"Mary asked with a laugh.

"You're going show me that tattoo , right?" He asked quietly.

"I said I Would. ... Later tonight," Marie giggled returning the sly look."You never told me the real reason behind yours."

"I guess it means freedom," He laughed . "It took a while for me to figure it out, but since my parents and I fight a lot ... I wanted something to show my independence from them."

Marie smiled as she blushed. . "I love you," He said. As they entered the freeway they Kissed.